
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Don't Count Your Chickens, Democrats!

Friends, I recommend to you this great article, about a recent surprise victory for a Republican candidate for the State Senate in Texas -- and the prospects for Republicans to win more competitive races around the country.  A "red wave" is possible, especially in the Senate, and we can hold our own elsewhere, if only we turn out and VOTE!  Let's make it happen.


  1. The TX state senate election, held in a district where the Democratic incumbent had to resign because of corruption, is not a true test of GOP v. Dem strength.

  2. Dr. Waddy: An encouraging article and your posting of it un derscores the very bottom line; Trump nation, the real America, must turn out for this election: its vital. Imagine that haughty San Francisco dreamer second in line to the Presidency! Another good thing about this Texas vote is that it affords a legislative supermajority to the real Texas and shows those who would force unneeded and unwanted change on that great state that Texans have their number and ain't going to cut them any slack.

  3. Rod, no election that has taken place between November 2016 and now is a "true test of GOP v. Dem strength", in the sense that they've all been peculiar and parochial, and none of them are a reliable forecast of what will happen in the midterms.

    Jack, it's certainly nice to see Texas remain true to form. I think those who believe Cruz will be beaten in November are dreaming...although the long-range forecast in Texas is cloudy, at best.

  4. Dr. Waddy: I think Texas is our California - the populous and resolute heart of our America. Its only when liberals like Ann Richards catch Texans off guard that they falter. They showed her the door soon enough.

  5. That's all true, Jack, but Texas' demographics are changing rapidly, and unless Hispanics go red soon I'm not sure we can avoid some keener political competition in the Lone Star State...

  6. Dr. Waddy: Leftist radical Hispanics, who would forget Santa Anna ( whose full and murderous history, both pre and post Alamo, must be considered) certainly do have influence. I would think they find California easier prey than stringy tough Texas though. I say, let them have that brassy lala land and take it to "south of the border" political chaos; good riddance for a time - they would come back soon enough(though that would be hard for the outnumbered many real Americans,Hispanic and otherwise, in that benighted state but there may be no alternative). Many Hispanics, though, retain the, I think essential, Spanish and Catholic devotion to positive family values which they realize more every day are held in contempt by the Dems.

  7. Jack, I agree, to a point -- I think Hispanics are gradually turning to the right, although the McCain-Romney-Trump tickets all performed relatively poorly with that demographic. Still, if you consider the leftist line on Trump and his inveterate "racism," the fact that Trump did respectably with Hispanics is a near-miracle. There's also room to grow Trump's support with blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. The minority vote is a big opportunity area.

  8. Dr. Waddy: I certainly agree; so far its been the only thing that has made the profoundly antiAmerican Dems politically viable. For me, because of my having grown up in old labor union Buffalo and then having been active in(and seeing first hand the leftist hijacking of the NY public employee union I was in)the lesson, which blue collar people MAY be realizing now, is that the Dems were captured by the radical left in 1972 and that that murderous faction's record of oppression of their class is there for all to see, both in America and the world. President Trump, with his courageous faith and consequent assertion of the American historical reality of painful progress toward true freedom of opportunity for all, is our best bet for convincing understandably wary minorities that the Dems have nothing but patronizing contempt for them. If minorities think their progress has not been sufficient, they will benefit from considering who, for the last 50 years, has enabled it such as it is.

  9. I agree, Jack, that we should do our best to win over minorities and to underline for them how little the Democratic Party really cares about their interests, but in my view we should also practice a little mischief, if that's what it takes to win. I've always thought we might benefit from supporting the rise of a hard-left black party that could peel away votes from the Dems. Why shouldn't the Black Lives Matter crowd have their own party, or La Raza, or the #MeToo fanatics? Split the Left, I say!

  10. Dr. Waddy: If we don't take the gloves off after this latest leftist abomination then we might not deserve to survive.

  11. We need to be tough, yes, but not "vicious", to borrow your terminology. Viciousness never wears well on Republicans. The mainstream media won't abide it -- from people they detest.

  12. Dr. Waddy: Our use of flame throwers, napalm and atomic weapons in the Pacific War could reasonably be characterized as vicious. But we opposed an enemy for whom one American General Officer had commented "I have never seen or heard of people who fight in the manner they do". The Japanese command was willing to do anything, including immolating the civilian population. The tactics we used were, viewed in the light of this reality, relatively humane, a truth to which millions of living Japanese could attest (and that their acceptance of American righteousness, which I witnessed first hand in Japan, supports). The American left, which directs the Dem party, has amply demonstrated its readiness to do ANYTHING to assure its goal, the totalitarian takeover of the U.S. We must, I think, be willing to use any tactic necessary, knowing the savagery of the opposition. If we are underhanded and disingenuous, to counter the MSM, then we must be. Judge Kavanaugh said it well: " they will reap the whirlwind!"

  13. That's all true, Jack, but we still have to pick our moments. Look at the interpretation of Kavanaugh's tears versus Ford's tears -- the media could not be more contemptuous of his grief, and could not be more impressed by hers. We have to be aware of the probable reaction to our tactics and act accordingly. As for "viciousness", I'm just not sure we have it in us as conservatives and patriots to embrace dubious, and even obviously fabricated, charges against our enemies in order to destroy them politically. And, if we did, that's the sort of tactic that works when your ruthlessness is shielded from public view by layers of media obfuscation, but, when the world is watching, I'm not sure it flies.

  14. Dr. Waddy: Very plausible points!
