
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Illiberal Education: The Decline of Free Speech on College Campuses


Friends, here are two articles about a fascinating new study on the extent of the threat to free speech on American unversity campuses.  The first details the steady rise in self-censorship among college students, as they perceive (correctly) that their heterodox views are unwelcome.  The second discloses a shocking statistic: most college students now believe it is appropriate to "shout down" a speaker with whom you disagree, and about a quarter believe it's acceptable to use violence to prevent someone from speaking.  And "the children are our future", people!  Yikes! 

What does the latest research say about racial differences in I.Q.?  This article lays it bare.  The writer isn't thrilled about the racial divergences that Charles Murray discloses in his latest book, but he doesn't dismiss them as "fake news" either.  The concentration of high intelligence among whites and Asians, if it's true, has massive implications for the Dem/progressive program of "equity" (at all costs), so these issues should be taken seriously...and discussed with the utmost delicacy, needless to say.


George W. Bush is going out on a limb for...Liz Cheney?  Really?  And Karl Rove is coming along for the ride?  Liz has raised a ton of money, and thanks to "Dubya" she'll rake in even more.  The problem?  Wyoming is a super-conservative, very Trumpy state.  I'm not sure Cheney would have much of a chance in any Republican primary anywhere in the country, but in Wyoming I don't like her chances one bit.  And I honestly don't know why any Republican worth his salt would support her.  Even if she's right, in terms of substance, about Trump's shortcomings and misdeeds, how on earth does it help the Republican Party to beat that horse to death, over and over again?  My prediction: 2022 will complete the evisceration of the RINOs.  Trump may or may not run, but almost all his enemies will have been chased out of the party by 2024. 

Finally, we've talked about it before, but the COVID strictures that have been enforced on children are both illogical and cruel.  Moreover, these "safeguards" are making our children sicker, lonelier, dumber, and, as you see here, fatter than they would be if we simply let them get on with their lives.  Many children may never recover from our well-meaning efforts to "save" them from a virus that barely threatens them in the first place.  It's beyond tragic.


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: I am very much encouraged by your prediction of the demise of the Rinos as a power in our polity. I regret that Dubya sees fit to back Cheney. Collegial !oyalty perhaps? Misplaced it is. Rinos, it seems to me, still cannot countenance the reality of an American left determined to destroy America! Oh they may acknowledge the presence of a faction dedicated to that end but either they do not grasp or cannot imagine and credit as a real danger, its consummate, fanatic determination to triumph.I too remember when the Dem party empowered loyal Americans;that is no more. An existential threat must be met with firm resolve to defeat it and Presidents Reagan and Trump (and yes, "W" perhaps to some extent, are the only Presidents to have been convinced of this since the'60s. Rinos are sadly disdainful of this truth and would yet oppose those in the GOP convinced of it. Dems as a loyal opposition may be marginalized soon; for certain they face in their party a Marxist horde. They abroad who suffered Marxist rule would have had no qualms about a leader as blunt and unfashionable as President Trump having rescued them from Marxist hell. Rinos: as Parliament said to atavistically mannerly (like you) Chamberlain in1940, "FOR GOD'S SAKE, GO!" . We face a totalitarian threat, from within this time, equally harrowing as that faced by Great Britain in 1940 and it is plainly beyond your Rino comprehension. GO! Somehow we will get on without you.

  2. Well said, Jack. I actually think there are two types of RINOs. There are the shameless, in-your-face RINOs, who are almost to a man Trump-haters and proud of it. And then there are the RINOs who secretly hate Trump but know better than to brag about it. At times we can live with, and even make good use of, the latter. The former definitely need to hit the road.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: In Britain, up to 1940 even, there were many who poo pooed the consummate , existential Nazi threat to England and all that England means. Once the threat became undeniable in all its horror, disdain turned quickly to defeatism among those who simply could not bear the thought that Churchill was right all along and was, consequently, the right man to lead and, against much plausible expectation (Hitler and Nazi Germany WERE a terrifically frightening enemy ; look at what the Channel Islanders, all Brits,suffered under Nazi occupation: characteristic Boche subhumanity against even "kindred " nationalities!)WIN! Similarly, good men like the Bushes cannot endure the reality that it takes down and dirty street smart hombres like Trump to confront the fanatically Marxist and consequently wholly destructive American left. "Why Trump is guache and we cannot abide that; it goes against all the graces we hold necessary". Churchill's detractors said the same of him and were even pitifully willing to take their chances with Hitler himself! Hitler! Rinos and their ilk are similarly, tragically wrongheaded. The real America and even the unreal America which alone casually thinks America may need"fundamental transformation"(how VERY fundamental would be the "transformation" wrought in power by those they unwisely defer to) would be reduced to Marxist (read Nazi or Stalinist)
    servitude if the American left accomplishes the totalitarian sway it seeks. We need a gutsy American Churchill to assert and defeat the threat to ALL we hold dear! Trump is as close as we have gotten so far and we need him back!

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: To address your commentary directly: should we cultivate some Rinos You may well be right. If they can contain their social disdain for President Trump, they may well see that the American leftist alternative, baldly asserted now, is deadly to ALL we value and may realize that resolute , comprehensive, resistance is indispensable!

  5. Agreed: the Bushes are gutless wonders. It's sad to see them reduced to THIS...

    Pray tell, what did the Channel Islanders suffer under Nazi occupation? I'm unfamiliar with their plight.

    I suspect the RINOs will mostly stay on-side in 2022. Try as the Dems might to redirect the focus on Trump, the midterms will revolve overwhelmingly around Biden's performance (or lack thereof).

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The Nazis built extensive fortifications using forced labor from the Channel Island population housed in characteristic SS ruled camps in which thousands died from abuse, ill fare and over work.

  7. Huh! That's a dimension of the war that I totally missed. I thought the Channel Islanders were fairly well treated. Where did you learn this, Jack?

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack;: I learned it from a documentary from either the History Channel or the Smithsonian. It featured interviews from survivors and, commentary from indigenous historians of that era featuring visits to sites of concentration camps on the Channel Islands. And can it not be doubted, given Nazi depravity?

  9. Jack, I was curious so I read up about the experience of the Channel Islanders. It sounds...complex, to say the least! Some were killed (not many). Some were interned in Germany. All suffered under draconian restrictions. Many (including their German overseers) almost starved during the winter of 1944/45. (Although I guess "almost" starving is similar to not starving.) The Islanders seem almost to a man to have submitted to German authority and refrained from violent resistance. And what "concentration camps" there were on the islands seem to have been for slave laborers brought in from outside to work on the fortifications. All in all, hardly the worst occupation of WWII, but not a walk in the park either.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your research would either show the documentary I saw to be inaccurate or that I misinterpreted what it said. The latter is certainly possible and I will do more so that I can be better informed. Thanks! Ray, I know you know much about Nazi camps; what do you think?

  11. Jack, you've sifted through a lot more evidence than I have, so I defer to you. Do you think our accounts really differ all that much?

  12. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Naw, I relied only on the documentary. It seemed credible but I am very willing to seek further documen tation. I will seek it. But yes, the record of Nazi depravity remains, I enthuthusiastically agree!
