
Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Friends, last night in his State of the Union address to Congress, Donald Trump boasted that "America is back!"  There wasn't unanimity on that point in the chamber, as the Democrats sat on their hands most of the night, and when they weren't being surly they waved little signs that said "Save Medicaid", "False", "Musk Steals", and other tidbits.  It was a divisive performance, but that's hardly surprising.  One Democrat was hauled out of the chamber, in fact.  Overall, Trump's speech was optimistic and well-received by those who watched -- which mostly excludes lefties, of course!

Meanwhile, in a setback for Trumpism and DOGE, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump Administration must disperse $2 billion appropriated by Congress to USAID.  This, sadly, calls into question Trump's ability to "impound" money that he feels is being wasted.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It may be unseemly to gloat but the Dems would have visited absolute contempt for all America cherishes had they won. That said , it was amusing to watch the pitiful individual demonstrations of outrage at the insolent contradiction with which an aroused and increasingly redeemed America assaulted them last night.

    Pelosi's discomfort was very obvious; Warren's childish and contrived demonstration of attention only to her phone was instructive; Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's hate filled perturbation at the proceeding , even at moments in which all decent people demonstrated respect, was characteristic and widely representative of the Dem caucus; Sanders' rumpled distress at this unimaginable rejection of his neomarxist views and intentions ; it was all quite a show!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I didn't stay up for the conclusion of the speech but had I been at that podium, here is what I would have said: "Finally, I turn especially to you , my dem colleagues so very offended by my very presence in the Presidency: You subjected me and my family to an unprecedented onslaught of slander and illegal lawfare intended to ruin us, to make it impossible for America ever to vote for me again and to assure that my first term was the last gasp of common sense America.

    Where has it gotten you? Here I stand and there you sit!

    I am convinced that there are many of good will in your party who regret the tactics employed against me and the America which has trusted me yet again. To them I say then kick the far left loonies out of your once great party, that of FDR and Truman and join us in mutually courteous truly democratic give and take and creditable debate free of personal attack. But your antiamerican far left rump can play no part in this. EXPEL them and let them sink into the sewer of our polity where they belong!"

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The greatest moment in the speech was when he said: "All it took was a new President", in reference to his summary ending of antiamerica's pet project, the unfettered invasion of our Southern border. I hope it becomes one of his bywords.

    The setting of the speech was a microcosm of the new American polity. We used to be roughly divided between left and right. As was obvious that night, the right is ascending and Congress is always a zero sum game. Sure, the far left is still a mortal threat to American civilization but its descending with increasing momentum. All it took was a little common sense shove.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: We are blessed now with an independent Scotus. It's inevitable that as such, they will disagree sometimes with the Executive branch. DJT's reforms are a dynamic and there will be ebb and flow. A GOP Congress can "put paid " to the egregious misuse of our foreign aid funds.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the speech: I wish he hadn't made the remark about the price of eggs. It was of course unfeelingly offensive to all of birddom. Nah, he was probably just funnin us and himself and parodying the hyperbolic expectorations so many Dems direct to him and about him. These ultra sensitive ( except to their own INSENSITIVITY) Dems cannot stand to be confronted by DJT's casual confidence in himself. "Why, that, that thing, he actually thinks he is alright" they lament. Their insane hostility to him , though feigned for effect by the real hombres in the Dem midst, I mean those with souls deadened but yet with intentions as murderous as their 20th century Marxist idols, has never been better confirmed as it is now by their pitiful bleating and their grotesque posturing. They should look in a mirror when rehearsing their comic histrionics!

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Apparently many in the Dem party perceive a crying need for a new leader and W. Clinton is frequently held up as an exemplar of the kind of leader they need now. Really?! THATS the best they can do? He's their model? !.

    He ain't called Slick Willy for nuthin. He was a master at unprincipled disingenuity and con man preemption of issues. I can believe that is just what would float the boat of many Dems now. "Shore nuff, we've always been for school choice, for a lawfully enforced southern border, for the protection of womens' sports from presumptuous invasion by men claiming femininity but retaining
    their advantage in main physical power, for respect for law enforcement and the heroic people who work it, for insistence on personal responsibility for one's behavior and no tolerance for those who commit crime, for limitation of government spending to necessities only, oh yes of course!" For most Dems to make such a statement would be dishonest. That was no drawback for the most obscene, amoral person ever to disgrace our White House.

    What the Dems need is a leader who will be completely frank with them about how they got into the rare old pickle they are in now : the unthinkable reascension to the Presidency of a man for whom they harbor virtually unprecedented contempt and antipathy. In being frank this potentially leader must be blunt about this: if the Dem party persists in tolerating the presence of unrelenting far leftists in their party, they are cooked. The country has caught on to just how corrupted by radicals the party is. Has an honest, objective person like that any chance of guiding that party? Apparently Gavin Newsom has made feints in that direction and he has been excoriated by some Dems. Is Newsom the best they can do now? Tsk tsk.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Among the very most encouraging of the President's affirmations was that of a return to common sense in our obtaining of energy resources, (surprise, surprise AOC), from our superlative and yes, practically unlimited, DOMESTIC natural sources. No more completely unjustified and insane strictures on the powerfully job producing extraction of coal, oil and natural gas from our own ground! No more bowing to Middle East satraps who hate us; no more cringing allegiance to the unproven ideas of American prosperity hating environmental radicals whose chief motive is the thereby forced "fundamental transformation" of a recalcitrant and ignorant America. Their "authority" derives not from science or expertise but from their cherished FEELINGS manifested in their "not to be doubted on pain of heresy" totalitarian doctrines. It was amusing to see the emotional distress of all those surely many science PhDs in the Dem crowd who saw their passionate predictions of imminent global immolation thus insolently defied! They may as well resign themselves to it. Their "Green New Deal" (authored by a bartender) is yesterday's news and headed for enshrinement only in future museums of our nation's brief, bizarre interlude of marxist oppression!

    To hell with all that! "Drill baby drill" : yes Mr.President, emphatically so! And please, open up that GD pipeline as soon as you can and restore all those jobs. Much appreciated!

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I did not mean to disparage science PhDs above. I know their progression to a doctorate in the sciences is a hard road.I'm going to guess that alot of them have had to toe a far leftist line with which they may well objectively disagree in order to preserve their hard one careers. Perhaps the Administration's hostility to radical Green New Deal unsupported humbug will encourage them to speak and act out. There is an apparent turn in the business world against DEI and back to proven common sense. Maybe we will witness a similarly redeeming change in the sciences (eg. relaxation of animi against publications which disagree with the views of radical environmentalists or against hiring the scholars who write them).

    Perhaps a suggestion of how the administration may actively oppose dictatorial far left bias in the American academy is to be seen in the President's cutoff of $400,000,000 in Federal grants for Columbia U. and his promise that this will be repeated with institutions which persist in encouraging and enabling far left oppression despite welcoming Federal taxpayer largesse.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I know the President's main reason in so tasking Columbia was ,first ,because of its civil rights violations in tolerating and even encouraging gross anti Jewish oppression on its once exalted campus. And I am confident he means it as a sure warning to "universities" which receive Federal funding that use of taxpayers' money by radicals for antiAmerican efforts tied in any way to this funding will NO LONGER BE FORTHCOMING! Obsequious far left shills and hardcore Marxist Leninists can forget about contemptuous and cynical use of American taxpayers' funds to undermine and eventually destroy America. After all(as we emerge from the toxic neomarxist fog with which we have been plagued since the '60s but especially under far left factotum Biden), what country anywhere would finance its own destruction by doctrinal barbarians, pray!

  10. I should have said above ". . . expected antiamerican efforts tied in any way to this funding, will result in NONDELIVERY of those funds!" Jack
