Friends, there's no denying that these days there a feeling of giddy optimism among conservatives, but some of that "joy" (to borrow a phrase) is spilling over to consumers and investors too. Both are increasingly keen on America's prospects in the year ahead. Is it "the Trump effect"? He ain't hurting matters any...
While the lamestream media tries its hardest to blacken the name of Elon Musk, the Wall Street Journal is defending DOGE as a necessary step in bringing entrenched interests and the Deep State to heel. They point out, quite rightly, that DOGE hasn't saved us a heck of a lot of money as yet, but it is finding sweetheart deals for elite insiders galore, and that may ultimately be every bit as valuable a contribution to the revitalization of our democracy and the recalibration of our moral compass.
In a fascinating move, the Trump-Bondi DOJ is asking that charges against New York City's Democratic Mayor Eric Adams be dropped. Republicans and conservatives suspect that the charges were meant to punish Adams for criticizing the Biden Administration, and now Democrats and progressives are suspicious that all Trump wants is to make the NYC mayor his pet. What a tangled web we weave!
According to DJT, it's time for us to say goodbye to the noble penny. That's right: the U.S. Mint will stop making new pennies, and thus, we assume, the penny will someday soon go the way of the dodo bird. It's a sad day for penny pinchers, to be sure, but let's face it: inflation has made the penny a laughable medium of exchange. I say it's time to reevaluate the division of the dollar into one hundred units more fundamentally. Perhaps the nickel is the new shilling? Another fun gambit would be to knock a zero off of everything, and then all of a sudden a penny wouldn't be quite so worthless anymore... Plus, we could go back to buying a car, say, for a few thousand bucks, which sounds about right to me!
Finally, take note that Amazon is retreating from wokeness and showing a little more deference to the principle of free speech. Maybe Amazon isn't so evil, after all! Side note: I strongly advise all lefties to cancel their Amazon accounts. There's really no need for one. Kmart has you covered! Or, better yet, retreat into the woods and pick berries for sustenance. You know you've always dreamed of doing exactly that. Imagine the bliss of never having to hear a single news story about Trump ever again! Yup, you'll be much happier cut off from society, and in all likelihood society won't miss you much either...