
Friday, March 6, 2020

Time for a Great Wall of Thrace?

Friends, before I hit the dusty trail, let me just say this: kudos to Greece and -- believe it or not -- to the EU for holding the line against the latest refugee invasion emanating out of Turkey.  The EU apparently has the good sense to realize that another tidal wave of "migrants", as the continent experienced in 2015, could potentially break the bloc into a million pieces once and for all.  I condemn Turkey's weaponization of these unfortunates, and I commend Greece for shouldering the brunt of the burden when it comes to maintaining the integrity of Europe.  Keep up the good work!


  1. In the end, Greece comes through again, and this time saves the West from the Modern Muslim Turks and their puppets, just as it saved the West from the Persians (Iran) thousands of years ago.

    Very interesting (an understatement) that both the Turks and the modern Iranians (Ancient Persians) continue to be a major scourge to Europe, The United States, and some other countries as well. Nor should we forget that the current dictator of Turkey would love to recreate The Ottoman Empire.

    Please have a very nice sea cruise. Most importantly, please avoid The Bermuda Triangle so you can return and write some more of your excellent articles. And just in case Hunter Biden comes aboard, make sure he disappears overboard sometime during the night.

  2. Dr. Waddy and Anonymous: Once again, my computer denied me access to the article. My understanding is that one of the typical bases for the maintenance of a nation is shared values. When these are violated all manner of socially destructive and economic consequences are realized. When a country allows the immigration of peoples with different values it understandably expects of them compliance with its standards, not theirs. But when the immigrants bring with them disdain for the standards of their host they must reasonably anticipate, first, resentment and then, resistance. This is just common sense, though it is beyond the ken of dreamy "one world" devotees. And this has been tested, yes? In England, in France, Germany,in Italy and now apparently in Greece. And the results? Incompatibility.

    Who could, with any intellectual or moral integrity, ask of any nation that it sacrifice its sovereignty, its essence, in the name of compassion and that compassion not promised to be requited? No nation would do so unless it were compelled so by powers unmindful of its nationality and its bases.Dr. Waddy, thanx for noting that the extranational leftist EU shrank from such interference in this case.

    It is certain that some cultures are more viable, more humane and more supportable than others. Cultural relativism is a presumptuous and empirically unsupportable notion. That obviously superior civilizations would in their home lands, vigorously defend themselves, is consummately defendable.

  3. Anonymous, great point about the parallel between the modern Greeks and the ancients vis-a-vis the Middle Eastern hordes. I don't think either the ancient Greeks/Europeans or their modern cousins were/are opposed to Middle Easterners on a racial or religious plane. After all, Europe is open to legal migration from the Middle East (and how!). Every civilization has the right to defend its cultural integrity, however, and, as Jack observes, unchecked, unregulated mass migration is not conducive to such protection. That's obvious to anyone who isn't beyond berserk due to political correctness...which unfortunately means that the modern Greeks' common sense comes as something of a pleasant surprise. We must encourage them as best we can! That the EU has experienced an epiphany on this issue is most encouraging. One would hope the EUROPEAN UNION would seek to PRESERVE Europe, not destroy it.
