
Wednesday, October 2, 2024



Friends, I invite your comments on tonight's debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, but my initial reaction is that Vance lived up to his billing as an intellectually robust, articulate, and extremely affable Trumper.  He did, in my estimation, a much better job of selling the Trump record, and trashing the Biden-Harris record, than Trump did himself.  I doubt that any Vice-Presidential debate will ever prove decisive, but Vance reminded the American people that Kamala Harris has had three and a half years to solve all our problems, and instead she has only made them worse.  Enough said???


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I didn't watch the whole thing. I hope that somewhere Walz ventured to repeat what I've seen in one of his ads. "Well, he's Harvard Law and I'm just a school teacher (hint, hint. . .)". Yeah, Walz is regular folks, a "man of the people", not a privileged swell!. Hardly anything more literally down to earth than four years as a Marine enlisted man, in a war zone, as was JD's experience though. Just sayin' ya know.

    Also, perhaps a little less emphasis on the "Kamala Harris administration "might be wise. It wasn't her administration; she was a cipher from the day of her cynical selection. That's flat!

    Her border Czardom, which supposedly involved personally"enlightening" leaders of countries from which most illegals come, was a joke, as the results plainly indicate. I pity the translators tangling with her prolix word briar patches. But then of course she may have bade "Los Jefes" "bring 'em on, we'll take 'em all!"

    If I were a Dem I'd be very nervous. "Take America back" has a young, very promising successor to DJT.

  2. Darn right! If I was a lefty true believer, I'd see Vance as a far more potent threat, long-term, than Trump. Vance could secure MAGA dominance for a generation. Trump couldn't even secure it for a week.


    If the DemoNASTIES win, I hope Vance "keeps the heat on" and replaces Trump as the candidate for the future. Actually, it would be best if Trump stepped down now and let Vance take over, but of course that will probably not happen at this late date. But it's a thought.

  4. "Probably"? Try "with utmost and total certainty"!!! Nah, Trump ain't goin' anywhere until he gets the "W" and earns vindication for himself. Now, once he's inaugurated, I don't think it's inconceivable that at some stage he could step aside and go into blissful retirement...


      IF he's inaugurated! You both know, and millions of our ilk know, that should Harris "win", it will be a very long time before another Republican gets back in The White House. Will the Republicans control both houses? Red states get more red?

  5. Dr. Waddy, Ray et al from Jack: I think Vance will be a very serious Presidential prospect whether or not the ticket wins. Maga is here to stay (though I actually favor "Take America Back" for a byword; its more to the point). This has to be DJT's last campaign; he's done much good already for America, at appalling personal cost and he'll have another hard row to hoe if he wins. "Enough is too much!" ( from the old "Cisco Kid "show).

    I think DJT showed the way to deal with antiamerica; get in its face! No more puppyish squatting and dribbling in the august presence of the the far left masters, the elect, the unimpeachably just and wise, as

    is the Rino custom. He delivered us from the curse of Hillary and her three certain commie Scotus coronations. He returned Scotus to lawfulness - a monumental improvement. He showed that you need not be a career politician or a General to be elected President.

    Yeah, he's crude and intemperate; its a hard ride sometimes with him at the reins. But next month he may deal the antiamerican left a staggering blow. And I'm confident that in office his travails will prove to have made him a far more sophisticated and tempered President , whose tenure just might herald the beginning of the end of a most bizarre interlude in our history; that is the onerous ,counterintuitive and almost fatal"progress" of the New Left through our national life.

  6. Dr. Waddy, Ray, et al from Jack: The antiamerican left has, in its vicious treatment of DJT since he showed himself an unexpected roadblock to their relentless drive for final totalitarian sway, shown a very disturbing side of itself. It has been unrestrained by morality or regard for his (YES!) humanity from unrelenting and detestable resolve to destroy him. In doing so it has given us fair warning of how, in the comprehensive power it seeks, it would deal with ANYONE of us it sees as heretic.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That DJT might retire before he completes a second term is a plausible suggestion. Why not, if he thinks he'll leave the administration in good hands? He'd richly deserve a comfortable retirement protected by a President Vance from the vindictive lawfare hellhounds (even from state pipsqueaks like NY AG James). If DJT does it beyond the halfway point of his term, Vance could enjoy a long stay which could drive the antiamerican left to self destructive distraction . The prospect of an eventual President Vance might, if exploited ,make him an unusually important VP candidate.

  8. Ray from Jack: I fully expect the antiamerican left to go on a vindictive rampage if Harris wins (or if she loses but at least then she wouldn't have executive power to open the floodgates for them).Subsequent far left tyrannical imposition would confirm in the red states a necessary resolve to assert their perceived sovereignty. As Federal executive branch overreach and outrage proliferates the red states would have to choose between surrender to accelerating totalitarianism and stepping up to the role of leading the defense of American civilization.

    Totalitarians are never satisfied; we need not speculate on this; the twentieth century proved it. They will never refrain on their own from forcing hare brained artifice on enslaved peoples. They must be overpowered , disabled and returned to the gutters from which they crept at the behest of Marx and Lenin. If we don't do this the relatively easy way - through the lawful political process - we will be constrained to choose between terribly hard alternatives: acquiescence to servitude and subjugation or any of a host of onerous measures.

  9. Ray, if Harris wins, there will be significant potential dangers -- like mass murder of all Republicans -- but also significant opportunities -- like the chance for Republicans to make big gains in the Congress in 2026. So don't despair whatever happens. For one thing, despair doesn't do any good!

    Agreed, Jack: a Trump victory could be a turning point, especially with Vance as his understudy. Much depends on what happens in the two and a half months AFTER a Trump win. Depending on the breaks, the lefties might discredit themselves, or they might tighten their grip on power and disallow a second term for Trump. Hard to say.

    Trump is human? Well! There's a thought that probably hasn't crossed many progressive brains.

    I'm not sure what the likelihood is that Trump would step aside for Vance, but much would depend on Trump's health and energy level, which so far seem to be holding up fine.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I can't creditably speak for Ray but in my view advancing age may well bring on resignation to onerous realities. The fight can become overwhelming; that is one of the many reasons we owe DJT so much gratitude. Also, at this age you know you may not live long enough to see monumental change (eg. the political destruction of the antiamerican left). But then, you may also not be around to see them subjugate our country with the totality they intend. Your reasons for counciling rejection of despair should we lose next month are solid but these reservations may be the lot of us in "the autumn of our years". It's ok.

  11. Dr. Waddy from JacK: Wow; we fully expected this year to be astonishing and it has been. So its highly probable that it will continue to be so even after the election.

    Perhaps the likelihood of domestic disorder is greatest should DJT win. Though its certain the antiamerican left is deep in planning for that possibility, it is also predictable that they would be unable to fully control their emotions. In either case or a likely combination of both they would be intensely disaffected. Their hyperbolic fear of a DJT restoration is remarkable. It appears to be centered first on the detested person of DJT himself but also on the damage, perhaps irreparable, he would do to the cause of their permanent totalitarian ascension.

    Should the House fall to the radical left (i.e. the dems) the prospect of a President Hakeem Jeffries may well occur to some die hards. Physical danger to elected DJT and JD, already now at a high pitch, might consequently crest. In any other year this would be wild speculation but obviously not this year.

    What if we lose? Is disorder on our part likely to recur?

    In either case, the interim between Election and Inauguration Day could be one of intense drama from outside factors.Would we be in the midst of a 1973 style oil shortage? Would the MIddle East have descended near to total war, with us closely involved militarily? Would China, which has for many economic and strategic reasons built a closer relationship with Iran, come to the aid of an Iran beleagured close to collapse by an Israel determined to finally end the Iranian threat? Would domestic outrage with the Iranian theocracy be given a fillip, much as WWI did for antiCzarist revolutionaries in 1917? Given also that the US forces would be nominally under the command of a mental invalid, the dangerous possibilities proliferate.

    Domestically it can be taken for granted that a DJT win will be contested by a tsunami of lawfare now in preparation. And if we initially lose due to obvious and egregious misconduct by a desperate far left, what then?What mechanism or circumstance might bring the decision to our lawful Scotus? Could a GOP Congress sworn in on Jan. 1 refuse to certify the Electoral College vote? No doubt our side is engaged in intensive preparation for such possibilities. Given the dem party's recent cavalier attitude toward law and order it is far more likely that it would be our side which would conduct itself with good faith! An antiamerican left long since resolved to use "any means necessary" would have no such compunctions.

    Fasten your seatbelts; we may well be in for a rough ride,with American civilization in the balance.

  12. Jack, should Trump win, or "win", the first question Dem grandees would have to ask themselves is: is there a realistic path to preventing his inauguration and empowerment? If the answer was yes, they might well take it. I have little doubt that they would countenance violence if they thought it would be useful. Perhaps the object would be to intimidate Congress into rejecting the results of the electoral college, or perhaps the goal would be to intimidate the electors themselves? That so such thing has ever happened before doesn't mean it couldn't work this time!

    I will say this: the last six months have accustomed quite a few Dems to the idea that Trump COULD be president again, and even the likelihood that he will be. I suspect a lot of the bigwigs are creating a game plan to hamstring Trump as president, rather than to burn the country to the ground to prevent him from taking office. The key, of course, is that many of them probably realize that the talk of "fascist dictatorship" is just hot air.

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps a key factor for the Dems, should DJT win, will be the result of the House contest. If Jeffries becomes Speaker we can of course count on a tsunami of Committee lawfare and the routine use of impeachment. You are right that Dem overreach could redound to their disfavor in the 2026 Congressional races but they would probably not refrain from pushing their advantage, should it be the result of this election. ("Bird in the hand"). Should they win it all they will be all aglow with relief and perceived redemption and that will trigger their emotions to new heights of motivation and vengeful redress at having suppressed the Trumpian heresy.

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But should they lose the White House and the House, I couldn't agree more with you:. they would not hesitate to foment murderous anarchy. Remember what Anthony said after he delivered his counterintuitive funeral speech for Caesar. As the maddened throng scattered to do mayhem he muttered "now let it WORK!" (what ever it might be ). A desperate antiamerican left, loath to endure the unendurable, would set such uncontrollable and unpredictable chaos to work. Mao's Cultural Revolution is brought to mind.

  15. Maybe, Jack. Maybe. The key would be whether such mayhem would work to their advantage. If not, then they might nip it in the bud. The summer of 2020 chastened them, to some degree.
