
Monday, September 4, 2023

Choking on Red Ink


Friends, no one questions that Bidenomics is the greatest form of -nomics that the Biden family has ever been associated with, but be this as it may we do have a bit of an economic/fiscal problem in this country: spending is way, way up, and revenue is simultaneously down.  Now, sometimes when there's a giant war, a pandemic, or a recession, these things happen.  This year, though, nothing of the kind occurred, and yet the deficit is expected to double!  The only thing that happened to cause this calamity is...Bidenomics.  Theoretically, our brave Republican representatives and Senators are scrambling to plug these fiscal leaks and get us back on solid ground (to mix metaphors, unless you happen to be Dutch), but in reality neither party is prepared to risk committing electoral suicide by suggesting serious cuts to entitlement programs, like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Without a reassessment of these runaway costs, things will only go from bad to worse.  In the short term, inflation looks like it's coming down, but interest rates are still rising, and they may have to stay high just to keep inflation in check.  This means government borrowing costs will be oppressive...and possibly that even bigger deficits will be required to service the debt and keep spending at a high level as well.  Of course, Joe Biden neither admits that we're in a quandry here, nor does he care, so long as the Dems can spend their way to victory in 2024.  If they can do that, then, most Dems assume, the GOP will self-destruct or become unelectable, or both, the Supreme Court will be packed or cowed or sidelined, and, in the fullness of time, the country's fiscal and economic oblivion won't matter, because "the right people" will oversee it and make sure that it works out to their advantage.  Sad to say, but all these assumptions are probably correct.


In other news, Elon Musk is taking aim at the (Jewish) "Anti-Defamation League", which is generally a bad idea, because, uhh, the ADL is always right and I love it to pieces!  Please don't squish me like a bug, ADL!!!  I swear, I'll never eat pork again.


Some people think that a new Georgia law will be used against Fani Willis, the Fulton County prosecutor who has Donald Trump and 18 other Trumpers in her sights.  Among those who think Willis is in danger of losing her job, however, is NOT Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp, who apparently believes that jailing politicians for saying things that hurt his feelings is a-okay.  It's probably more likely that the federal courts will come to Trump's aid than that Georgia legislators will.  In any case, the line taken by this article is pretty laughable.  It suggests that efforts by Georgia legislators to remove rogue prosecutors are "undemocratic and unconstitutional".  Prosecutors should have full discretion to do as they please, obviously!  Now, wasn't the Georgia legislature...elected?  I think so, last time I checked.  And what's so "constitutional" about giving prosecutors carte blanche to override important constitutional principles, like freedom of speech (not to mention denying the voters the opportunity to choose our next president)?  If Fulton County voters have authority over Fani Willis, and they do, because they can remove her, then why shouldn't Georgia voters have a say as well? 



    I'm sorry to say this, but you are a hate monger for spreading subtle propaganda against those who eat pork, and enjoy it. You need to start another site called "Waddy Against Nearly Everyone". Before you know it, the SPLC will be on you for spreading hate.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your suggestions in your first paragraph are well supported. But perhaps also plausible is that the marxists ,who scold liberal Kumbayaa Joe and his ilk by bleating that to deny them their every whim is lacking in compassion, purpose the collapse of our economy and society in large part by unsustainable government largesse. That would, they think, hand them the kind of catastrophe which opened the door to their subhuman rule in Russia, China ,Cambodia etc. Utterly unfettered criminality would also be of great use though it would be sumarily and savagely repressed once the commies take the totalitarian power which is ever their intent.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Antiamerican leftists are like cuckoo birds. They are blithe to usurp conveniently already established institutions (nests?) and turn them to counter intuitive purposes. They've been doing it with labor unions for more than a century. Proposed measures at a NY state employees convention not too long ago casually included. a resolution pledging support for preservation of volcanoes in Hawaii. What da?! I heard a leftist speaker laud Obama and Holder's across the board refusal to enforce certain laws as "prosecutorial discretion."Of course its proper that a prosecutor decide that a certain law cannot be enforced in a certain case. Looks like the antiamerican left has made "prosecutorial discretion" their huckleberry and have made of some compromised county officials, nationally powerful people. Too, we all know of cases where ambitious DAs have knowingl y hounded innocent defendents. Perhaps we ought consider military or British methods which, I think, incidentally utilize attorneys as both prosecutors or defense counsels. Anyway, hooray for that Georgia law. Make it count boys!

  4. That was, a NY state employees union convention . . .

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Again, re your first paragraph: your ending misgiving is certainly plausible,as is the probability that the dems expect such a result but perhaps alot of things would have to fall neatly into place. To have any chance of packing Scotus they would have to take both houses and the Presidency. Then they would have to navigate very serious filibuster and the possible mutiny of Joe Manchin and maybe some others of common sense who yet linger in that compromised party. Packing Scotus is a really big deal. Changes in the numbers of justices have passed Constitutional consideration but I would wonder whether past legislative intent, the history of FDR's abortive attempt or past judicial construction might provide either persuasive or mandatory authority for a Scotus put down of such an obvious antiamerican leftist power grab. Intention to bring about more efficient administration may be a justification for changing the number of Scotus justices but blatant partisan advantage might be thus destructive of the frantic antiamerican left dream of once again subjugating Scotus to their will.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the ersatz legal onslaught on DJT: a commentator on Fox today said it well; "the process is the punishment". Sure, the antiamerican left sees the possibility of DJT's return to office just as Russia sees Ukraine in Nato. It is fundamentally, viscerally unendurable and justified ANY measure of prevention. But they also want to work him over so badly that no conservative would ever venture to thwart
    them again.He may be able to afford it financially but the strain has to be terrible even for an hombre like him.

  7. Ray, I strongly suspect that the SPLC already has me on a list -- although it's the FBI's list that I'm more worried about! I'm counting on Rod as a character witness...

    Jack, Marxists have precipitated MANY economic collapses, but I'm not aware of them ever intending any. But there's an easy solution to this quandary: the Left wants to create a uni-partisan "democracy" in which it simply doesn't matter what the economy does, because the same scumbags (them) will be in the catbird seat regardless.

    You're right, Jack: packing SCOTUS is far from a piece of cake. And yet I would suggest that we're just one "blue wave" from it happening, and, sooner or later, we'll have one.

    Jack, there's a good reason why the precedent of adversarial (to the point of fantastical) prosecution of DJT doesn't trouble the Left: because they never intend to relinquish power again, and thus they have very limited fear that the tools of tyranny will ever be used against them. We should consider the possibility that they're right!

  8. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Leonid's Rachet: remember that epic maxim?"Any advance by communism is never to be suffered to be compromised in any way!" This just as a mechanical ratchet , if purposely set, prevents any retrograde motion. Why Brezhnev actually did have some conviction not having to do with his almost sensuous delight in his fleet of luxury western cars in a country where less equal comrades were lucky to obtain a practically wood burning jalopy . The antiamerican left may well embrace his "thought" in the sense that they do expect their power to ever increase even unto totalitarian triumph. Their irrefutable justice denies any possibility of even temporary rebuff. The future is their's;their definitive "feelings" herald their earthly salvation. To maintain anything to the contrary is heresy unforgiven!

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Mega ditto, Doc. The possibility that they may succeed should be enough to convince America that a large faction of our fellow "citizens" fully intends to "fundamentally transform" America into some "thing" diametrically unamerican. It's an appalling truth which we must confront, motivated by the certainty that we stand to lose all we cherish to these historically condemned and thus proven consummately vicious, dreamers.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack"Leonid's Rachet": my presumption. it was better known as the Brezhnev Doctrine.

  11. Jack, Brezhnev may have talked a good game, but he presided over an empire that was rotten at its core, and whose own elite increasingly disbelieved in it. The Dems' suffer from no such weaknesses. Their empire is strong and strengthening, and their officers and enlisted men, as it were, are all doggedly loyal to the cause. Quite a few may not understand the cause, but that hardly matters.
