
Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Dark Shade of MAGA


Friends, the transition of Elon Musk, from conventional techie progressive to ebullient Trump supporter and free speech activist, has been remarkable to witness.  He completed his journey today by appearing onstage with Trump in Butler, PA, as both men recalled the failed assassination attempt against Trump in July, and as they exhorted Trump backers, and the undecided, to vote en masse for DJT as though the future of American democracy depended on it, which it very well might.  Say what you want about the phenomenon of Trumpism, but it sure has produced some monumental realignments in our country's political life.  And Musk's, lest we forget, is a voice that many young people and highly educated types listen to.  Let's hope they listen intently. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DITTO! Musk's endorsement is very significant and exemplary of powerful public figures who have changed their mind about DJT and what he stands for.

    It was done in a stirring setting and also may well put Musk himself in harm's way.

    Meanwhile Kamala promises future appropriate aid to a region she and her ilk no doubt disdain. After all, rural North Carolina, especially in its more remote reaches, is the abode of "bitter people who have (in their desperation)consequently embraced guns and religion" , right Barack?!

    Dem are sweating bullets now I'll bet. We must keep turning up the heat.

  2. Richie and Dr. Waddy: I neglected to read your criticisms of my comments on our health system and of political hyperbole, of 9/30 and 10/2, until today, 10/8. I am sorry for that; I intend to reply to them tomorrow.

  3. Jack, you make me wonder what sort of security arrangements our friend Elon has... They better be robust! Likewise, he better have the best lawyers money can buy. I'm shocked that he isn't behind bars already!

    No rush on formulating your recipe for fixing American health care, Jack. I'm pretty sure the system is impervious to all constructive criticism anyway.

  4. Richie and Dr. Waddy: I posted my belated replies to your creditable questions and comments on the 9/25 site in which they appeared. Thanx for the play.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would hope Musk enjoys his wealth and knows it would avail him nothing in the grave. That makes his stand for DJT all that much more courageous and laudable and of course unendurably infuriating to the antiamerican left which perhaps thought him a potential recruit.

    The old saw: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" may have special meaning for that left now. If Iranian death dealers are on the prowl for DJT, I'm sure they wish them well. Of course Iran would treat our leftists to the Militant Muslim equivalent of the Inquisition were they ever to foolishly hazard the Iranian border.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Its astonishing to look back on the days when patriotism was (OF COURSE, THAT IS COMMON SENSE), almost universally regarded a virtue. The counterintuitive boomer dominated '60s wrought a (believe me) theretofore unimaginable antipathy to American verities such as the view that a humanly flawed America still deserves conservation and preservation and NOT "fundamental transformation" That rot has carried through to our time and on the way has intimidated even among those who, when in power, thought it best to apologize to it.

    DJT has courageously exemplified a way out of that shameful doctrinal cul de sac. Why, mere expression of support for him triggers all the worst of frantic left wing denunciation. Good!

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Instead of qualifying his views with cringing equivocation ("now I'm not against 'equity' but. . ." ). DJT plows ahead with confidence in his convictions and refrains from obsequious apology. He has shown us the way in this and in doing so has completely discredited rinos (except for their present apostasy, which affords them but a dishwater embrace by the antiamerican left until they are no longer useful. )

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I agree; Musk's courageous endorsement may well convince some of the people who consider DJT, well, guache , but who know better than to vote for Harris, to talk themselves into it. A plague on those who have so slandered DJT as to make many decent people reluctant to support him. His manner can be off-putting but a Harris regime would be so very much more disturbing.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: An article on Real Clear Politics today made a very important point. Due to her having gone nowhere in the 2020 primaries and having been nominally totally eclipsed in this year's primaries, Harris has not developed a viable following with labor, a key dem group (well every two years that is ). Blue collar people are well aware of the discomfort and thinly disguised scorn they elicit from airy San Francisco types. Hillary had time and opportunity to flimflam them into thinking she was really a "beer and a shot" type; enough so that they could make themselves vote for her. But Kamala hasn't had that advantage and has not been able to disguise her elite snobbishness and her embodiment of the realization slowly finally proving to working class America, that the Dems consider them primitive , brutish ignoramuses who must be played with at election time and then patronized. That the Dems' sincere intention is to take from the productive ( including blue collar America) and give to the willfully unproductive (notwithstanding the real needs of the truly unfortunate) has become ever more clear over the last 4 years . I think she is going to pay for it in the election.

  10. Jacks of all Trades. Boy, it would be easier to keep you all straight if you were brave and used at least a Screen Name on this board! Your feedback is at least entertaining, if not enlightening, but it's impossible to keep you all straight! Be proud to voice your opinion. Be Muskish!

    Dr Waddy: You're exactly right! Elon's support has been nothing short of remarkable. He has put himself out there at significant personal and business costs. A huge target. Maybe that was the impetus for bulletproof glass? Lord knows Trump can dodge bullets. But he is apparently super-human or at least divine. (Tongue in cheek).

    Jack from the Grave: Is Musk's motivation the stalwart "you can't take it with you" - or - more the "I want to change the world" variety? Me? (Richie) sees it more as the latter. He sees the USA as the last bastion of true freedom.

    Jack of Virtue: I agree that the frantic left-wing denunciation of DJT is definitely triggering. Patriotism, however, has been sorely marginalized in our current education system and, therefore, culture. To your point, the principles of our country deserve to be preserved!

    Jack of Cringing Equivocation: Hear! Hear! Confidence and convictions are DJT's forte, especially if they play to the base!

    Jack of Gauche: I love that word, even if the spelling belies its pronunciation. It is an apt term to use in the context of DJT behavior and speech, LOL! To your point, I would love to have someone "guache" who can speak his mind along the lines of conservative principles rather than someone who is supposedly sophisticated without any principles! LOL!

    Jack of FlimFlam, Snobishness, and British Ingnoramuses: Excellent post, my fellow British critic! I completely agree that unless the machine count gets manipulated, she will pay!

    The motive of this post? Be like Elon! At least with a screen name, you can be proud of! (Oh, and thank you for your pithy, insightful posts!)

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I see today that Musk is out there campaigning for DJT. That's good, that's good!

    It may be untoward to raise this subject just now; I do not in it intend any disrespect for those millions who are now enduring a terrible ordeal in N.Carolina and Florida. But this is a reality which will very soon become manifest: What effect will these storms have on our national politics?

    The "any means necessary " antiamerican left will certainly make haste to assert a direct connection between these cataclysms and by definition maliciously human generated climate change exemplified by "drill baby, drill" DJT.

    N. Carolina and Florida are electorally key states . How might this catastrophe effect their votes? They may well popularize an already widespread conviction that not only are the Feds doing too little to aid the wind, water and rain blasted areas but are unforgiveably pleading financial difficulty due to aid to foreigners, including illegal aliens.

    Naturally those who have suffered will have survival and rebuilding on their minds, way above the election. Will this, together with transportation difficulties, change predicted voting patterns in these states?Will there be adverse reaction to Harris's apparent casual relative indifference to this stupendous disaster (eg. laughing things up with Colbert). She is a top Federal Executive last I knew. Surely some modest task can be found for her.

    I fully expect the dems to make a mockery of the "uniting America" they so frantically urge as their passionate intent. They will take partisan advantage , disguised as "compassion", of this immeasurable tragedy with unseemly haste.

  12. Richie from Jack: All Jacks are one and the same here to the best of my knowledge. It's a pen name I use for personal reasons. My thoughts come in fits and starts expressed feverishly and sporadically in separate postings.

    I agree with you on Musk's motivation. He is a real asset to DJT and America. In commenting on him I mentioned death only to note the courageous risk he is running.

    Couldn't agree more on the vitality of the preservation of our country's core principles. They are precious beyond measure and afford most Americans extraordinary well being.

    Yes, gimme an honest, assertive and unapologetic conservative over a retiring rino type anytime. We may be done trusting that type after elevating DJT and JD.

    I did not mean to imply any similarity between upper class Brits and the San Francisco nouveau "nobility". No doubt though there are among the former some possessing the haughty disdain for the "unwashed" which permeates the Pelosi , Newsom and Harris cabal.Actually , I'm an intense Anglophile. I spent 10 days on the "Sceptered Isle" a few years ago and I was on cloud nine the entire time; history is everywhere there!

    Thanx for the encouragement; I enjoy our conversations with everyone throughout this site. Doc Waddy does a great job of originating the discussion with laborious documentation, close reasoning and eloquent expression.

  13. Jack, I would say Musk's support for Trump is all the more admirable, for the simple reason that, in financial terms, no one has more to lose than he does!

    Jack, that's an interesting point that Kamala does not have a close, confiding relationship with the union movement. One could almost say the same for black voters, or indeed for all voters. Harris was kneecapped by Biden, if you ask me, and ignored by the media for most of the Biden years. They've resuscitated her more than I ever thought possible in the last few months, but maybe her fundamental weaknesses were always too much to overcome?

    Jack/Richie: "gauche" is a fine word to describe DJT. He makes the learned and the well-heeled roll their eyes, which is problematic, but his "authenticity" and candor have earned him the devotion of tens of millions. Trump's trumpery is, always has been, and always will be, a doubled-edged sword. To me, the amazing thing is that the attacks against him have only grown in ferocity and scope, and yet his favorables have arguably risen in the last year or so. For now, he's defying gravity -- or maybe the attacks really have reached a point, not just of diminishing returns, but of undermining their own objectives?

    Jack, see today's Newsmaker Show for analysis of the political impact of the storms. I expect that impact, in short, to be entirely polarized, and thus largely a wash.

    Jack, I think the drawbacks of the progressive American elite and the British upper class may be more similar than you care to admit. Many public school-educated Britishers who speak the Queen's English have morphed into smug leftists... I know quite a few of them!

  14. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Maybe this is Harris's overriding problem: she is a PHONY and everyone knows it.

  15. I'd say her overriding problem is her record and that of Joe Biden, but her personality doesn't help!
