
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump Has The Coronavirus On The Run?

Friends, I've been largely incommunicado for the past week, but from what I can tell President Trump not only met the Coronavirus face-to-face, and punched it in the nose, but he and Vice-President Mike Pence are also leading a successful, coordinated response to its ravages.  I'm no medical expert, but I do know leadership when I see it, and I'm relieved that we have such a great team at the helm.  Cutting off travel from Europe was not an easy call, and there may be even tougher calls ahead. This much is clear, though: Trump doesn't have the virus, I don't have the virus, and my apartment is fully stocked with toilet paper!  I'd say all that equals a job well done!

How are you faring?  Do any of you have the virus, or do you know anyone who does?  Are you concerned that it might spread in your community...or do you regard the current panic as unwarranted?  Sound off, if you please, and catch me up on all the craziness that I missed while I was sunning myself in the Bahamas and soaking up the historical charm of Charleston...


  1. what about the thousands of troops going to the NATO exercise soon are they going to be using their gas masks the whole time

    1. Hello Imposter Anonymous

      Just curious, but what country are you from? What is your interest in NATO? Are you an intelligence operative of a country hostile to NATO? Do you have a gas mask?

  2. I don't know about gas masks, but the simple truth is that human beings are social animals, and civilization is a social phenomenon. We can't practice "social distancing" on a long term basis and remain human. Ergo, I suspect that, either we will beat this virus medically/scientifically, or sooner or later we will all get it and most of us will live to tell the tale. Either way, paranoia won't save us.

    1. Dr. Waddy,

      Just to let you know that this is the original Anonymous who was posting on your site prior to your Spring Break departure. With that said, I did NOT post this comment regarding a NATO exercise. Apparently this Anonymous has decided to replace me, which he/she will find difficult to do since my posts are usually proof read. In any event, I will NOT be posting anymore because of this "imposter". You know my real identity, so you already have an email regarding my decision. It's been a pleasure reading your articles, which I shall continue to read in the future. Best of luck to you, and greetings to Linda and Jack.

  3. Welcome back. Let's see, no, not sick (none of us are). As you know, SUNY has closed down, commencement has been canceled (so far), and welcome to socialism, or at least some thought of it. So, I am interested to know if some of these pinheads enjoy the thought of socialism now? Empty store shelves, closed schools, limitations on travel, businesses closing down/on hiatus and now limits on how long stores will be open, sport venues etc.. What happens in two weeks when another pay period rolls around and 1. no full shelves/still empty shelves and 2. Folks are laid off.

    Honestly, I am not going to live in fear! And I regard this as unwarranted. Wasn't NY the epicenter for the Bird Flu? Wasn't there like thousands of deaths from that? And yet there was no panic. This is being overblown by everyone and I wonder if this is truly a test of some sorts. So far, honestly, the American people are failing.

  4. Dr. Waddy, Anon and Linda and all others I hope attend this forum: Fox denied me access (oh why? I do love them so). So my comments cannot be considered as having been informed by them.

    I was in NYC for five days this week and it was harrowing in many ways. I stayed in the apartment of my very cordial hosts, one of whom is most vulnerable to the virus. My concern for him is familial.

    That said, I was relieved to return to our Southern Tier land, where our probability of contraction is lessened. As for my vulnerability, being 72 and diabetic I am concerned as I am for my 66 year old wife and her siblings. But it is yet difficult to imagine our demise.

    While in NYC I watched a random CBS news broadcast and saw, to no surprise, in its "surely good willed"interview with Ted Cruz the following: "Senator, how do you explain a recent poll showing Republicans markedly less concern about this crisis?". Ted Cruz's reply was skillfully disarming but this CBS feint confirmed for me the MSM's determination to make political hay of this phenomenom. That is a certainty in my book. Will their Dem party comrades hasten to support them? Stand by!!!

    1. a two time cancer survivor with a weakened immune system, I am just not going to live in fear. Is it smart or not? I don't know. I do understand where you are coming from though.

      As for the MSM, I have no doubt they will do all they can to keep this, I dare say, 'farce' up. I wonder how far the government will go? We shall see in the coming days, my friend.

  5. To all: We are getting answers as to the Dems' followup to their slavish MSM's opening salvos in the sneers directed by Dems at the President for his Friday speech.Their Rahm Emanuel(he of anarchic Chicago) DID say (in effect) " never waste a good crisis". I really did not think they could contain their fanatic opportunism for long. They are disloyal to the very core. I trust the real America will perceive this and bid them a welcome departure from the halls of power in November.

  6. William II Rufus King of England 1087-1100March 16, 2020 at 3:41 PM


    They should NOT be called "Dems" anymore. Actually the Democrats as a legitimate party started passing away when the Marxists Hillary and Bill entered The White House during the 1990's. Even before then, the Democrats were transitioning to being Socialists and Communists, probably beginning with FDR.

  7. To William Rufus, King of England et al: What a fascinating appellation and I hope you elaborate upon it.My very sketchy knowledge of him is that he was a somewhat offputting lover of leisure who was killed in what was portrayed as a hunting accident. With that said, I do not gainsay your choice of his name and I WILL willingly do some reading to increase my knowledge of him and his reign.

    I think it very plausible to view the transition of the Dem party to be as you have described. FDR's death could easily have happened before 1945 and that would have empowered Marxist apologist Henry Wallace.

    That they are fully captured by the far left now is a certainty, I believe. All else is subterfuge; the far left pulls all the strings. Well meaning liberals: you cannot endure the prospect of joining with us but you would be engulfed by the far left should they attain to ultimate (and for them tyrannical)power. They have but only the most sociopathic intentions. Do you doubt it? Then look to the 20th century history your leftist profs denied to you!

  8. Linda, interesting take on the virus and socialism. I can see your point, although I think at this stage the government hasn't grabbed nearly as much power as it could, in these circumstances. The bad news is that, as you say, the American people are failing the test: they are falling into the usual trap of expecting big government to ride to the rescue -- and abolish death, among other things!

    Jack, I can totally understand your concerns about the virus. All the experts agree that seniors are far more vulnerable to it than young bucks like myself. If the health system gets overwhelmed, then the dangers increase exponentially.

    Will the Dems try to weaponize the virus to achieve the twin goals of damaging Trump and expanding government? That's a no-brainer. I would HOPE that the American people would recoil at some of the politicization we see on the Left, however. Disasters TEND to increase support for chief executives, not lessen it. If Trump plays his cards right, he can guarantee himself reelection. On that score, it's helpful that this pandemic is unfolding in March, not October. We have time to wrestle it into submission, and Trump will reap the benefits.

    William the Conqueror's son makes a good point: the Democratic Party has evolved/devolved into something that would be unrecognizable to its founders. Fair enough, but might not the same be said of America itself? Yikes!

  9. Dr. Waddy: You may well be right about the country as a whole. I fear to contemplate it. I still have much faith in the real America.

  10. Have you been tested to know for sure that you don't have the virus? Lack of symptoms does not guarantee no infection....

  11. Anonymous -- only people who are seriously sick are getting tested, so technically the rest of us don't know if we have the virus, and probably never will.

  12. Anonymous: In short,no. But" 'tis yet to know... ." Forgive my presumptuousness, I love Shakespeare dearly.
