
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Toxic Elites


Friends, today brings us interesting, if predictable, news on the Italian front: Giorgia Meloni's motley band of "fascists" won the middle class and workers (!), but not the wealthy and the well-educated.  This continues a trend throughout the West whereby, the more materially well-off and highly educated one is, the more likely one will vote for, and donate generously to, leftists.  In a nutshell, the Western elite has turned against the West itself: its values, its traditions, its honor, its religious heritage, and its demographic majority.  How can a civilization endure when its leadership class holds it in contempt?  Answer: it probably won't.


In other news, while the future looks bleak, the immediate electoral prospects of the GOP are brightening, and even the MSM polls are reflecting it.  Elections are largely about who has the momentum going into the final stretch...  Right now that's us.  Do the Dems have an evil plan to change the conversation, yet again? 

Signs are accumulating that the economy continues to weaken, and the case that we are already in a recession grows stronger.  Are the American people paying attention?


Finally, Russia's formal annexation of parts of Ukraine may seem farcical to most Westerners, but technically this action escalates the terms of the conflict considerably.  That's because further Ukrainian offensives will be seen by Russia as attacks on Russia itself.  If they fail, or if they produce derisory results, the war may grind on as before.  If those attacks hit home and threaten Russian security, or the stability of Putin's regime, however, then Russia may well respond with nuclear weapons -- and then we're all in a heap of trouble! 


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Pat Buchanan says Putin usually does what he says he will do. So far he has remained faithful to his original purpose-the prevention of the unendurable- Ukraine in Nato. He may think that annexation of eastern Ukraine will accomplish this, or he may be laying a tripwire for an intransigent and presumptuous West. I agree: this is a terribly dangerous time.The Russians may well see us as we saw them in 1962!

  2. Jack, Putin's goals in Ukraine seem nebulous to me. Prevent NATO membership and stifle "Nazism". Okay. Who are the Ukrainian fascists, and what would be required to permanently defeat them?
