
Thursday, October 29, 2020

From Bad to Worse


Friends, this one has to be seen to be believed.  Twitter is punishing the head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for celebrating the construction of the Wall and for lauding its ability to keep violent criminals out of our country.  Apparently supporting the Wall and acknowledging the obvious -- that walls work to keep out bad people -- is "racist".


Couple this news with what Twitter has done to the New York Post -- a venerable newspaper is being refused access to its account until it takes down all references to its reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal -- and it's clear that social media is really trying to curry favor with the Dems! 


It's a foretaste of how conservatives will be treated in the "New Order"...that's if the Dems sweep the White House, Congress, and pack the courts.  From that point on, Big Tech will know that it has two choices: serve the interests and advance the narrative of the hegemonic Democratic Party, or be destroyed...literally!  The Dems will break up the big social media companies if they don't tow the line.


This is scary stuff!  Could a spring cleaning of Blogger be next?  Who knows if even WaddyIsRight will survive the purge...


  1. Dr. Nick

    You can be absolutely sure that if The Left takes over completely, your blog will be eradicated in due time, as will many others that do not reflect the Leftist view.

  2. NOTHING new about Twitter attacking Border Security and calling policy racist. This accusation has been going on for decades. All part of the DemoNISTA strategy to capture the Hispanic vote (legal or illegal) by keeping a wide open border. Many businesses also support this for cheap labor. The consequences are of course:

    1. Increased illegal drugs over the border.

    2. Increased illegal weapons across the border.

    3. Increased sex traffic across the border.

    4. Increased possibility of terrorists, and not always Hispanics.

    5. Possibility of exporting/importing pandemics across the border.

    However, it is a myth that walls are going to prevent this. They can be tunneled under, and rammed through as we already know.

    While a militarized border will never prevent any of the above, it will be a step in the right direction in decreasing criminal activities. A militarized border should include mining large sections of the border with Mexico, with lots of warning signs. This is justified in that The United States is being invaded by criminal activities across an international border.

    Will the border be secured? I doubt it, and no matter who is President. The drug industry in itself is a multi-billion dollar operation, probably multi-trillion. There are a lot of bribes out there in a lot of pockets.

    So as far as border security is concerned, build an "Iron Curtain" type barrier, or shut the hell up about this issue, and let disaster reign as it has and will.

    Take a look at increasing crime rates throughout The United States, and it has been documented that most crime is related to drugs, with meth as a leader in that area.


  3. You're probably right, Ray. My days may be numbered. Oh well. I'll just reinvent myself. WaddyIsLeft! He always has been! Did I ever mention how luxuriant Karl Marx's beard was? I mean it too!

    Ray, I personally have no problem with taking the most extreme measures to secure our southern border, but I also think you give Trump too little credit. Walls aren't useless. Sure, they don't solve the whole problem, but they help. What's even more important is convincing illegals that, if they hop the border, they won't be rewarded and given the ability to stay. Trump has been a game-changer in that sense, and he HAS eliminated most of the caravans. If you want a secure border, Trump is your guy. You won't do any better!

    An aside: a theme in this election that few have paid much attention to is the Hispanic vote. The Dems have been so busy reminding us that BLACK LIVES MATTER that they may have forgotten that "brown" lives (and voters) even exist.

  4. Dr. Nick

    I TOTALLY agree with you that President Trump is at least doing something to secure the border, and that his administration is against illegal entry. However, as I am sure you can see, my main point is that a really secure border needs to be militarized.

    Walls are certainly a start, but there has to be more. Also, when I say "militarized" that does not mean our Army has to take it over. In that regard The Border Patrol can be expanded.

    Nevertheless, I'm sure there are lots of corrupted people on the take who are working behind the scenes to prevent this. In addition, our border is a long one to be sure. But you know, The United States can always return The Southwest to Mexico, and do so to make up for our invasion of Mexico in 1846. Yes, we did take all that territory by force back then, and many Americans were opposed to it at the time.

    Just think of that huge chunk of real estate becoming part of Mexico, again. Never going to happen, but it's a thought. In the meantime, The American people need to reflect on the fact that us Gringos north of the border have some big time drug addiction problems, which is the reason cartels exist on both sides of the border. What a hell of a fix we are in!

    Anyway, you need to start growing a beard and reciting "The Communist Manifesto". Got it? I also recommend darkening up your skin a bit. So get ready for "WADDY IS LEFT" and I will begin flooding your blog with politically correct comments and opinions. And don't ever forget Fidel and "Che". Understand?

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah but . . . the Israeli wall is working well isn't it. Any amount of force from our superlative military and border forces which is required to stop invasion of our country is fine with me.

  6. Dr.Waddy and Ray from Jack: Any return of territory taken from Mexico would be a tragedy for all, of any ethnic group, in those territories. Who would willingly trade US government for that of Mexico? Our southern border would be moved north and mobbed by those fleeing Mexican misrule.

  7. WaddyIsLeft is ready to go on a moment's notice!

    Ray, you suggest that I darken my skin. That's a no-no among the woke. Racial identities are fixed forever, don't you know? When whitey acts black (or non-white), that's "appropriation". There's good news, though: gender IS NOT fixed. I can become female, or "other", whenever I like. I might have to!

    Jack is right: no one in California, Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas is itching to live in Mexico. There are no caravans streaming south... For better or worse, we are stuck with the territory we won by force of arms, so we better learn how to govern it well and protect it from all threats, foreign and domestic. A wall seems a decent start to me.
