
Friday, April 1, 2022

The Escalation Game


Friends, there's news aplenty today!  The Ukrainians have struck their first target inside Russia: an oil facility in the city of Belgorod.  The Russians call this an unhelpful development for Russia-Ukraine peace talks.  No kidding!  You would think that Russia would retaliate, and it's struck me that, since this war began, the Russians have shown no great interest in attacking many infrastructural targets in Ukraine, including the power gird.  Will they start now?


President Zelensky has fired two top generals, calling them "traitors".  Now, if this had occurred in Russia, the media would be salivating over it.  Does it signify real divisions within the Ukrainian leadership?  We'll have to wait and see.  Ukraine will have some hard decisions ahead of it in the coming weeks.  That will test their mettle. 

This poll claims that President Putin's approval ratings are up since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war -- way up.  Do we believe the poll?  Getting an accurate sense of public opinion in a "closed society" is never easy, but then neither is gauging the mood of the public while it's being bombed and shelled.  If you want to know what the Russian and Ukrainian people think of their leaders, my advice is to wait a few years and let the dust settle.


In non-Russia-Ukraine news, it seems certain that the border crisis, which is already weighing on Biden and the Dems, is going to get worse.  Why can't lefties get it through their thick skulls that, when you make it easier to migrate "irregularly" (what used to be called "illegally"), you get more migrants!  Or maybe they understand this perfectly well and they just don't care? 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is arguing that Disney's special legal privileges should be withdrawn.  Now, I don't condone the persecution of any individual or company because of their (obscene) political views, but on the other hand DeSantis makes a superb point that companies shouldn't be singled out and placed "above the law" in the first place...


Remember the bombshell story about the seven-hour gap in the Trump White House's phone records, which proves (by omission) that Trump planned the insurrection from the start!  Well, it was all nonsense, and the phone records from January 6th are not unusual in the least.  Gee, color me shocked. 

Could Jen Psaki be headed to MSNBC?  WHAT???  Don't tell me there's a special relationship between the White House and the mainstream media...  I never would have guessed!


Remember when the Rod Squad was assuring us that the bad poll numbers for Biden and the Dems were just a passing fancy, and that, by late 2022, the Dems' magnificent spending programs and their heroic triumph over COVID would have righted the ship?  On the contrary, the trendlines are getting worse and worse.  I am supremely confident that the GOP will excel in 2022.


There are all kinds of signals that consumers are getting wobbly in the face of soaring inflationary pressures, not to mention our dalliance with World War III.  A point of vulnerability could be the housing market, which almost everyone agrees stopped making sense a long time ago. 

We all know that one of the defining characteristics of the modern leftist is that he/she/it loves to take pleasure in the pain of those who dare to think differently.  A case in point:


Finally, we here at WaddyIsRight have a love-hate relationship with Lindsey Graham, who looks brilliant or loony, depending on the day.  He's opposing the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, though, which puts him, today at least, on the right side of history. 


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Didn' t the Rus hit some kind of supply depot near the Polish border recently? That is a kind of infrastructure. I would think fuel storage a legitimate target in an area convenient for Russian resupply. When lived in Singapore I was told its small miltary was meant to be a " poison shrimp" for an invader. I think Ukraine is proving a hell of a gut ache, even unto serious gastric disorder, for the Rus!

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack : The border:Oh I think the American left does understand what it is doing but cares very much about it. They have what they may regard as a chance limited by their very possibly impending disempowerment to pack the US with people they think to be guaranteed submissive to them. They are much advantaged by their establishment in office of a nostalgia entranced 1965 campfire Kumbayaa detached idealist who does,the poor dear ,think he's doing "so very much good!" He himself is either unaware of his folly or has been thoroughly flim flammed by his deadly serious handlers.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack:The border: I think the American left is fully aware of the chaos it has worked, thru the good offices of their foggy 1965 Kumbayaa campfire idealist Presidential factotum and that it cares verymuch about it. It faces probably imminent disempowerment soon and is desperate to force as much consummate America destroying disorder as it can before the deluge!

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: When any entity is funded by the taxpayers(say like SUNY) or is afforded extraordinary privilege by the popularly empowered government, it has a moral obligation to refrain from partisan politics. Hooray for DeSantis for calling Disney to account tor its presumptuousness! And that it casts doubt on the very thinking which gave Disney its advantage in the first place is very plausible.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re: leftist oppression even in the provinces. Would are right in assuming, from the definitive historical record , that the left in power enables many measures of reaction to resistance ranging from inconvenience and "insensitivity" to intensely sociopathic cruelty. Consider Pol Pot and his cadre, who considered themselves excused by him of unspeakable depravity ,much of it no doubt pursued in satisfaction merely of sadism. Stalin, Beria and Russian loathing NKVD head Polish Feliks Dzerzhinsky were obviously celebrants of this anathematic indulgence. At the middle management level in so many American settings, executives may perceive that it is their duty to enforce direction received from higher decison makers ,who are insulated from the counterintuitive consequences of their airy politically correct pronunciamentos. At the top of such chains of command even above our foggy President ,are powers imbued with historically proven leftist sociopathy affirmed by their obvious, consummate intent to destroy our country!

  6. Jack: for sure, the invasion of Ukraine is going a lot less smoothly than the Russians anticipated. On the other hand, we hear A LOT about Russian losses. What of the Ukrainian military? Surely it is being pushed to the limit too.

    I agree, Jack: on some level the Left sees the Biden presidency as a glorious opportunity to tilt the demographic playing field decisively and permanently in their favor. The question is, though: how many people of color are enough to "guarantee" the Left hegemony? I humbly submit that, decades ago, we would have assumed that an electorate that was, say, one-third non-white would DOOM the GOP. And yet, we're still here, and 2022 looks as though it will be a great year for Republicans. I'd like to think, therefore, that the Left sees people of color in one-dimensional, stereotypical terms, when in fact their loyalties are more complex and unpredictable. Hispanics, for instance, could easily end up splitting their votes between the two parties. Many of the "migrants" now being welcomed by the Dems are not just Hispanic, though -- they're also poor and uneducated. In other words, they're ideal candidates to become public charges. And that, more than their race or ethnicity, may make them loyal Democrats.

    Hear hear! Why Disney feels it needs to weigh in whenever woke activists demand it of them is beyond me. They would be far better off keeping out of politics, as you say. Or would they? The fact that the company clearly believes it can PROFIT from its progressive belligerence -- or at the very least that it won't lose any money because of it -- is more than a little chilling. Presumably, they've run the numbers, and they think they can AFFORD to give you and me (and everyone like us) the finger. And maybe they're right?
