
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Can the Dems Ride COVID Hysteria All the Way to Victory in 2022?


Friends, many of you are responding to the Biden Administration's increasingly authoritarian, coercive approach to combating the COVID pandemic by asking, "What are they thinking?  Don't they know the American people won't stand for such tyranny?"  Well, you might want to start asking the opposite question: Are Dem mandates actually smart politics, designed to distract us from their policy failures and weaponize COVID, once again, against Republicans and conservatives?  It sure looks that way.  Consider that most Americans truly are scared out of their wits by the pandemic.  Polls show that strong majorities of voters support almost any COVID mandate you can think of.  Ergo, the Dems have decided that, if they can't beat COVID, they'll join it -- metaphorically, at least.  They'll utilize the opportunity that an ongoing pandemic affords them to expand government spending and oversight, to dictate massive changes to daily life in the name of "public health", and, above all, to blame Trump, Trumpers, and "right-wingers" everywhere both for initially causing the pandemic and for exacerbating it by failing to comply with the mitigation measures recommended by scientists and doctors.  It's a line of attack that worked pretty well in 2020.  Can it work again in 2022, even 2024?  We shall see.  The difference this time is that Americans are feeling some pandemic fatigue.  They're tired of being bossed around.  The other difference is that the Dems are now in charge of our pandemic response, broadly speaking, so our failure to contain COVID cannot but be seen as, in part, a reflection on Joe Biden's leadership, or lack thereof...


Here's another lefty analysis, this time about why General Mark Milley was right to assure the Chinese that, if Trump ordered an attack against them, he (Milley) would give them advance warning.  What a stand up guy, huh?  The rationalizations here are something.  Sure, avoiding war with China is a good idea.  I guess, by that logic, any U.S. Navy Captain who sails his ship into Shanghai harbor and surrenders it to the Chinese is a big-time patriot, because he's reduced the chances of naval warfare between our two countries.  Uh huh.  Milley is a scoundrel, and the fact that the Dems don't care is genuinely scary.  For them, Trump-hatred is the ultimate, and maybe the only, test of one's virtue.  Fidelity to the Constitution is an irrelevance, from their perspective, because Donald Trump was never really the legitimate president anyway.  Any military officer who refused to follow his orders was, in effect, a hero to the Left.  Is it time, therefore, to consider General Milley for the Order of Lenin?  I think so! 

And you can file this one under "we see (only) what we want to see".  The mainstream media is struggling mightily to conceal the mess on our southern border from the American people, and the worse that mess gets, the less attention they pay to it.  Is there a breaking point, however -- a point beyond which even the Bidenist hacks who run the mainstream media will have to acknowledge that, uhhh yeah, the border is kinda porous, after all?  We shall see.


  1. Sorry Dr. Nick, but NO Order of Lenin for General Milley. That's a Soviet Union award as I recall, and I am sure you do too. Had anyone of, say Stalin's Generals, done anything like Milley did, they would have either been executed or ended up in a Gulag.

    Milley did what he did (backed up by arch Leftist journalist Woodward),to make himself an anti-Trump hero, knowing that the current administration would back him up to the hilt.

    As it is, he is as safe and protected as he can possibly be. With his rank, about the only one who could "punish" him would be The Secretary of Defense, and you know that is not going to happen.

  2. I have said this before, but I will repeat it anyway. It should be important to know and understand that Trump is NOT the only true Republican (whatever that means these days), politician who can save our Constitutional Republic from the the Radical Left who now control the country. Trump is NOT the "savior" of the nation.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: First, kudos to you for continuing to focus attention on the issue of Gen. Milley's insubordination. Nuclear war at sea could be limited to the sea and a relatively few ships. Chinese countermeasures to expectation of American attack confirmed by Gen. Milley, whether or not American attack at sea was imminent, would ,thanx to the warning Gen. Milley is alleged to have promised the Chinese, have killed thousands of American sailors; provided the Chinese limited it to retaliation only on our Naval forces in or near the South or East China Seas or eVen Guam or Hawaii. What if General Milley had "jumped the gun" as it were? It was not his decision to make, in any way. If it was properly made, his job was and is to advance our military fortune, PERIOD. It is understandable that the Chinese regard the South China Sea as their Caribbean. But whether or not we agree is NOT a matter for our military to decide, bless them.

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack : I spurn the American left's shopping for a high ranking officer's endorsement of General Milley's
    insubordinate acts if those acts are as alleged. The American left's vicious disdain for our military,as demonstrated in them spitting on Vietnam Vets, destroying President Bush's sleep during Desort Storm, seating draft dodging military loathing Slick Willy as Commander in Chief,"General Betrayus" taunts, reestablishment ot a U.S. doubtiny Commander in Chief, Obama who put the military on permanent "C" rations, the left's present esconsementnof a senile marionette as Commander in Chief; all these and many more insults, completely discredit the American left's convenient, expeditious and disingenuous support of General Milley now!

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: test

  6. Dr.Waddy from Jack: The Order of Lenin for the General? Nah, maybe the "Ordure of AOC". This American left delighted in subjecting a loyal officer like Gen.Flynn to official calumny, which worked terrible damage on his personal life, in its vicious Russiagate insupportable prosecution and in doing so yet supported the disingenuousness of its dreamy puppet as Commander in Chief now.

  7. Dr.Waddy fromJack: I mean" of its present support for its dreamy. ...

  8. The border has ALWAYS BEEN POROUS! Yes, there are walls and fences in various areas, but even those are semi-effective in preventing illegal immigration.

    As you already know, millions of immigrants came through Ports of Entry legally, and then never showed up for that court date. I wonder if anyone north of the border realistically expected them to show up?

  9. Ray, you're right, of course, that Milley will face no pushback from his current bosses for his disrespect of Trump, and for Trump's authority. Perish the thought. He may, however, ultimately fall, based on the public perception of him as a political general. If the GOP, for example, takes the House or the Senate in 2022, will the Pentagon really want to send America's wokest general up to Capitol Hill to beg for more funding? I dunno.

    Jack, you're absolutely right: Milley arrogated to himself the prerogative to decide whether or not an attack against China would be in the national interest -- and to sabotage said attack if it wasn't. Kind of a dangerous precedent, I would say! Would he give each U.S. serviceman the same latitude? I think not!

    To me, Milley's statements didn't even serve the purpose he claims they did. The Chinese are supposed to be reassured by a message of, "Okay, yeah. Our president is a nutcase. But don't worry -- if he attacks you, I'll give you a heads-up!" Seems to me that such reckless "assurances" could easily have backfired.

    Yes, the border has always been porous, but under Trump migrants EXPECTED to be rewarded for their intrepid trek across it with...prompt deportation. Now they expect to be rewarded with the ability to live permanently in the U.S. A big difference there!!!
