
Monday, October 14, 2024

Calling the Hail Mary


Friends, what do you do when you're six points down, the clock is about to run out, and you've got the ball at midfield?  Duh!  You throw one last desperate pass towards the end zone and...hope for the best!  This is increasingly the situation that Democrats find themselves in, as Kamala Harris's poll numbers gradually deteriorate, with DJT already in a winning position in the battleground states.  My latest article is about the angst Democrats and progressives are now feeling, and the expedients they might consider to rescue themselves from what, from their perspective, would be a fate worse than death: a second term for Trump.  See if you agree with my reasoning...

Along the same lines, check out the wild, inflammatory, alarmist rhetoric oozing out of James Carville.  Does he believe this nonsense?  He may, and if he does, and if other pillars of the establishment feel the same way, then what further tricks might they have up their sleeves to prevent Trump from becoming president again?  My advice: don't take a victory lap until Trump takes the oath of office, and maybe not even then!

Finally, an agent of the East German Stasi (secret police) was just sentenced to ten years in prison for shooting a man who was attempting to extort his way out of the country by pretending to be a terrorist.  Wild!  As always, I take the side of law enforcement.  Give that man a gold watch, I say!  In all seriousness, the East Germans were very good at wall-building and border enforcement.  Maybe we should hire this guy as a consultant?


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I very much agree with your reasoning. You have long since demonstrated that you don't get carried away by good news, so your measured optimism in your article is yet quite encouraging! I agree; Harris would quickly resume cipherhood once her prospective loss is finalized (whenever that might be). America is winding up for the haymaker against antiamerica. Send San Francisco to the canvas for the count.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Marxist regimes are of course consummately skilled at turning entire nations into prisons. Maybe the Stasi guy was acting reflexively. Supposedly totalitarian countries are good at expunging the street crime which is the shame of our country.But they do it by enacting mass crime in the name of their ostensible "laws". Mayor Guiliani proved, against cynical and near anarchic opposition from criminals and their detached apologists, that a democracy can put criminals in their place and put the law abiding FIRST!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah, Slick Willy himself is involved now and its intriguing. What the deuce is he up to, this past master of utterly amoral disingenuousness along with far more "pedestrian" offenses? What indeed? Apparently he admitted at a public forum that the Biden administration's border policy has resulted in the admission of some "unfriendly" Latin gangs ( who no doubt see in our "compassionate" and 'tolerant" country very rich pickings , far more accessible and less risky than at home, where El Jefe may or may not choose to savage them).

    Now this is Slick Willy we are talking about, the Prince of Preemption."Wha ah told Joe he had to catch aholt a this border truck 'cause it was gonna make it bad for Kamala. She don't want nuthin ta do with his foul up, believe ME!"

    I see two possibilities in this his feint . He wants Kamala to lose, for whatever reason, be it high or base. OR: he thinks his counterintuitive antic may work in the same inscrutable way his radiant charm has always manifested. As always for him, getting high (this time from atavistic adulation or who knows what!) is his main object and getting out on the hustings should afford him the "exposure" he seeks.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Is the late advent of Clinton the first, in the flesh that is , another sign of Dem desperation? Why wasn't he out there long before this?

    Carville's hilarious yet past proven dangerous observations now betray in him a well informed dread of what is in store. The Dems may be presciently and after their wont (which is to hide behind a cork screw), leaving Kamala to swing in the wind so as to prepare for the resolute subversion which may be their way in the very disloyal opposition which may be their impending lot.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: What s - - t ful powerful nonsense it is for marxist punks to accuse those who insolently doubt them of being"fascist". They are definitive fascists! They advocate: very authoritarian all encompassing government; forceful suppression of any opposition; government control of all communication, expression and any other setting the government deems its business, etc, etc. Oh we have seen it all in the 20th century: Nazis - Commies(including today's American commies), they are all the same! The commies may manifest some trivial doctrinal differences with past fascist regimes but they are negligible, fit only for 3am discourse in smoky sophomore dorm rooms.
