
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Harris Machine


Friends, on one point Kamala Harris has every reason to smile, and maybe even guffaw: money.  She's raised more, and she's spending more.  Billions upon billions will be expended by the party representing the political, social, and economic establishment to ensure that it is protected from the ravages of Donald Trump and his legions of bloodthirsty, insane, fascistic Trumpers.  Will it work?  Money matters in politics, to be sure, but Trump was outspent in 2016 and 2020 as well, and it didn't stop him from exceeding expectations in both cases.  Note that Trump, a billionaire, has never invested much of his own money in his political (mis)adventures.  One might reasonably ask: why not?  That's especially true this year, when it's fairly clear that, if Trump loses, he stands a very good chance of ending his life in prison.  In any case, neither Trump nor any other deep-pocketed Republican or conservative seems motivated to spend the money necessary to close the gap with Kamala and her wealthy supporters.  Will Trump and Trumpers ultimately regret this lapse?  We'll see.

In a hopeful sign for Trump, he's retaken a small lead in the betting markets, and you're beginning to see faint indications of panic on the Left.  Of course, everything remains closer than close!

Finally, the DOJ is keeping the pressure on Google, and there is even talk of breaking up the company.  I say: DO IT!!!  Google is an anti-competitive behemoth and its dismemberment would make this country, and this world, a better place.  I have a sneaking suspicion, however, that the DOJ isn't serious.  Lawsuits like these may just be shots across Google's bow, i.e. a gentle reminder not to the bite the hand that feeds them, and is in turn fed by them.  Ultimately, the government and Google are in a symbiotic relationship.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I don't know if I have seen any Harris ads directly aimed at Pennsylvania: I live very close to God's Country North Central PA and I would guess that Harris is trying to convince people there that she is "just folks". I think very few in the PA I know would be convinced by her patronizing nonsense. They know full well that she would attempt to destroy the oil and gas industries which have been PA's economic lifeblood. If she takes PA. I think it would be Philly and maybe Pittsburgh which would do it.

    1. Jack of "just folks":
      Agreed! Not only will "very few" be convinced... very many will be more motivated to vote against her utter nonsense.
      Harris will take PA, only if Philly can "manufacture" enough votes to overtake the many energized disgusted folks of "God's Country".

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Being incipient totalitarians and already accomplished dictators (eg. People's Republic of NY) I'm sure the Dems have no philosophical resentment toward monopolies. Why its just their style!. But if a monopoly, well, monopolizes an enterprise, entity or function over which they crave complete control, then antimonopoly laws float their boat for the time being.Of course monopolies will be nonexistent if they take over because free enterprise (which does overdo it sometimes)will have been eradicated.

    1. Jack of the incipient totalitarians:
      Agree again! The action against Google is really just a slap on the wrist of those who control the central point of knowledge distribution's decision making.
      The left has made it clear that they expect them to tow the line if they win. Which is a very scary thought given how far they lean to the west at this stage of the game.


    Clearly, this is already a "molten lava" hot contested election, and I believe you said in another article that it could end up with the SCOTUS deciding who wins, because neither side is going to accept the results.

    1. Hi Ray! Love the fact you're using a screen name! Good on you!
      I hope the election isn't close enough to come to this. The result you mention could very well be the "molten lava" that dismantles the foundational underpinnings upon which this country was founded.


    This is off subject for this article, but I see that the Lefties (many of whom probably don't believe in God anyway) are currently busy blasting Trump's "God Bless The U.S.A. Bible", because it was printed in PRC China. Had they done their research, they would find that most Bibles are printed in the PRC, and for some time now.

    In any event, Trump should never have done this in the first place. He's weaving himself and American Nationalism into sacred scripture, which is unacceptable. Also, that's already been done in "The Founders Bible" several years ago, and that was printed in the U.S.

    1. "He's weaving himself and American Nationalism into sacred scripture, which is unacceptable."
      Amen to that Brother. Couldn't have said it better.


    Too late now (I think), but perhaps Trump should have "bowed out" of the race, and endorsed Vance as the candidate, before the convention of course. If he (Trump) does win, it would behoove him to consider stepping down in about a year or so, and pass the torch to Vance. Then Trump can retired to his Florida estates. Better for the country don't you think? Wishful thinking on my part for sure.

    1. Ray... we are way more alike than different. I couldn't agree more and can only hope the Donald would see it similarly. However, I don't think given his persona, it is a realistic result. One can dream.


    Should you be interested, and I hope you are, one of the best books about our current political, social and cultural dilemma is "Democracy and Populism, Fear and Hatred" by my favorite modern times historian, the late John Lukacs. This is in my library, as are many of his other books. Lukacs emphasizes, that the process of our decline went into high gear especially after World War 2. If he (Lukacs) were still around, I'm sure he would say loud and clear "I told you so"! Yes, I know, there are lots and lots of books out there about the downhill direction of the U.S., and I have read many, but I always keep coming back to Lukacs.
    His approach reminds me that both Harris and Trump are byproducts of populism, and have generated plenty of fear and hatred. Do either Harris or Trump really care about the country? Do all they really give a damn about are their own egotistical addiction to power and control? Don't you think that both of them do a good job of generating fear and hatred? Seems they do, with generous dollops of national anxiety, and fear-mongering.

    1. Great question Ray. I'll be interested to see the Right is Waddy response to this!



    I know the both of you are already "girding your loins" for a Harris regime, aren't you? Trump in prison could certainly be one result of that. And I predict some more disasters no matter where Trump spends the night. One of those would be "Medicare for All". Can't you just see it, with understaffed and overworked hospitals and clinics being forced to receive loads of people, with a large number of them illegal immigrants who never paid a cent for taxes or social security, that would have priority over young and old legitimate American citizens born and raised.

    How about the fate of Taiwan and Ukraine? Think our Armed Forces are up to the task of "rattling enough sabers" to prevent that. Come to think of it, how many Americans can even point out Taiwan or Ukraine on a map? How many Americans even give a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut what happens to Taiwan or Ukraine?

    How about rising taxes and food shortages? Go figure.

    Let's see, what else. With Harris and "Joy Boy Walz" in charge, start making a list. Best of all, we can all rest easy, knowing that convicted felons have the right to sex change operations.

    I don't know about you guys, but thinking about no more free elections, and a future United Socialist States of America, makes me so happy, I could just shit!


    Here are two "crudies" for humor. Ever considered what you would do if you were forced to have sex with a Left-Wing woman? Seems there are more than a few. Well, all you can do is drape a U.S. Flag over their face and F*** For Old Glory"!

    What happens when your Optic nerve somehow get connect with your Rectal nerve? You get a shitty outlook on life!

    1. Oh Boy. Ray... you OK? There seems to be some Freudian undercurrent here. I'm thinking the Waddster will leave this one well enough alone and for good reason.


    What about Israel? Highly recommend reading the articles in Devin Sper's blog. Sper is a well educated Israeli-American who has served in the Israel Defense Force, and has a "firm grasp" on the realities of Israel's survival, past present and future. Lot's of eye opening articles at his site.


    I'm on a real roll today, am I not? Haven't commented much lately, but trying to make up for it.

    Indeed, my comments on the outcome of next month's election tend to be negative, but I'm still hoping for the best, no matter what. Come to think of it, I am certainly reminded that lately, a lot of people have lost homes, lives, and much else due to the recent weather disasters in the Southeastern region. I'm sure a great many of them are not overly concerned with the results of November 5, 2024.

    On that note, the U.S.A. is facing a political disaster, but we can survive it.


    At the risk of being boring with my rants and raves, I'll make this my last remark for this article.

    If Trump does not win, then a large percentage of that loss, will be BECAUSE he can't keep his mouth shut! He fell into the trap of attacking his opposition from day one, and keeps on and on doing it, like some little kid who is mad at some other kid mentality. He should have NEVER done this, and concentrated on what he is going to do if he is elected. In this regard, he is is own worst enemy, hands down. Too late now to correct any of this, regrettably.

    1. Oh... if only Ray were on Trumps campaign advisory team. You just espoused the concerns shared by a great deal of closet Trump supporters. Why? Why does he feel the need to retaliate to the lowest common denominator?
      Maybe there is some irrational Freudian connection here as well?

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree with your cautious optimism about the election; my gut, for what its worth, is telling me we are going to win. Harris is looking more Dukakis like by the day (its amusing to think now how much we feared that criminal loving elitist).Perhaps we will not avoid grievous casualties, as is to be expected in any pitched, consequential conflict: maybe the House. But with the Presidency, very much more strengthened by JD in the wings, and maybe the Senate, we can protect Scotus. All far leftists are prone to panic at any hint of a triumph of any unbearable heresy; I think they had better stock up on sedatives.

    1. Jack of Scotus Protection:
      If... If all we are able to accomplish is protecting the structure of the Scotus, that would be a wonderful thing.
      Though the left should be stocking up on the ludes, those of us on the right might be wise to at least sign up for cleansing yoga.

  13. Ray from Jack: I'm taking things one day at a time. Certainly this is the most consequential election since the curse of Hillary was turned back in 2016 and overall perhaps plausibly comparable to 1864 or 1932. I'm enjoying the thought that we may well win.

    I think DJT is a very brave and idealistic man who could eventually and cumulatively prove a great President. You and I know about how senior citizenship is. As my father said in lamenting it "you don't bounce so good anymore". Who in our political history has had more to bounce back from than DJT, especially after the last four years and even now? He may still have the
    vindictive lawfare "sword of Damocles" hanging over him even if he wins. At this age, that ain't easy.

    No, I just can't imagine that he endures all this, when he could have been living in ease , including blessed peace of mind, for the fulfillment of an oversized ego. There are probably easier ways to indulge that desire. Honestly, I do think his is a powerfully motivated desire (and the knowledge that he has the power to accomplish this ) to meet antiamerica's totalitarian onslaught on all we value head on - as a"Happy Warrior" .He knows he can't defeat it finally in his time but he may well think, with good reason, that he can turn the tide and that wisely entrusted JD will carry on. In addition I think he knows that if he is denied this time, that antiamerica would make fanatic haste to ensure that he or his like never emerges to vex them again (i.e. that America as we know it will be, perhaps permanently, either eclipsed or redeemed in Nov. ) . To persist in this effort at such personal risk, already levelled cost and resolute effort, at his age, makes DJT deserving of great credit. Sure, I remember when he was understandably seen as a frivolous dillettante. He has magnificently gainsaid that image, I think.

    1. Very nice post, sans the Fruedian undertones Ray! I agree and please take the Sig jabs as simply fun and jest.

    2. Jack of Ray "sward of Damocles"
      My bad... I responded to quickly to recognize this was just another "Jack"!

  14. Ray from Jack: Whenever the antiamerican left attempts to promote a patriotic image of itself (''why, how very 'antiamerican' it is to buy anything, yes anything, made in Godless China) it fluffs completely. Sorry lefties; you've worn out your welcome; we know you now for what you are. Your openly and unapologetic fanatic intent is to "fundamentally transform" America into some "thing" which would not be America ("United Equitable Entities " perhaps? Suitably euphemistic for your totalitarian dreamland, yes?)

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I don't think it wishful thinking or not plausible to think that a reelected DJT might not serve out his term. If he thinks things are in hand, why shouldn't he retire; he's done his part. Of course if the antiamerican left's lawfare is the main part of a guerrilla campaign against his administration then he may be constrained to retain office in his own defense.That it is necessary to consider the possibility of him facing prison is a detested reality brought about by traitorous incipient tyrants.

    1. Jack of wishful thinking:
      It's entirely plausible! If he is able to pardon away the current (and pending) charges against him, he COULD retire! Maybe that is why JDV was selected. He is certainly MORE Presidential that Trump is and maybe deep down he knows that!

  16. Ray from Jack: I think a terribly relieved and revitalized antiamerica, having survived its most harrowing threat would be determined from day one to stamp out all opposition. The Trumpian heresy, with its unendurable suggestions of mortal fallibility on their part, has been a fearsome ordeal for them and they aren't the most emotionally stable people around. Revenge, retribution, redemption and permanent comprehensive empowerment would be their bywords as they bustle.

  17. To the Jacks of "All Types":
    I am not a moderator of this board. I have no standing or authority on this domain, or any other for that matter.
    Still... wouldn't it be cool if the "Jacks" of this world could identify themselves in some manner so we could have some idea of who we are replying to?
    Call yourself the "Jack of Spades" or "Jack of Sprat"! Whatever you additional moniker you "identify" with. At least then we could have some idea who we were responding to.
    And... if you are Replying to a specific comment, it would be super cool if you could do it as a Reply to THAT post. I know, it means a little more work, and finding the appropriate link, but it would make the board a bit easier to follow.
    There... Dr. Waddy... you have every right to censor "Richie" and tell him NOT to come back and leave the "Jack's" alone. Which in respect for your esteemed opinion and commentary I WOULD do.
    However as this board grows in popularity approaching the election, I'm just feelin that would help clarify the discourse.
    Thank you Dr. Waddy for putting yourself out there, and Ray! You are my guy for doing just that!
    Jack's of the world! What say you!

  18. 29 comments!!! Holy moly. Have I created a monster? Possibly several?

    Yes, cheating would be the surest way to win PA, although another path would run through the suburbs, which have certainly been susceptible to Dem subversion in the past.

    Richie, darn right! The notion of a Google even more subservient to the government and to the progressive elite should send shivers up any American patriot's spine. Musk is right: the censorship and thought-control can and will get worse unless and until the Left feels the wrath of the American voting public.

    I wouldn't say a contested election is inevitable -- that depends on the margin -- but an aggrieved loser most certainly is!!! I predict the mythology of a "stab in the back" will fall on fertile ground. If Trump wins, look for blue states to undertake unprecedented independent action to undermine Trump, including efforts to jail him.

    Agreed, Ray: the Trump Bible was one of his dumbest moves ever, and that's saying something!

    As I've said before, I don't rule out the possibility that Trump would step aside in favor of Vance, but that won't happen anytime soon. The fact that Trump picked Vance says a lot. He must see him as a chip off the ole block, and as an ally who can be trusted in every circumstance. If he's a worthy successor, then, indeed, why not let him get on with it earlier rather than later?

    Ray, you are right to question the sincerity and GENUINE patriotism of Trump and Harris. Both are egoists to a large degree. However, I question whether Harris and the Democrats are "populist" in any meaningful sense. What's your definition of populism?

  19. Ray, you paint a vivid picture of Kamala's America, that's for sure. I'm not convinced that a Harris win, in itself, would have all the effects you describe, though. Control of Congress is a critical variable. A Dem trifecta is not especially likely. A bigger variable, though, is Dem cajones. Any president can essentially shut down American democracy, and castrate the Supreme Court, whenever he/she likes. All it takes is guts. So far, no one has had said guts. Could Harris? She could. She could not. We can only speculate.

    Ha! You are too much, Ray. For the record, some of America's hottest chicks are leftists, so I wouldn't assume that sex with a liberal woman would be intolerable. In fact, it might be the best way to get her to stop talking, at least for twenty minutes, and wouldn't that be divine???

    Ray/Richie, I don't think there's anything wrong with attacking Biden, Harris, and the Dems in general. It's all a question of how you do it. Most of the time, Trump sticks to attacks on the Biden/Harris record, and that's exactly what's needed. Asinine, juvenile personal insults probably don't help, but I'm not sure they hurt much either, since every American already expects that from Trump.

    Jack, I too am increasingly optimistic. In the last 24 hours, I've seen Trump's chances in the betting markets inch higher and higher.

    Richie: yes!!! If all we accomplished this year was the preservation of SCOTUS's authority, we would have staved off the end of our system of government, and that ain't nothin'.

    Richie, as you point out, Trump or Vance could pardon Trump out of most of the legal jeopardy that now faces him. The problem is the current and future state charges, over which the Feds have little leverage. It might come down to an armed standoff between state and federal law enforcement. Trump might have to avoid blue states for the rest of his days just to avoid imprisonment. What kind of a "country" is that, you might reasonably ask? A sick one, obviously.

    Hmm. There's only one Jack, but I suppose he could distinguish himself, or we could distinguish him and he could gracefully accede... How about "MAGA Jack, King of the Trumpers, Scourge of Wokeness, Silver-Tongued Demigod of Conservatism, Field Marshal of the Armies of God, and Guardian of Western Civilization"? Or just "MAGA Jack" for short...

    1. Many apologies to MAGA Jack, the Prolific and Silver-Tongued Demigod of WIR Blogspot. I ass-u-me'd there were many Jack's given the frequent and fluent breadth of knowledge shared on this forum.
      Thank you for the mercy shown and keep up the good work "Jack"!

  20. Richie: I agree with you, Scotus is vital. But this time we would have the advantage of starting off with a proven redeemed Court. Establishing it was a hard fight but defending it MAY be less so. That might mean that more effort could be concentrated on other essentials ( eg.closing the southern border, bringing common sense to our Ukraine involvement, confronting criminal loving judges and DAs , restoring our energy independence and confronting radical, humanity hating environmentalists ).

  21. Dr. Waddy, Richie, Ray et al from Jack: "Your Aves vehement" (I like to use Shakespearean quotes just for fun ): I greatly enjoy the humor and the camaraderie of people like us who can engage in courteous and creditable dialectic and will, by your leave, remain simply "Jack ". I once had my own blog but Dr. Waddy posts so frequently and creditably on a very wide range of contemporary issues (along with welcome discourse on history and its relationship to our times) that I am very glad for the opportunity to comment at his site. He has said its alright with him if I broach a rare subject he has not yet touched on , so occasionally I do indulge in that privilege in the comment section of his posts on other subjects.

  22. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am very grateful for the attention paid to my comments both from those who reply and those who might read them without reply.

  23. Richie from Jack: I like the term MAGA alot but my favorite slogan in this election is "Take America Back!". How redeeming it could be to save our country from those who would presumptuously demolish it to make way for their fantasies and their totalitarian power to enact whatever, whenever they "feel "like it without opposition.

  24. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I know your assertion that a President can eviscerate Scotus any time he/she/ it wants is well founded but please elaborate on how a President could do that. You may well be referring chiefly to packing the court, which can be done by statute but if so, any other way? A Chief Executive can promulgate administrative law or even statutory law the wording of which may not directly contradict a Scotus decision but which may well have the effect of countering it. NY state's gun laws in part embody this disingenuous tactic.

  25. Dr. Waddy from Jack: What a truly bizarre thing it would be for a sitting President to face a real possibility of arrest by a state should he enter it. It would be high drama to see him put it to the test. But we have already witnessed the advent of astonishing new realities in our politics over the last few years. Its not unprecedented: 1820 - 1877 manifested much that was unthinkable or never imagined.

    I still think this 60 year attempt to overturn America may eventually amount simply to a ,yes, bizarre interlude in our history. Its "interlude - ization "may commence in Nov.

  26. Ha! It's natural to assume that one man could not possibly be the author of so many (compelling) posts...but he is!!! MAGA Jack is not to be trifled with.

    I dunno. TAB Jack doesn't have the same ring to it as MAGA Jack. Come to think of it, you ought to be Ultra MAGA Jack, at a minimum, because otherwise we would be selling you short.

    The easiest way for a president to eviscerate SCOTUS is by ignoring it. It's happened before. Heck, as you well know NYS is doing it now, albeit with a dash of subtlety. Ask yourself: what would be the consequences if the president openly defied the Supremes? Would there even be any?

  27. Dr. Waddy from Jack (alias Maga Jack); Wow , that's a good one: we know about the history and, who knows, the possible revival of nullification but I'd always thought of it as the states defying the Feds or jury nullification. What power might Scotus exercise against a President who defies them at law? It doesn't have the armed force it would take to counter the US Marines (or doesn't it). Our military's subordination to civilian control was tested in 1862 when McClellan might have been able to march on Washington with the Army of the Potomac. But for his celebrated tactical indecisiveness an army very upset about his removal from command might have been willing. Would doctrinal conflict sway our military today? Perhaps the red states, acting in concert, could decide a standoff between the Executive and Judicial Branches. This year anything could happen.
