
Friday, December 13, 2019

Britain Is Right -- Righter Than At Any Time Since the Thatcher Era!

Friends, how sweet it is!!!  The Conservatives under Boris Johnson have triumphed in the UK's general election, earning a sizeable absolute majority in the House of Commons.  This is a repudiation of Corbyn-style socialism, but more importantly it is a vindication of British democracy, in the wake of the decisive vote for Brexit in 2016.  Now, we can count on five years of responsible, Conservative rule in Britain, a strong, close relationship between the US and the UK, leading in all probability to a fantastic new trade deal between our two countries, and, above all, BREXIT!  Britain will imminently leave the European Union.  British sovereignty will be restored and, with any luck, the European Union will be back on its heels, licking its wounds, and scratching its collective head for years to come.  Who knows -- it may even shrivel up and die.  We can only hope.

Well done, Britons!  And well done, Britain!


  1. I was up most of the night watching the BBC, very surprised at the outcome (well, not really). I saw where even the very liberal candidates that were pushing for trans bathrooms etc. were defeated. Congrats Britain, now get on with it and get Brexit done.

  2. Dr. Waddy and Linda: Most joyful, most joyful! Advance Britannia! God Save the Queen! What a sublime moment for this hard fighting latter day Thatcher when the monarch sent for him last night.

    The birthplace of parliamentary democracy has definitively affirmed its devotion to the sanctity of elections and other ordered expressions of the will of the people, no matter how much the results may vex the newly "woken" elite. Here is to the everlasting confusion of those who would have surrendered to totalitarianism. Now England can be itself: "this sceptered isle", free of the corruption of less successful lands and delivered from incipient Eurototalitarianism. Let this great land deal with the world on its own terms, which are the product of the historically highest civilization.

    And let this be the renewal of consummate friendship and cooperation with its (yes) loving offspring, "the Great Republic", to the profound benefit of both countries and the world.

    A wonderful day!

  3. Jack, no one could say it better than you did here! It truly is a joyful moment. It's a vindication of Western democracy, at a time when that tradition is under unprecedented assault. It's a rebuke to socialism. It's a dagger in the heart of elitism and the drive for Euro-centralization. It's a personal triumph for Boris Johnson, a good man who's been dragged through the dirt. And it's a moment of unbounded opportunity for the "special relationship" between our two countries. I was thrilled!

    Linda, I was transfixed by the SkyNews coverage. It was delightful to see the Labourites dropping like flies...and nice to see the Lib Dems humbled too. Labour is socialist, and therefore repugnant, but the Lib Dems were openly contemptuous of the Brexit vote of 2016 and frank about their intention to override it. It's good that they were nipped in the bud.

  4. Dr. Waddy and Linda; I must add, also, how moved I was by that Conservative spokesman who bade British Jews take heart; that there was no longer one fundamentally (and perhaps even murderously) devoted to their destruction with any hope for executive power. That a spokesman for a party as accredited as the British Conservative party would
    speak in terms as confident and affirmative as those he used lends very much credit to the view (which I share) that the left, in Europe, in Britain, in America,is thoroughly antisemitic and is thoroughly condemned thereby, in addition to its consummate condemnation by the 20th century. I am not Jewish but I revere Judaism and would bid American Jews (of whom so many are left wing)consider; perhaps in a setting as advanced as the U.S., there has not been that shattering experience which we KNOW (the Holocaust needs no further description but Stalin planned something similar - if "only" a, eh, mandated move for all Soviet Jews to the welcoming Central Asian reaches) to have been understandably convincing to so many Jews of the necessity of a homeland. Yes, perhaps residency in the tolerant and welcoming U.S. was a remedy but for all Jews perhaps it was not.

  5. Jack, why so many Jews vote Democratic is something of a mystery, when the GOP is a far better friend to Israel than the Democrats are. Most Jews are socially liberal, so in that sense their allegiance is understandable, but I think we might see the tide turn in 2020. I haven't seen any data for the UK election, but it's hard to imagine that Labour would have carried the Jewish vote, no?

  6. Dr. Waddy: I checked it out on line, briefly: I was unable to find firm stats as to to how British Jews voted (perhaps such stats are not gathered or kept) but I found estimates ranging from 64% to 89% rejecting Corbyn.Jewish voters,many of whom said they had been regular Labor voters, often spoke of strong concern about Labor as having moved too far to the left and of its obvious and disturbing antiSemitic tendencies. The man whose office is described as Chief Rabbi of England was reported to have urged British Jews to reject Labor and Corbyn. A former Labor Mayor of London was reported as saying that "the Jewish vote was not helpful".

    In my view, all this may show that British Jews, having been presented with the spectacle of a leftist leader of now widely opined intemperance openly expressing what I think to be a fully expected leftist intolerance for the positive (bourgeois) values so exemplified by Jewish civilization: veneration for learning, perseverance in the preservation of Jewish culture in the face of sometimes murderous antipathy, of redeeming, laboriously earned and constructive economic skill , of respect for the elderly, of faith in and Covenant with a very plausible Higher Power, have been fully aroused, with existential and understandable alarm.

    Can this duplicated in the U.S.? It could be at hand: the left has taken a very reckless turn, spurred on by its consummate hatred for President Trump, who insolently denied them their Dionysian celebration in Nov. 2016. No, I don't think that American Jews can be expected to react as have those who may well have faced the very prospect of Nazi death camps in Britain in the '40's or the suggestion of such by 21st century dreamers. But our national revelation of the true nature of our American left, could be fostered by this decisive year.

  7. Thanks for doing the legwork, Jack! Yes, it's a shame better data isn't available on the British election. I wonder if Jews are historically a Labour constituency? I would guess they are. The Lib Dems and the Tories no doubt garner some Jewish votes as well. Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party under Corbyn has attracted a lot of headlines, though, and that's saying something, given the media's tendency to dismiss ANY allegation of bias against a leftist... Anyway, the migration of British Jews to the right may well be duplicated here. I don't expect a stampede, but even a modest shift would be significant.

  8. Dr. Waddy: A considerable shift of American Jews to that which gives them the best defense against American antisemitism, that which, with objective proof, shows them that the left has but used them,is at hand.

    Will it have have the same effect as the disaffection of British Jews? Hard to say, but we must persist. They are an influential faction and their key interests are in play.

  9. Dr. Waddy: Instead of saying "is at hand", I should have said" may well be in the offing".

  10. I like your optimism, Jack! Historically, the Jews have been a key Democratic constituency...and one which they clearly have been taking for granted for a long while.

  11. Dr.Waddy: I have read, mostly in several essays in the journal Commentary, of the origins of U.S. Jews often, though not thoroughly (witness the success of Commentary) expressed support for the American left . Much of it, apparently,stemmed from Jewish immigrants, fresh from murderous European biases, having seen the left of that day as their protector.

    But much has changed since then and the Marxist (consider Marx's rabid hatred of Judaism) takeover of the American left ( consult if you will, Jewish David Horowitz's views on that) consumes their movement now. Why? Because Jews live mostly constructive and positive lifestyles, informed by proven values manifesting very redeeming consequences. Their will and the predictable results put paid to left's expectations and explain the left's ferocious resistance and frantic expectoration.

  12. Jack, it's true that Jews once regarded the Left as more philo-Semitic than the right, and for very good reasons. Time marches on, though, and nowadays I think the Left's urge to placate Muslims exceeds its sympathy for Jews. That gives the right an opening, just as we have an opening with all "protected" groups, to borrow a phrase. We have much to offer -- and ultimately they offer nothing but a lifetime of dependency.
