
Monday, March 3, 2025

The Gravy Train Has Derailed


Friends, it's official: U.S. military aid to Ukraine has been "paused".  President Trump expressed exasperation today with Ukrainian President Zelensky's claim that peace with Russia was "very, very far away".  Apparently, Trump believes that, faced with an end to U.S. support, Ukraine may be compelled to come to its senses.  We shall see!  Can the Europeans fill the gap?  Will the Russians rush to exploit Ukraine's diplomatic stumbles, and potentially its weapons deficit as well?  What exciting times we live in!  I tend to agree with DJT that the only way to get Europe and Ukraine to stand on their own two (or four) feet force the issue. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Oh man, DJT is a hardball player, a sure enough hombre; finally we have a realistically unapologetic President in this still tough, tough world. Read a commentary recently which said that those who doubt his grit should learn about the nasty ambience of NYC real estate development. President Trump's political career has been a test case on whether a businessman can do the ultimate job. The results so far are in the strong affirmative. JFK once said "businessmen are SOBs" (and JFK was no pushover himself, he proved that in WWII). But the SOB"s are just what we need to combat the far left"touchy feelies" who have come close to destroying this, on balance, most beneficial great power in history.

    Anyway, it appears that beleagured but perhaps advantageously schooled Pres. Zelensky has proffered a largely conciliatory reply to DJT's upping of the ante today. Pres. Zelensky is a good man, courageous and stalwart, though perhaps impolitic at times. Standing up to the Bear's harrowing brutality and proximity takes guts aplenty. The Russians or their Hungarian stoolies hanged Imre Nagy, the leader of the 1956 Hungarian revolt.Hanging is a wretched ,fearful death. Great leaders like Washington (who himself faced the very noose itself) and Churchill endured harrowing setbacks to their morale which would have prostrated lesser personalities. I hope that in the long run we retain Zelensky as a friend.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Frankly, I think the Germans almost alone could defend Western Europe from unlikely Russian assault. And together with the Brits and MAYBE the French and of course Sweden and Finland: they would be a nightmare for Russian strategists. Now, would Germany assume our role: that of Europe's chief bodyguard?
