
Sunday, October 13, 2024

At the Cliff's Edge


Friends, our hearts go out to leftists on this Sunday just three and a half weeks before the election.  To say that they've been gripped by angst would be a distinct understatement.  Even their own polls, like the NBC poll just out today, show the race between Trump and Harris a dead heat.  Not surprisingly, they can't wrap their prodigious brains around this information, since Harris is joyful and wonderful and competent and accomplished and loves "democracy" ever so much, and Trump, by contrast, is...Trump.  How can the American people be on the fence between these two candidates, different as night and day?  Conservatives are baffled too, but a lot less so, because they fully expect that half the country will be listening to the siren's song of the mainstream media.  For progressives, as Kamala's honeymoon evaporates -- and we can't deny it was nice, from a leftist perspective, while it lasted -- the reality is setting in that all the lawfare, all the hyperbolic invective, all the years of stewing in TDS, haven't fundamentally changed the country's perspective on Trump.  In fact, perceptions of Trump and Trump's first term have improved recently, suggesting that efforts to undermine him may even be backfiring.  Heck, even bullets bounce off the guy!!!  As a Democrat or a progressive, you can understand why you'd be close to losing your mind at this stage -- assuming, of course, that you ever had a firm grip on reality to begin with.  It's worth remembering, along these lines, that a cornered animal, which is what leftists have become, is a very dangerous one.  Staring into the abyss of fathomless "fascism", the children of light may be tempted to turn to the darkness.  In other words, they might grasp at any straw that promises them deliverance from imminent calamity, which means that Republicans, conservatives, Trumpers, and patriots, while they may be tantalizingly close to ending the Biden-Harris train wreck, are also flirting with potential disaster themselves.  When the Democrats play their last card, in a desperate effort to ward off Trumpery, who can say that they wouldn't be willing to destroy democracy in order to "save" it?  You've been warned!


Here you'll find Mika Brzezinski, an MSNBC drone, fretting about Trump's viability.  One of the best things about this moment, if you ask me, is that Dems and progressives are starting to play the identity politics card on one another, i.e. arguing over whether it's white men, or white women, or black men, or black women, or Hispanic men, or Hispanic women, who are to blame for Kamala's weak poll numbers.  All I can say is: ha!  You reap what you sow, lefties.  Please, form up into a circular firing squad and...let 'er rip!


And here is the aforementioned NBC poll, which admittedly shows a slightly better overall picture than the ABC or CBS polls, also released today: 

It's significant that SNL considers Kamala Harris eligible for mockery, because they've tended not to lay a glove on the Democratic presidential candidate at key moments.  I suspect the writers and producers must have argued long and hard over whether to subject Kamala to their subtle arts.


Finally, the Left is trying to suggest that Elon Musk has gone "all in" for Trump, and I'm happy to see that he's providing some financial support to Trump and Republicans, but the numbers discussed in this article are, frankly, chump change in electoral terms, and are totally derisory when you consider how rich Musk is and how much jeopardy he says he will be in if Trump loses.  Come on, Elon!  Step it up!  Time is short.  No conservative billionaire can afford to be stingy in this critical moment. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I see a commentator quoted Humphrey's unintentionally hilarious 1968 battle cry "The Politics of Joy" recently in reference to the Harris campaign. Don't know if she has actually usurped the phrase but her emotionally propelled "We've already won haven't we my people!!! public demeanor contains much of Humphrey's breathless self righteousness.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "Huzza, Huzza, Huzza!" (an exclamation of praise from our first Civil War). Your comments: WELL AND TRULY SAID!

    America is becoming perhaps finally convinced of the far left's duplicity and totalitarian intent all along. Too, perhaps the Dems might consider someday nominating a woman who is neither an insufferable snob or a hapless phony like the two it has already proposed to us.

    Yeah, I "feel" their pain, just like they always say they do . . . . I don't blame them for sinking into the "slough of despond". They have exhausted their once formidable arsenal of character assassinating lies which, gee, "worked so well against cringing RINOS". And their efforts have been miraculously counterproductive; but maybe not so surprisingly so: Trump is an HOMBRE and these "effete snobs" can't hack it.

    The heat is on and we will keep it increasing. We know the future of all America cherishes, even beyond the next four years, is at perhaps final contest and we will not let up!

    Should the Dems lose, their present resentment and desperation would turn to anarchic vengeance which may well bring them to the brink of the precipice.

    Another consequence I think plausible should they fluff: after the dust settles, the AOC 2028 campaign will commence. Its object will be to "fundamentally transform" her image (only) to one of moderation and sweet reason. It would bring on a dread decision for the Dems. Either continue into Soviet style self imposed political death OR divorce the antiamerican hate filled incipiently totalitarian left which has so grievously corrupted a once loyal party.

  3. Jack, Trump may win, but if and when he does I wouldn't read much into it, except a dissatisfaction with the status quo and a deep mistrust of the "experts", especially journalists.

    It would be great to see the Dems go on a long journey of self-destruction after losing in '24. We can only hope!

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Why would SNL turn against any Dem candidate at such a critical moment? It now or never time. Do they want her to lose? If so, why? Maybe dem hopes are beginning to shift to Hakeem Jeffries. If he becomes Speaker he would of course be an extremely divisive chap.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your call for Musk to become even more closely involved is intriguing.A man like him, perhaps destined for almost Promethean effect on our civilization ,no doubt fully realizes that he has committed the unforgiveable offense of openly opposing the unimpeachably just far left instead of falling in line. He knows what a vindictive onslaught he faces for his heresy should they yet chance to muster the means to savage him, the means they have so viciously and insouciantly directed to DJT.

    I would guess he would not take offense at being urged to direct even more of his immense expeditionary power to the defeat of antiamerica at this critical juncture. Aside from genuine, demonstrated good will for a country which has welcomed him: he knows that Madame DeFarge yet patiently knits and that a tumbrel awaits him should the "revolutionaries" triumph.
