
Friday, September 29, 2023

Camelot, or Camelittle?


Friends, it looks like RFK, Jr. has decided to cross the Rubicon: he's abandoning the Democratic Party (which long ago abandoned him) to run for president either as an independent or as a libertarian.  Interesting!!!  This race gets more intriguing by the day, doesn't it?  I can't wait to see the first polls that give the voters the choice of Trump, Biden, RFK, Jr., or Cornel West.  Wowee!  I'll be honest: I would strongly consider voting for RFK, Jr. myself.  Of all the candidates in the running, he's the one I most respect as a man, as a thinker, and as a citizen willing to risk his own comfort, security, and reputation to serve this country, as best as he's able.  Of course, I don't agree with him on a lot of key issues, and that may ultimately make supporting him impossible, but we'll see.  In any event, it's the Dems who will be most worried and chagrined at the news that they'll have both West and Kennedy threatening them on their left flank.  Things are looking up, in short! 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Having lived through it, I think "Camelot" was a silly and ignorant construction by a media momentarily interested in then current style only. Its reaction to Ike's supposed banality was beneath opposition; Ike was a great leader and great American! But, today's remarkable incantation of the Kennedy cachet by RFK Jr , to ends perhaps inimical to the dem party, may reflect the disgust with whichJFK would have regarded today's shamefully antiamerican rump of the once loyal dem party. If RFK Jr. works the return of common sense Americanism to the Federal executive branch he will have redeemed the name so sullied by his Uncle Ed.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Start reading up on RFK Jr. He may look good in certain ways and so on, but in reality the man is radical Left. Not much of a relief from the BS we already have. Take another look at him. Thanks.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      Also, from a religious standpoint (especially Christianity), there is a general belief (although many so called Christians would prefer not to believe it), that there are no good times ahead for the world in general. With that said, no politician of any kind is going to save us from anything, because most politicians have a secular agenda.

      On that note, I'm an old guy like you, and grew up during the Eisenhower years. However, when I look back, the 1950s were possessed with a particular brand of bullshit, and now what we have in our culture and society, is more of it, piled higher and deeper.

      My Dad (deceased) grew up in post-World War 1 U.S. and he always said the 1920s were when the bullshit started, morphing into the depression and WW 2. He lived during those times, but he always said to idealize them was a big mistake.

      So after a relatively nice man (Eisenhower) all we really got was a good looking guy who was a serial fornicator and adulterer. Hardly an improvement, although today many people look back on him as a saint. Who knows but his demise might have been brought about by pissed off husbands whose wives got screwed by "the great man."

      Sorry to be crude, but I "calls em as I sees em" so to speak.

      In any event, if our society and culture could really be remade, any conservative president would have to have near dictatorial powers to control the media, higher education, and the entertainment industry, and a host of other things.

      Maybe the fundamental Christians are correct when they say the worst is yet to come.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I don't mean by RFK Jr. getting elected though.

  3. Agreed, Jack: "Camelot" was silly to begin with, but if a few nostalgic old timers with a JFK fetish are what it takes to defeat Biden in 2024, then I say GOD BLESS THE HALCYON DAYS OF CAMELOT!!!

    Ray is right that RFK, Jr. is mostly a leftist. Nonetheless, a leftist who doesn't play nicely with other leftists, and comes to the defense of the right of conservatives to, well, speak and exist, is MY KIND OF LEFTIST. At worst he's a useful idiot, which is better than most Republican officeholders, who are just idiots.

    Hmm. Does Christianity preach that the world is bound to get worse? I mean, in the end times, sure, but who can say whether we're anywhere close to those? 2,000 years of doomsaying has rather undermined the Christian fundamentalists' credibility, arguably. Anyway, the world has, in recent years, gotten worse AND better. For that matter, doesn't it always?

  4. Dr. Waddy,Ray et al from Jack: Usually candidates feign approval of views they have theretofore opposed in order to gain election only. Then they return to form. But Bobby 2 has to know he can't be elected.So maybe he expresses some conservative intentions honestly. If this helps to take our White House away from Biden or ANY dem, then let us rejoice. But yes I too would fully expect a mostly leftist regime of Bobby 2 in office. Let him repair to camelot redux in Hyannisport after having done us a favor.

  5. Dr. Waddy ,Ray, et al from Jack I think the '50s were the best of times for kids though. We enjoyed prosperity ,family values reigned and we were allowed full childhoods unsullied by premature adult concerns. Leave it to Beaver certainly IS an accurate portrayal of life for many kids then. Our time now is grievously compromised by moral relativism, reflexively counterintuitive convictions (good is bad, up is down, 2+2=5) and a depraved celebration of aspects of life in which only adults should be involved and that in privacy. People determined to mandate primacy for their degenerate ways have worked incalculable damage.( eg. our popular culture).Material prosperity, miraculous medical care ,marvelous information and entertainment venues. . .? We've got 'em.The wisest and most prescient mind of say, 1800, would have been moved to unimagined amazement to have been apprised of our well being in this time. Younger generations now may well have no idea of how long they may live! That would be beyond wonder.

  6. Hmm. Does RFK, Jr. "have to know" that he's unelectable? I never underestimate a politico's capacity for self-worship. If he enters the fray, he'll pretty quickly get a dose of realism, in that his numbers may not even break into the double digits, BUT he could still convince himself that he could pull it off just as soon as Biden flops over dead, or starts absentmindedly giving female Senators unwanted backrubs. I suppose he could even be right, in the sense that this cycle, more than almost any other, all bets are off!

    Jack, as you point out, the wellbeing of humanity, and especially of young children, has precious little to do with material abundance and relies almost entirely on the strength and integrity of the family unit. In that regard, we have lost more in the last generation or two than anyone who lived before, oh, 1960 would have thought possible.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If my grandfather,who lived 1897-1968 could return and see one weekday night of "network TV" he would have been beyond amazement and probably would not have been amused.Of course I blame the shamefully compromised, ingrate part of my gigantic boomer generation for such once unthinkable, tasteless and presumptuous degradation. Is this what he went "over the top" ( of a trench) for in 1918?

  8. Boy, my heart goes out to anyone who passed in the Year of Our Lord 1968. What a time to give up the ghost. He must not have known whether to laugh or cry.
