
Sunday, October 20, 2024

Would You Like Fries With That?


Friends, in a move that could bolster his unstoppable momentum, DJT today served up a variety of fried delights at a Philadelphia McDonald's -- underlining his populist appeal and drawing a contrast with Kamala Harris, who claims she briefly worked at a McDonald's back in her "middle class" young adulthood (ha ha ha ha).  Whatever Trump is doing, politically speaking, he ought to double down on it, because the polls and betting markets are looking better and better for him every day, and sometimes every hour.


In other news, Elon Musk is raising eyebrows by offering Pennsylvania voters the chance to sign his pro-Trump petition...and giving away $1 million each day, every day until the election, to those who do.  The lefties are beside themselves!  This has to be "illegal", they say.  Well, is collecting ballots for cash illegal?  Is registering voters and being paid a set wage illegal?  We presume not, since these shenanigans are the lifeblood of the modern Democratic Party.  Well, all Musk is doing is entering people into a contest as a reward for signing a petition.  Seems pretty harmless to me.  In fact, it seems kinda smart.  What would you rather have?  $1 million of Musk's money, or a cold sneer from Kamala Harris?  Yeah, I thought so.



    One thing for sure, politicians are consistent and predictable in doing silly things during their campaigns. I see Harris and Walz went to church recently.


    Going to church is not silly. However, what kind of a church(es) did the dangerous duo attend? There are some very liberal churches out there. The United Church of Christ would certainly appeal to Leftists, I would think.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DJT has, despite his born wealth, convinced a perhaps decisive part of blue collar America that he sympathizes and, without patronizing them as the Dems do, honestly harbors some measure even of empathy with them.

    I remember seeing a campaigning Hillary entering a factory in her typically imperious manner with her metallic smile and after an extended period of worship sniffing, almost as an afterthought ,"well, what do we have here?" Kamala's cringeworthy efforts to gainsay her airy elite San Francisco demeanor follow the same discredited pattern.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Musk probably has the means to secure competent legal advice on election law. Naturally the antiamerican left would see in that body of law ammo for lawfare.

    That left is going to have its hands full if a far more experienced DJT is restored. But if he loses, it may be that Musk would become their bete noire. Their "joy" at defeating the Trumpian heresy might wilt when they realize that Nemesis still hovers above them in the person of a brilliant and resourceful man now thoroughly schooled by their incipient totalitarianism and perhaps implacably hostile to them.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I liked DJT's stint at MacDonalds. It was humorous and it shows up the "offended" Dems for the prigs that they are. Lighten up Dems! But then again don't!

  6. Ray, I think Harris and Walz might want to check out the Unitarians. They'd fit right in. Then again, paganism might beckon? There's Satanism, but that's a little "on the nose".

    Welcome back, MAGA Jack! It's interesting the troubles the party of the common man has relating to common men, isn't it? We forget how isolated many of these people are from everyday reality and "average folks". Some of them can fake it. Some of them, like Harris, can't.

    I agree: at least Trump has a sense of humor, which he must have leaned on a lot in the last few years!
