
Monday, September 13, 2021

Can Democrats Sell Ice to an Eskimo?


Friends, the Dems face a serious dilemma in 2022: their party is led by a man who is increasingly unpopular, and who more and more independent and swing voters consider incompetent and befuddled, at best, and tyrannical and mentally unfit, at worst.  So what's a lefty to do?  Obviously, you can't give up the ghost and hand both houses of Congress to the GOP.  So you do what smart progressives always do: you try to change the subject.  You try to fight on more favorable ground.  You concede that Biden is a dolt, but you point out that the party of Trump, "white supremacy", and insurrections is a thousand times worse.  The article below is about how the Dems may tackle this challenge.  The arguments for reelecting Democrats may seem absurd to you and me, but we shouldn't underestimate them.  We should see these attempts at misdirection coming, and we should be ready to defuse them.


In other news, Democrats and liberals really, really hate us.  They see Trump and Trumpers as analogues to Klansmen, Nazis, and the Spanish Inquisition.  (Sorry -- the "Hispanic" Inquisition.)  There's good news here, though: Dems and progressives are so unhinged in their hatreds and detached from reality that they may truly believe that all they have to do is say "January 6th" and the American electorate will fall at their feet in November 2022 and beyond.  Or they may think that, as long as Trump remains the standard-bearer of the GOP, they have nothing to fear from Republicans.  They may, in short, be that dumb.  And that's something we can use to our advantage. 

Finally, if the Left has its way, the gasoline-powered automobile will be a relic of the past, and in the foreseeable future too.  Personally, I have nothing against electric cars, but I don't much relish the thought of being forced to drive one, and nor do I think that such mandates and regulations will have any measurable effect on "the climate", writ large.  Anyway, if you enjoy driving cars and/or trucks powered by fossil fuels, then make sure you don't reside in California or New York by 2035.  Find yourself a nice, deep red state to hunker down in.  You'll be glad you did.


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: The article you cited is especially plausible in supporting your main point in that it describes several quite probable tactics and in that it betrays a partisan Dem slant in
    presenting the following quotes: "narcissistic Trump"and (GOP) "commitment to voter suppression ( a key component of their strategy to survive demographic change)" .

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack: But: "narcissistic Trump" ehh?. I' ll take that over a perjuring, self serving, cynical voluptuary and his pathetic long suffering, power obsessed apologetic (for him)"wife" both of whom you Dems celebrated! Por 'ol Joe? He is but your shill, as is obviously so; he is nothing more than that.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Ehh, gee Dems, you show your visceral dismissiveness of us ( being that we are the only organized and empowered opposition to your totalitarian goals) in expressing belief that we seek voter suppression in reaction to demographic change. We know you seek to open our our borders wide, in defiance of the rule of law you disdain (now, yes, but NOT after you all take co ntrol) and that you have demonstrated ( eg. in Cuomoyork) a determination to provide foreign intruders with rights of citizenship(eg licenses, welfare, comprehensive health care - well then, why not the vote?). And you mean of course to convince those inexperienced in American politics that this is due to your tender largesse and to uh, vote for us alone ok? Gee Dems, but we do seek to counter that kind of artificial demographic change, sorry! Your party is dominated by far leftists who have long since proven their devotion to "any means necessary" in their drive for totalitarian control. That we should think irregularities in recent votes attributable to that conviction, justifying legislation to counter such corruption in our voting laws, is to to you "voter suppression" , is but a call to us, the real America, for political war with you.

  4. Damn straight -- "narcissistic Trump" is looking better and better!

    The "voter suppression" fallacy is a leftist refrain that's always been counter-intuitive, given the consistent RISE in voter turnout, especially among minorities. That doesn't stop them, though. Everything we propose is presumptively "racist" -- they just need the space of a few minutes to figure out how...

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack:Though many on the left are of good will, they are thoroughly convinced we are not and because we actively oppose them we are willfully evil. They are sure they are inarguably just and their totalitarian, doctrinaire mobilizers encourage them in that and stoke their consequent outrage. Ifthey achieve domination over America, hate will be but the mildest of their vindictive "transformations" and previous support will be rewarded with oppression.

  6. I expect you're right, which leads me to think that we "insurrectionists" have gotten off far.
