Friends, America faces plenty of problems, but you can cross one big one off the list: we no longer face a torrent of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. Now it's a trickle. Indeed, it may well be dwarfed by all the "migrants" heading in the opposite direction. How did DJT accomplish this? Not by building a wall, but simply by making it clear to potential migrants that there would be no "payoff" for violating our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty. Well done, Trump Administration!
In other news, kudos to British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, who is showing a lot more poise and rationality than most Democrats. He's doing so by trying to bring all Western countries, including the United States, together for a push for lasting peace between Ukraine and Russia. American lefties, by contrast, are harrassing the Vance family as it attempts to go on holiday in Vermont. The motto of the Left might as well be: "No submission, no peace!" Of course, the hard work of securing genuine peace, and making America great again, must go on. Patriots, put on your skis and show the Left who's boss!!! On a personal note, I would like to encourage leftists to continue with, and even to escalate, their unhinged protests. They are, of course, doing their movement no favors, but they don't appear to realize it.
Ray from Jack: As I remember, you and I have both advocated on this site the deployment of our military to the southern border. Its satisfying to see it done and yielding such decisive benefit.
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack: Its getting hard to find superlatives sufficient to describe the salubrious developments DJT has wrought already. You betcha, when he says he's going to do something , he does it and the recalcitrant know it, do they ever!.
ReplyDeleteHis immediate success in closing our border emphasizes the truth of what so many of us have maintained for a long time now: the border invasion of the Biden era was deliberately allowed. That administration, with its shameful comprehensive surrender to the far left, disdained our immigration law with cringing acquiescence to advancement of the incipient "revolutionary" dysfunction and disorder intended always by the antiamerican left. It was a major tactic in that sociopathic rump's unrelenting determination to destroy America and replace it with, well. . . THEM and their historically condemned Marxist dorm room dreams. The inhumanity of their cynical and amoral use of hordes of luckless, wretched people to advance their goals was manifest and profoundly evil. DJT has employed patriotism, common sense and guts to stop them cold.
Dr. Waddy from Jack: I hope an unleashed Secret Service will hasten to relieve the Vance family from any such vexation and offense as you have described . Let the perpetraitors experience the full consequences of their actions!These vicious punks (some of them in it only for the perverse thrill of dissembling) were succored by the Biden administration (eg. the anarchic assaults, both within and without the halls of a Dem corrupted Senate, on Scotus nominees)and they actually thought the DJT administration (or for that matter, combat veteran JD), would submit to it!? Think again, you pukes!
ReplyDeleteI should have said : "succored by the people who in 2020,brought us the feckless but still grimly determined far left subordinated Biden administration . They are still around, spreading their filth. Jack
ReplyDeleteDr. Waddy from Jack : Yes, lets hope the far left persists in thrashing about in impotent fury!
ReplyDeleteFox reported that there transpired a recent dem "retreat' in which ideas were, in the restrained frankness only tolerated in a far leftist "conclave", that the Dems are now constrained to painfully change their "message" and their public stance to one of disingenuous "respect "for the (yeeech!) populist views which cost them the election. Of course, the idea that they might even honestly revise their views and intentions unto those which have rendered them as "irrelevant" (a nostalgic term from the very formative '60s days of antiamerican emergence) was not allowed any consideration. To consider it at all would have wreaked unbearable offense upon the gathered multitude.
But then, I can understand their debilitating reluctance. Why even have a Dem party if it only weakly feigns adherence to the democratic and freedom loving standards which set them now on the slippery slope? Oh, why not just fade into that dusty repository, there to sojourne forever with the Whigs, the Know Nothings and the Bull Moose people?
The speed with which we have ended the flood of humanity across our southern border has certainly surprised me, although I did expect that, sooner or later, the would-be migrants would get the message. One consequence will be, I expect, a significant rise in wages, since corporate America will now be deprived of millions of vulnerable, low wage workers.
ReplyDeleteAgreed: peaceful (but shameful) protests can be allowed to fester, since they mostly discredit the protesters and those of a similar mindset, but the moment these wackos break the law they should be tackled, shackled, and sent to the Big House.
My prediction is that naturally the Dems will revel in Trump hatred for the next four years, and will seize on any opportunity to blame Trump for all varieties of misfortune (including the weather!), but they will not, and probably cannot, change their fundamental worldview. For one thing, their donor base is going to shrink down to the true believers, and they simply won't tolerate any form of retreat. For another, most of them live in a bubble and haven't a clue why they lost in the first place, and, more importantly, have no interest in finding out. It's far easier to blame Putin's machinations, or sunspots, or fluoridation, or the lack of fluoridation, or something equally inane, than it is to look within oneself and grow as a person and as a movement. After all, the lefties have already achieved moral and intellectual superiority. How can one improve on THAT???
Dr. Wady from Jack: Well said and if it works out that way the Dem party may be headed for the "ash heap of history". There is room in our polity for dialogue free of the reflexive ad hominem excoriation so very much favored by the far left. Issues important to common sense Dems who might honestly shun the far left which has scalded their once proud party could be discussed with give and take and mutual courtesy. But the totalitarian far left can play no constructive part in this.Like Genl. McArthur did to many Japanese bases, it should be cut off, starved (of funding) and left to wither!.