
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Papal Infallibility


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show with me and Brian O'Neil reaches way, way back to the 1990s as we recall Sinead O'Connor's imprudent critique of Pope John Paul II on a little program known as Saturday Night Live.  People didn't react well to that, for you see John Paul II was a man commonly regarded as almost as holy as me!  Brian and I also tackle the reunification of Germany in 1991, and the strong American support for the IRA back in the 1980s.

Of course, we spend most of the show analyzing current events, including a deep dive into the nature and likely impact of the big Vice-Presidential debate.  We also consider the hostility between Israel, Iran, and Iran's proxies in Lebanon.  We ponder Elon Musk's argument that this election might be our last, Ukrainian President Zelensky's effort to mend fences with DJT, and the closure of Britain's last coal-fired power plant.


Not to put too much pressure on you, but my understanding is that anyone who listens to this week's show gets an automatic pass into heaven, might want to check it out.




In other news, Rep. Byron Donalds makes an argument here that I believe more Republicans ought to be making: he's tying our problem with inflation directly to Kamala Harris.  Indeed, you can argue that, on the vast majority of Biden-Harris policy initiatives, Harris played a minor role.  In the Senate, though, she personally cast the tie-breaking votes that massively expanded government spending at a critical juncture for our economy.  Without Kamala, in other words, inflation might not have been so extreme.  Food for thought (assuming you can afford food). 

Finally, this is a brilliant political argument by Republicans: they're claiming that the federal government doesn't have enough resources to help the victims of Hurricane Helene because of...illegal immigration.  In fact, this line of attack is rather questionable, but in an election year it sure could move some voters in a red-ward direction!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Before listening to the Newsmaker broadcast, by your leave I am constrained to comment on an ad I saw yesterday and which I think to be terribly significant.

    It opposed pending NY's ballot proposition which is widely seen to be disingenuously pro abortion (along with other measures to advance NY's already commenced leftist totalitarian grip on its population). It noted that the highest number of black American deaths is from abortion. That is astonishing and grim enough but the ad included several pictures of what appeared to be actual late term aborted fetuses. The images were horrid beyond measure; I could not bear to view them for more than a moment.

    I have been hoping for a long time to see such public depiction of the physical reality of abortion. I believe that if broadcast often, such graphic messages could break the back of the 'pro choice" movement which so degrades our civilization.I cannot but be confident that most Americans, including those"pro choicers" who are people of good intent would recoil in anguish at the sight of such searing reality.

    In addition to its benefit to blacks, this ad may be a groundbreaker and a harbinger of overwhelming public revulsion to the anathema that is this barbarian practice. Presently, I think, similarly disturbing messages should ,with the caption "THIS!!!IS WHAT KAMALA HARRIS WANTS TO FORCE ON ALL THE STATES, INCLUDING THOSE WHICH HAVE USED THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT RESTORED TO THEM BY PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP TO ABIDE BY THE HEARTFELT WISHES OF THEIR CITIZENS THAT UNBORN BABIES BE PROTECTED!!!" , with this clarion call, be disseminated throughout our country.

    UHH, where's the CHOICE Kamala, for those states whose citizens abominate abortion if you have your way? Where is the CHOICE to live for the voiceless fetus? Gee Kamala, I'm going to guess that most fetuses would, if they could, humbley request that you allow them a chance to experience post birth life itself.

    (I regret that I forgot to note the channel which broadcast the ad. )

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack Re the Newsmaker broadcast:

    I agree; Vance is a net asset to DJT not only for his competent presence but because he could well be a very promising successor to DJT and keep the ball rolling. I was a bit uneasy about his answer to the question "did DJT win in 2020" because it did appear somewhat evasive but the question itself was a bit cheeky. Who the deuce really knows who won?

    The Israelis are historically great fighters and not just of grim necessity. They are products of a great civilization which has redeeming and deserved faith in itself. Their military intelligence is superb.So if they think they have Iran and its jackals on the ropes and now have a perhaps irreplacable opportunity to settle this hash for good and live in peace, then they probably do.

    Your suggestion that Iran might soon in desperation explode a nuke was startling but plausible. It presents at least two possibilities: first they hit Israel with one in a tactic as futile as was Hitler's use of "vengeance weapons" (V-1 and V-2 missiles on London and Antwerp in 1944). Second, Israel beats them to it and uses perhaps several nukes now to vaporize their hardened nuclear weapon production sites. Even if Iran blew off their nuke out in some distant Central Asian desert reach ,Israel would no doubt react instantly and decisively.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your observation on the interesting progress of Musk's thinking on Harris suggests in Musk a recapitulation of the process many people of good will go through with the antiamerican left. At first it is hard for them to think of an institution as historically vital to America as the once loyal dem party having been as shamefully captured as it is by incipient totalitarians who hate America and work constantly for its destruction. But the Dems leave you no choice; as soon as you excuse one of their presumptuous impositions on common sense America (eg. a draft dodging, military hating President and his man hating consort in our very White House) they hit you with another (exalted storefront community organizer Obama ;"am I a Marxist? That's a good question ") and more, AOC and her squad, the "green new deal" , which would have turned FDR several shades of sickly green, haughty and biblically condemning of Scotus Schumer and who knows what more? They can flimflam yet intelligent people who are not quite up to Musk's obvious superlative perceptive powers but for how much longer? Perhaps until it is too late for America (?).

    The dems do think illegal immigrants will automatically and obsequiously support them. They may be wrong. Hispanic, often Catholic people may well be repelled by what they perceive as the dems' exaltation of lifestyles they find repellant. Also, consider the resolve and toughness of people who have made the hellish journey through lands which bid them depart with speed to a country they know to be a possible haven of prosperity and relative order. They may not be as malleable as the patronizing dems think they are.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The British manifested Industrial Revolution: it was, after receiving needed sensible restraint, the essence of free enterprise, capitalism and its resultant blessed prosperity. How ironic it is , I agree, that its essential, vital fuel,coal , is now renounced in Perfidious Albion itself in favor of massive government subsidy in an effort not to preserve prosperity but to suppress human practices which supposedly but without proof, produce civilization threatening global climate change.

    That DJT has profound doubts about military support for Ukraine intensifies the vitality and urgency of returning him to power. It would take someone as audacious and by then personally unambitious as a redeemed DJT to take the measures necessary to restore this terribly wrongheaded situation to good sense.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Another irony manifested in the UK's renunciation of coal: wasn't it ,among others of radical domination, Marxist coal workers' unions against which PM Thatcher had to stand in order to preserve British democracy?

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That bald headed reflexive punk, Sinead O'Connor: how fitting it was that she faced intense public excoriation for her pitiable attempt to excoriate perhaps the greatest man of the 20th century. What a prime example of the sublime futilely challenged by the ridiculous. Though Saturday Night Live did inaugurate the careers of several creditable actors I hope its eventual decline was in part caused by its having given this silly young poseur a stage on which to work her ruin.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The reunification of Germany: I never thought I'd ever see Russia assent to that! But then I read that Stalin urged the reunification of a "neutralized" Germany shortly after the war. It cannot be but that he intended that it be " neutralized" by a vibrant Soviet physical presence and, after "free" political processes, "inclined" to Soviet interests.

    Believe me, for anyone who watched the Cold War, 1989 - the ' 90s presented a previously incredible succession of astonishing developments. Conventional prognostication was put to rout!

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It can be plausibly argued that Harris's tie breaking votes should be held to her discredit. If she thought about them at all she was probably in favor of the dem position in these votes and remains so. Of course these days she tries to sell all manner of disingenuous and counterintuitive positions; I don't think she is thereby fooling many people. On the other hand those votes may be seen merely as reflexive and dutiful gestures from which , if she had gone rogue, she would have lost her only chance at a Presidency for which she bodes only disaster for America.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Let our side indulge in as many questionable assertions as we can advance short of absurdity. Our opponents do so with regularity unrestrained by moral compunctions. When dealing with people of this caliber we must not stand aloof from playing "questionable" and dirty. For much too long they have made chumps of us on that matter. At any rate we are incapable of approximating their consummate lack of any principle other than the "unquestionable" justice of their totalitarian dreams.

  10. Jack, I would be very interested to know where you saw that ad, because I suspect the major networks wouldn't countenance it...

    Jack, I seriously doubt that Iran would ever use a nuke against Israel, because the consequences for Iran would be all too predictable! Now, the Israeli reaction to an Iranian nuclear test would be most interesting. The whole point of nukes is deterrence, but have the Israelis gotten the message on deterrence? They, perhaps alone among nuclear powers, might be bloody/tough-minded enough to strike a nuclear-armed enemy and dare them to answer with nukes!

    Jack, you and I can think of a thousand reasons why no one would want to be a Dem or a progressive, but I'm curious what key factors pushed Elon over the edge... Seems like free speech is at the bottom of it?

    Good point -- the mineworkers, had they known that the Left would destroy the coal industry in order to save it, might have reconsidered their allegiances!

    Yes, one can argue that, if there was ever a way to avoid the Cold War, it would have been by effectively neutralizing/neutering Germany. A Germany allied, even in part, to the West was bound to make the Soviets bonkers.

    Oh, I doubt that Kamala or indeed any Democrat ever thought twice about voting for something like the American Rescue Plan. Buying votes is the very heart and soul of the Democratic Party, after all!

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I'll keep my eyes out for that appalling ad; I'll lppk for it on line too. Oh yeah, of course the compromised networks would refuse syuch an ad.. Its almost laughable to think of which stereotypical condemnation they would use if challenged to show it. They have squatted on the film The Silent Scream, which is described as showing a fetus recoiling from the abortionist's dreadful touch, for decades.

  12. Dr. Waddy from Jack: An after thought on Sinead O'Connor: what a wasted life that pathetic waif lived. That sublime Saintly man she ventured to excoriate apparently responded with compassion for her wretchedness. She should have stood with him on the receiving platform at Warsaw airport when he returned to the monumental acclaim of redeemed multitudes; she would have felt the power of his righteousness, just as the Marxist ciphers who were there did, to their abject terror.
