
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

All's Fair in Love and Lawfare?


Friends, lawfare may be backfiring, but we won't know that for sure until Trump wins in November, and even then we can't be positive that Democrats will abandon it.  In fact, they may double down on this insidious tactic.  What we can be sure of is this: if Democrats win, lawfare will multiply and will pose an existential threat to our constitutional system of government.  If you'd rather not see democracy die with a whimper, my advice is to vote Republican as if your freedoms depended on it, which they do!  And this, as you'll see, is the subject of my latest article:


In other news, Tulsi Gabbard has taken the plunge: she's joining the GOP!  Wow.  Who would have predicted that a few years ago?  If RFK, Jr. follows in her footsteps, you'll know that the world really has turned upside down. 

Finally, can you believe that a conservative party can win an election and still be frozen out of the emerging governing coalition?  It looks likely to happen in Austria, because no one will work with the "far right".  I know what the Dems are thinking: if only we had this option in America!  Of course, ignoring the will of the people is, technically, an option in America, and don't assume it won't happen.  It still might.


  1. Dr,Waddy from Jack: Couldn't get the laptop to connect anywhere on my trip. Back and no problems on the trip. I'll work my way back from this post.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'm glad Tulsi has come in from the cold. I hope those factors which persuaded her to abandon the Dems have also moved her toward the center of the GOP and away from those views which made her once a dem . Trump/Vance is what I see as the center of our party and if they win, she can be a real help to them and, perhaps, a future prospect. Again: Sec Def would be ideal for her. Her obvious disdain for the dems, which have moved her to dangerous apostasy, are a powerful thumb in the eye of antiamerica and its Dem party front. She could have become a star for them but she doesn't think the way they require women to think, on pain of excoriation for heresy.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'm very glad Tulsi came in from the cold. She could have been a star for the dems; she gave them a chance. But she doesn't think the way they require women to think and act, on pain of excoriation. I h ope she has Sec Def and possibly more in her future now. Perhaps the factors which changed her mind on the Dems have also propelled her to the middle of the GOP, which is now Trump/Vance. I don't see her as a rino, she has far too much backbone

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re Austria: According to the article the Freedom Party is "Russia friendly". "Russia friendly" and " far right"! An interesting combination. Can it be that the Freedom Party is grimly realistic about Russia's view that prospective Ukrainian membership in Nato is an utterly unacceptable national security risk and that that alone has garnered the Freedom Party an obviously unfavorable and unpopular characterization? Then again, being strongly antiRussian is perhaps not advisable in a country so near to Russia. They know how the Russian boot feels.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: A Kennedy (of course not Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana) in the GOP!! I mean I know Nov. 6 really could be the first day of a redeemed America but that!? Farewell Camelot. Perhaps the rest of the family would return to Ireland in order to escape the unendurable advent of neo common sense.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your article makes a solid, convincing case for the paramount ominous importance of lawfare and its fundamental threat to our democracy. (It's worth noting the hypocritical breathless concern for supposedly threatened democracy being of late expressed by campaigning dems driven to distraction by the very thought of a restored Pres. Trump. That is by now characteristic Clintonian preemption of the very real threat posed by the incipiently and purposefully totalitarian antiamerican left and transposing it onto MAGA and DJT intent. )

    The rule of law is fundamental in any democracy but must of course be justly established. To turn the laws to the service of a particular partisan doctrine is inimical to democratic government.

    The antiamerican left holds that since the history of both English and American law has proven it to be formed only to protect the interests of elites made so by undemocratic factors (wealth, aristocracy , "privilege"etc. ) then it is just to suborn it in pursuance of "true justice" . (eg. "jury nullification", the attempt to steal the 2000 election partly by "legally" discrediting military absentee votes,etc, etc ad nauseum).

    But never has it been more openly and obviously intended than in the unapologetic vindictive misuse of the law described and defined by the now established term "lawfare" directed in the last four years chiefly against DJT but also against heroic Mayor Guiliani and increasingly against individuals who dare to object to far leftist administration in state and Federal government (eg. Catholic parents).

    The antiamerican left and it's dem party "front" consider DJT a FUNDAMENTAL threat to its long ongoing campaign to "fundamentally transform" the US into a yet historically condemned neomarxist model. They know he is an hombre who knows them for what they are: the latest manifestations of a doctrine which considers itself by definition justified in the use of "any means necessary" This, in their minds justifies the use of extreme personally oppressive lawfare against him. We can reasonably assume then that they consider it just to use lawfare against any FUNDAMENTAL threat to their plans. And to them, any organized or influential individually advanced OPPOSITION is a FUNDAMENTAL threat. That is of course completely typical of totalitarians, as history proves.

    By winning this election we can deal this appalling assault on all we value a staggering blow. First, their emotional and frantic onslaught on DJT would prove to have been in vain. Second, a GOP win would empower an administration motivated by antiamerican left outrages to direct maximum effort to defeat antiamerican leftist prostitution of a
    legal system credited by centuries of painful evolutionary progress.

    The use of lawfare opens a window, for all who would see, into the incidentally arbitrary, tyrannical, hate filled heart of the antiamerican left and you are right, Dr. Waddy, to emphasize the VITAL importance of it and the easily achievable possibility (VOTE!) of defeating it on Nov. 5. If we fail, an as always emotionally captured antiamerican left would, motivated by intense relief in having defeated the Trumpian heresy , set to in assuring that their eventual totalitarian triumph will never again be so hazarded,

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Saw lots and lots of Trump signs on my drive back from Montana, through N. Dakota, Minn., Wisc., MIch. and Ohio. Not very many Harris signs. Maybe the heartland can be outvoted by Dem controlled cities in some of their states but maybe not ;the heartland knows what's what. .

  8. Jack, I would happily support Tulsi for SecDef, just as long as she's fully committed to rooting out wokeness.

    Wouldn't it be wild to have a Republican Kennedy? That would be one of the most glorious aspects of a Trump win, I must say: the Kennedys and all the other Dem royalty would have to suffer Trump, and RFK, and Musk, on their television screens night after night... Eek!

    Jack, I agree with almost everything you said about lawfare, except for the notion that it will surely or probably collapse as a strategy if Trump wins. I'd like to think that's so, but I'm not convinced it is. For, if I was a Dem, I might conclude from the lessons of '24 not that lawfare is bad or ineffectual, but that it wasn't executed very well by Willis and Co. And this may well be true -- lawfare could reemerge and it could prove even more dangerous down the line. The battle against it will be long and hard, I predict, and might only be won with...lawfare???

    Glad to hear that rural America's heart is in the right place. Let's hope the suburbs are returning to the fold as well.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Sec Def Gabbard, if she chose to be so, would be
    a very effective opponent of wokeness in the military. She has guts aplenty and inside executive knowledge of how the military works. And being a woman who renounced a Dem party for which she had once sought its Presidential nomination, in disgust with the party's obvious capture by the radical left, she would be a powerful counter to the man hating radical feminists who are some of wokeism's most enthusiastic and totalitarian supporters.

    Its often said that a convert is a powerful advocate; perhaps that is so with Tulsi but I think she possesses personal conviction much beyond that image. She is an impressive public figure and a most welcome addition to our side; the future of "take America back!" is much enhanced by her arrival.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your observations about the possible resilience of the lawfare tactic in antiamerica's hands are quite plausible.

    I would maintain that a DJT win would hit them very hard and might even drive them to unreason. But that they would recover is a distinct possibility for several reasons:

    First, the election may be close. That would of course encourage them to try to steal it. Even if they fail, their post 2000 denial would be their model for post 2024. Second, if they take the House, they will have a figure to rally behind, Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker. And it would provide them a powerful base for unrelenting resistance and disloyalty. Continuous impeachment, both formal and informal, informed by their ever maxim of "any means necessary" would be routine and reflexive. Committees would become Inquisitions.

    Modern Marxists have often blithely said" oh , we just didn't get it right the first time; we'll go for another chance, yes we will" . Similarly, should their onslaught on DJT fluff (just imagine, despite their best efforts, a man indicted more than John Gotti, shakes them off as a bull would a puppy) they would say " Oh well, Fani and her squeeze were the kind of rifraff always looking to ride a cresting political wave. We'll cull them out next time but be assured , we will continue to use the legal "establishment" against itself in ways utterly contradicting its discredited traditions and its detested "precedents" in order to work our unassailable justice."
