
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Trump, Like It Or Not!


Friends, many Republicans are beginning to ask themselves: has the Trump train already left the station?  That is, is Trump destined to be the GOP nominee, or is there someone else who stands even a remote chance of usurping the nomination?  Of course, technically, we're a long way from knowing who the Republican presidential candidate will be, but it's increasingly hard to imagine what dynamics could change between now and early 2024 that would upset Trump's solid grip on the Republican base.  Incarceration?  Alien abduction?  Defection to Mother Russia?  In many ways, the adversarial prosecutions of Trump are the greatest thing that could have happened to his reelection campaign, so...thanks, Demo-rats!  Smooth move.

This is just one of the scintillating topics that Brian and I cover this week on the Newsmaker Show.  We also consider whether Joe Biden's outreach to the UAW will make him any more viable in 2024, whether Tucker Carlson is right that politics is one big lie, if the second Republican presidential debate will be more or less consequential than the first, the looming debate between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis and what it means for 2024, whether Trump is vulnerable on the issue of his age, the role of emotions in modern politics, why Bob Menendez's legal troubles are so significant to the future of the country, the prospects for RFK, Jr. as a potential Libertarian Party candidate for president, and the souring national mood on the economy and why it may doom Joe Biden.  We even tip our hat to "This Day in History" by analyzing some of the key developments of 1938-39.

Gosh golly!  Radio hasn't been this informative and uplifting since "Amos 'n' Andy", am I right?  Oops -- I just got banned from the internet for life!  Oh well.  It was nice knowing you.  Ha!


In other news, Donald Trump has been found liable for business-related fraud by a New York judge.  Gee, how shocking!  The no-holds-barred campaign of lawfare being directed against Trump by the Left and its creatures in our "justice system" is, alas, only just beginning, but already it's having an impact.  Whether that impact will ultimately be helpful or hurtful to Trump himself, politically, remains to be seen.  Another case in point, as you'll see in the second article, is a potential "gag order" that a federal judge may impose on Trump -- as a prelude to holding him in contempt and throwing him in the clink.  That's how democracy works in these United States, in case you hadn't heard...

Lastly, even woke Target is sounding the alarm about the rise of theft and violent crime in our biggest cities.  They're closing nine stores in areas where doing business has become essentially impossible, and literally unsafe.  Will the Dems finally wake up and address the crime wave?  I wouldn't count on it -- not unless or until they start losing elections.


  1. Didn't know that there is a looming debate between FL and CA Govns. Newsom shouldn't even talk with DeSantis. I wouldn't 'associate' in any way with someone that far below in (pick ANY category).

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Gorbachev, married to a "Professor" of Marxism, was later quoted for having in the mid 80s and with very unmarxist prescience lamented: "we cannot go on like this!" The same is true of the current spasm of apology to and reparation for criminals being presumptuously forced on the lawful majority (including,most unjustly, victims of violent crime and taxpayers and prospective victims of thugs - all of us in fact - by dreamy and vindictive antiamerican leftists in decision making positions in that rump of law enforcement they have usurped.). It cannot be sustained; a public tasked beyond endurance by this counterintuitive hooey will, in desperation, resort to self defense in the short run and will in the long run empower those who will take the criminal class to deserved disability.

  3. Welcome, Carl! Your comment begs the question, though: if the enlightened need not "associate" with the debased and ignorant, then what are you doing talking to US??? Curious! Anyway, I think it's a smart move for Newsom. You don't get to be president by turning down a good PR opportunity.

    Well, Jack, you raise the question of the public's breaking point on law and order. It depends on two quite different factors: one, is the crime wave affecting average Americans in their daily lives, or is it restricted mostly to poor neighborhoods; and, two, is it discussed or admitted in the media that most people consume? A lot of violence can be swept under the carpet for a very long time, frankly, as long as Mr. and Mrs. America think it's someone else's problem.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The desperate antiamerican left "legal" onslaught on DJT, while done under color of law, reflects very badly on the rule of law. That that fundamental principle can be so perverted makes it vital that this abomination be discredited by putting DJT back in the White House. Gads, how very much they fear him! They cannot abide opposition or contradiction and that is a promise of how they would rule.

  5. Dr. Wadry from Jack: Agreed! Politics as a frequently deeply flawed enterprise is probably a reality as old as human organization. Shakespeare held forth at length on that theme and some of the "byzantine" situations it encompasses in Measure for Measure. Shaw, in St. Joan,had two princes of the church casually muse on the common practice of manufacturing miracles and lauding it for bolstering faith and societal stability. "Why if the flock heard what we were doing, they'd yet never believe it and best they don't, for their own good!". Perhaps with electronic communication it is easier to broadcast revelation of corrupt doings. I think most perpetrators really believe" well, everybody does it, why single me out!? " Again in Measure for Measure, a reforming ruler warns: ". . .the law is not dead, though it hath slept. Now it is awake. . . !" Too bad for those who presume otherwise and are thus caught at it. But as you noted, it is tied closely to always highly imperfect human nature.

  6. Dr. Waddy fromJack : DeSantis vs Newsom. Newsom can be fully expected to casually display consummate contempt for DeSantis in word, tone and gesture. How DeSantis will react to this might well do much for or against his campaign. Newsom will come armed with standard leftist "isms" like sexism, racism and "anything we lefties don't like" isms, which the left assumes to provide automatic condemnation upon accusation and will use them with disdainful dispatch. DeSantis should challenge this presumptuous routine leftist tactic at every turn by demanding that Newsom define such terms should he arrogate them. Leftists confronted in this unexpected manner often fall back on emotional outbursts because they have never had to think about or explain them. DeSantis is a lawyer and he should should set verbal traps for an overconfident Kalifornia dreamer convinced of his inherent justice. If DeSantis were to show apparent apology for his courageous antiwoke actions as Governor in this setting his candidacy would be severely wounded. It would make him look like a rino and he is NOT a rino!

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DeSantis will have to resolve to discredit Newsom's certain ad hominem argument by forcing him to address the issues at hand. If he succeeds in this then Newsom has not a leg to stand on. His Kalifornia is lala land and as such is indefensible in creditable dialogue.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DJT is not intellectual giant. He is a cocky New Yawk downtown man, a player with a most unpoliticianlike honesty about it. That is much of what endears him to ourTrump nation.Naturally this excites savage antipathy toward him among leftist academics, limousine liberals and America haters. That also commends him to us; we celebrate their hostility!

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Biden on the picket line: rather, call it the "Pickett line" after the Confederate General for whom the disastrous charge at Gettysburg was named. The defense of the unavoidably dying institution of slavery may have finally failed there. Similarly,the long since indefensible and futile expression of the principle that "we dems arethe party of the working man" may well have taken its final plunge when Biden made his cringeworthy disingenuous appearance on that line.He was standing with labor union stalwarts fully aware of his enactment of job destroying "green new deal" measures reflecting traditional marxist disdain for the culture of blue collar workers.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Why did Churchill "want " to defend Poland? Not sure he did; I'll have to look it up. He wasn't in the Cabinet when the commitment was made to Poland and even the day the Germans invaded. So the decision to honor the commitment was not his. He had excoriated the Munich agreement and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact had to have made Poland look to be in extreme danger.Churchill, Eden and Hitler shared the experience of intense WWI combat (Hitler and Eden apparently had a somewhat cordial discussion of perhaps having faced one another). Chamberlain lacked their experience of personally killing other persons. Did it lend Churchill and Eden a unique perspective in sizing up the monster?Churchill appeared to be alarmed about Hitler early in the 3d Reich and so the invasion may have looked to him as the latest in a long succession of Hitlerian presumptions on the enervating fear of a second world war understandably obtaining in Britain and France. For him it may have been beyond the last straw.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Churchill was right about Hitler, in the sense that the latter was just plain evil.

      In any event, what happened to Poland with the Germany-Soviet Union pact was the same thing that happened to The Poles in the late 18th Century, when Germany and Russia made them disappear from the map. (I personally have a lot of respect for the Poles, who were nothing but a pawn to Great Britain and The U.S. during WW 2).

      With that said, Hitler always made it clear that his war was to get rid of The Jews (most who lived in The East, AND most of the Russians), and make way for German colonization in The East. I tend to think that he was surprised that Great Britain would really declare war against him because of his aims. However, in my opinion, Great Britain did the right thing morally, and the Nazis got greedy anyway.

      There is a book (and No I have not read it) titled "Stalin's War" which advances the theory, that WW 2 was a war Stalin wanted, (a great gamble at that), so he could gain control of Eastern Europe. Sort of the theory that I also believe in, because I think Stalin didn't really count on Communism, and although he was not a Russian, he became a great Russian Nationalist in the tradition of Peter and Catherine.

      Interesting that The Russians never call it WW 2 but to them it is "The Great Patriotic War". Actually that makes sense if you think about it. One thing for sure, the then Soviet Union certainly lost many more people in that war, in that it is mind boggling.

      In any event, the causes of WW 2 were German expansion in The East, with the Holocaust as a "byproduct" so to speak. Yes, the murder of 6 million Jews is a fact, but the murder of 3 million non-Jewish Poles is also a fact. Be as it may, the Holocaust started in The Ukraine by machine gunning thousands and thousands in broad daylight, with the Ukrainian militia aiding and abetting the Nazi SS in that crime.

      So now, we have The European Union and the Euro, and whatever else can be listed connected to that concept. BUT, the Euro weenies still can't muster a UNIFIED Armed Forces to defend themselves. No problem, Big Daddy U.S. will take of all that for you Europe.

  11. Jack, a Trump victory would not deter the Left from pursuing future victory/revenge by any means necessary, and it might even redouble their ruthlessness, but it might also be seen as a public rebuke of their high-handedness and their Trump obsession. My view is that the Left is so far out in left field that they'll never return to their senses, but a Trump win would mean that the courts and the DOJ would tilt further in our direction, and that's sadly the only measure of safety that we and the rule of law are ever likely to get.

    Quite right: the powerful have always been able to bend the law to do their bidding and reinforce their dominion. Why should it be otherwise with us? Trump is finding that out the hard way. 99% of the time, when you take on the establishment, the establishment crushes you like a bug.

    Jack, I'm not sure that a Newsom-DeSantis debate would be all that edifying. No doubt Newsom will repeat all the calumnies that have been leveled against DeSantis, i.e. that Florida hates science, persecutes gays, loves slavery, bans books, etc. DeSantis can parry every thrust, sure, but if he does so he'll have no time to articulate a conservative vision. I suppose there's just a chance that some substance would be discussed, but I won't be holding my breath.

    As for the People's Republic of California being an "indefensible" wasteland, well, I'm pretty sure Newsom is up to the challenge. He can spin a good yarn. Trust me, you CAN put lipstick on a pig, Jack.

    The Dems may no longer be the party of the working class, but the leadership of America's unions seems not to have noticed, and certainly not to care. We'll know we've won over the workers when they start ousting their "progressive" union bosses and reorienting the unions towards protecting workers, rather than advocating neo-Marxism.

    Jack, I'm pretty sure that Churchill looked forward to WWII, but England sure didn't. Basically, it seems to me that Britain and France backed into their commitment to Poland. Their fecklessness re: the Rhineland, Austria, the Sudetenland, and then all of Czechoslovakia, made it politically essential to be SEEN to stand up to Hitlerian aggression thereafter. Poland was just the next victim in Hitler's lineup. The guarantee was easy to make, especially in the days when Britain and France thought Stalin would do their fighting for them. It was essentially impossible to fulfill.

    Ray is right in that Hitler's central goal in WWII was territorial expansion in the East. Britain and France were just obstacles to the achievement of an eastern empire. From Stalin's perspective, gaining half of Poland, plus the Baltic states, plus Bessarabia, all for the minimal price of standing by while the Germans, British, and French destroyed one another, sounded like a damn good deal. And so it was. He didn't count on the Germans mopping up the French with such ease. Now, you can question whether the survival of Poland was really a vital interest for Britain or France, or whether they might have been better off letting Germany and Russia have their inevitable collision in the East and letting the chips fall where they may. In any case, it's all water under the bridge, and, as Ray said, the Poles were pawns throughout. A rough neighborhood, to be sure. They should enjoy their independence while it lasts!

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: One plausible view of the war with Germany is that the Battle of the Atlantic was terribly critical and arguably decisive. In Sept.'39Doenitz had too few subs to close the Atlantic and was never able to build enough during the war ( 700+ of the Uboats were sunk!). So having the war start when it did may well have been an unintended blessing. Churchill admitted the Uboat threat scared the
    bejinkles out of him.That said: both you and Ray are better informed than I both on the war with Germany and German history and your comments ring true.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Duringthe Civil War the whole object was to WIN; same with WWII. Today the conservative vision must be the very same, to WIN; failing to thoroughly defeat the antiamerican neo marxist threat would mean we lose ALL. They are totalitarians and as such would eradicate our civilization. DeSantis must win. Right now that is priority.

  14. Dr. Waddyfrom Jack: I agree that the loony left
    has descended into counterintuitive presumption that it is irredemable. To try to reform it is as futile as reforming most criminals; you may achieve an occasional miracle but not enough to justify the cost in victimization of the positive and law abiding and wasted astronomical expenditures. Both syndromes must be remedied by unrelenting main force: political when directed against the antiamerican left and physical when directed against ALL violent criminals. We must stop dithering and get right to the heart of the problem! Drive them back into the gutters from which they crept in the '60s.

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I grew up in a "democrat "party blue collar household in a fundamentally union heavy industry city. To have even suggested that support for any idea, anyone counter to the conviction,
    understandably fostered by FDR, that the dems were the friends of the working man, would have garnered you a punch in the mouth, time and again. That the commies and the mob made cynical inroads in unions didn't change this. But today's neo marxists, carrying on the tradition, established by marxists beeen the world wars in reaction to the failure of indescribably catastrophic WWI to foment summary world wide "revolution"', continue their almost now 60 year campaign to rot our civilization incrementally from within. Biden's neo marxist handlers, with their now clearly demonstrated effort to open our borders wide and to destroy our energy independence may finally bring the unions to the brutal truth: the dems are the enablers of totalitarians, who always hasten to destroy independent unions!

  16. Jack, if your point is that, once the war got started, Germany might have been able to prevail against France AND Britain, I agree. U-Boats might have done the trick, except for the fact that, as you point out, at the beginning of the war Germany barely had any. The U-Boat campaign was an afterthought, and as such it's amazing it came as close as it did to succeeding.

    Jack, I agree: we have to win in 2024, although that in itself won't guarantee us (or Western Civilization) much of anything. A GOP win in '24=a stay of execution, which is still way better than getting executed!

    Yes, the Left will ultimately respond only to one stimulus: DEFEAT! Drive it out of the halls of power, and it will wither and die. Try to reason with it, and you might as well be baying at the moon.

    Jack, I would think that what has become of the unions, in terms of their subservience to the Democratic Party, their insufferable wokeness, and their steady decline in absolute numbers and in the proportion of the workforce they represent, would tell union members everything they need to know about their so-called leaders. And yet I don't see much pushback... Do you?

  17. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Pushback: you got me there. I haven't been a member of an industrial union (the Steelworkers) for 50 years now. I was in a NY state employees' union but that is completely owned by the dems. I ain't seen much pushback from either these days but I have to think those industrial guys will have had enough far left patronization someday. Maybe theUAW tolerated Biden's smarmy appearance in counterintuitive "solidarity" with them simply out of courtesy. The Normandy vets endured Slick Willie's heartless and insulting presence at their commemorations; perhaps alot of the UAW did something similar. Of course any expressed dissent would have been ignored by the MSM

  18. Jack, let's not forget that union ranks have grown steadily more female and non-white, and, as the schools indoctrinate new union recruits, the ideological landscape within the unions may actually grow MORE tolerant of wokeness. I expect it already has. Keep in mind, too, that most unions now represent government workers.
