Friends, one of the few things that leftists and conservatives can agree on these days is that our democracy is sick. It faces headwinds including misinformation, corruption, cynicism, unequal justice, fiscal incontinence, and even outright political violence. There's increasing talk of "civil war". It's important, though, to understand that, when the Left bandies about these terms, it's talking about an entirely different set of problems than we are. For the Bolshies, it's "voter suppression" and SCOTUS and the filibuster and Trumpers with offensive lawn signs that represent the death knell of democracy. For us, it's voter fraud and open borders and depolicing and CRT and the rise of socialism and Big Tech censorship and...and...and...well, it's a long list.
Just for today, let's explore the Dem/progressive perspective. Check out these articles (which you assuredly won't like) that delegitimize the filibuster and claim that the fulfilment of the democratic aspirations of the American people are impossible so long as such "anachronisms" are allowed to impede the Democrats' work. In Steny Hoyer's case -- and he may very well be the next leader of the Democrats in the House -- he essentially claims that the Senate itself is an abomination, but at a minimum he demands that the Senate stop blocking all the glorious legislation flowing like a torrent out of Nancy Pelosi's House. Similarly, the Left's attacks on the legitimacy of SCOTUS have become incessant and increasingly overwrought. SCOTUS, in fact, has barely done anything so far to vindicate the faith that conservatives have placed in it, but still the Left is itching to throw it to the wolves.
Consider these leftist arguments carefully. Right now, they're just (hyperbolic) words, but consider that such a fundamental rejection of the basic institutions of American democracy (as we know it) could put the Democrats in a place where, sometime soon, they have to destroy democracy in order to save it. I mean, what's a Democrat to do if SCOTUS repeals Roe v. Wade, and then the Senate blocks the Democrats' federalizing of elections, and then -- heaven forbid! -- the American people vote to reinstall Donald J. Trump in the White House in 2024??? I mean, seriously -- what would they do? Go quietly into the night? I doubt it. I think they would do virtually anything to prevent their enemies from retaking control of the system, regardless of the wishes of the "American people" they pretend to care about so much. And, if I'm right, reelecting Republicans in 2022 and 2024 may feel good, but it will only push us closer to the brink, i.e. to the point at which Democrats will have to decide whether another "peaceful transfer of power" is acceptable to them or not. And if they decide it isn't? All bets are off, my friends. All bets are off. For one thing, our endless grumbling about how persecuted we are could start to look mighty prescient!
Here's a great summation of the flawed nature of the "process" that produced Joe Biden's "win" in the 2020 election.
Well, the speculation over whether Adam Kinzinger, Trump-hating Republican, could win renomination, or reelection, in 2022 is now moot. He's not running. Good riddance!
It's official: Letitia James is running for Governor of the great state of New York. In other words, New York won't be such a great state for long.
Turns out Trump won't be going to Virginia to campaign for Glenn Youngkin, but he will be appearing at a tele-rally. That's an interesting way for Youngkin to reap the benefits of Trump's support, while keeping his distance from Trump himself. Will it work? According to the latest Fox News poll, Youngkin is ahead! According to most other polls, it's a dead heat. We shall see.
There's a trend with respect to those "insurrectionists" incarcerated for their role in the events of January 6th: they can receive leniency if they "repent", as this article suggests, and acknowledge that their Trumpism was all a horrible mistake. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: actions are (sometimes) criminal. Thoughts are not. Leftists do not seem to grasp this simple concept, and that's reason number one to oppose them.
Racial bias -- against whites -- is everywhere you look. In fact, anti-racism more or less requires us to be racists. Be that as it may, you'll find few examples of racial discrimination against whites as blatant as this one. A selection committee simply refused to select anyone, because it didn't like the race of the applicants. Any self-respecting Department of Justice would be all over this. Biden's DOJ is probably quietly nodding its approval.
Finally, it looks like my own cell carrier, AT&T, is subjecting its employees to indoctrination in critical race theory. The sad part is that AT&T, relatively speaking, doesn't have a reputation for being outspoken in its wokeness. I once reviewed a list of companies that were vaguely friendly to conservatives and to Chirstians, and AT&T was on it...and now this! Where's a savvy, but principled, right-wing consumer to turn? Seriously, I'd appreciate your advice.