
Thursday, May 30, 2024



Friends, I know many Trumpers who watched the hush money trial in NYC had convinced themselves that DJT would be acquitted, or, at worst, there would be a hung jury.  Well, not so fast!  Turns out that having the D.A. and the presiding judge working against you, in a jurisdiction where the jury pool is inclined to hate you, is pretty bad karma, judicially speaking...  Well, as many are pointing out, the American people get the last word.  The American people and the New York State Court of Appeals, that is.  Trump's convictions could be reversed on any number of grounds.  Anyway, I'll be intrigued to hear your thoughts on these developments.  Politically, I predict that virtually nothing will change, although Trump may take a minor hit in the polls temporarily. 



    Just saw Bill O'Reilly's take on this, and he says that Biden should pardon Trump. Claims it may be Biden's last chance to redeem his (Biden's) legacy. I tend to agree. Anyway, best to prepare for the possibility that Trump could be disqualified from running. Hope not, but the possibility DOES exist. With that said, might be a positive thing to guess who would step in as the new Republican candidate, realistically speaking. Remember, that Trump is not the only person who can or will "Save America".

  2. You probably have more knowledge on the subject than I do, I can't believe the breakdown of each charge. It's essentially one payment of the same "crime." I don't think I recall a similar practice being deployed in recent years at least. Is there a precedent for such, or was this all made up?


      First of all, Trump supporters (and probably more than a few people who hate Trump) knew that he would not get a fair trail in New York (state or city). You might want to see if Alan Dershowitz has come out recently with an article on the verdict, plus the process under which Trump was found guilty. Dershowitz is one of the top attorneys in the country, and also taught at Harvard. See what he has to say about this event. He will probably tell you what is going on is unConstitutional.

      Take the time to do this, because it is worth it. I can voice an opinion and so can you, but it not a legal opinion, and what is happening IS a Legal Issue. Any other opinions are based on emotions elicited by people who love Trump or hate him.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The NY Court of Appeals, appointed and confirmed by all powerful leftists in our captured state would , I think, rubber stamp this outrage.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left, with its vital organs in the MSM will of course ostentatiously and vindictively celebrate this probably predetermined judgement. Some will even assume that the day of their deliverance from the Trumpian heresy has come. There is still a long way to go. America must channel its rage at this NY imposition on the country and the joy bruited by leftist revellers into determination to disempower this execrable faction which ever seeks the destruction of America. November the time, the election booths the place; we MUST BE THERE!

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I wonder what would happen if DJT simply refused to reenter NY state. His "sentencing", replete of course with extended sanctamonious reproof from the "jurist" charged with administration of the antiamerican left's ritual of staged public excoriation , will cap this Soviet style sham's trial stage. Normally in NY appeal is made to the " Supreme Court Appellate Division " in one of its four geographic jurisdictions. Those downstate are probably creatures of the left.Beyond that is the Court of Appeals, again likely a characteristically
    reflexively leftist institution. Then come the Federal courts. Appellate Courts deal primarily with matters of law and not of fact. Leftist abuse of legal normality in this case should provide a cornucopia of issues to be considered thereby. Because an election is close at hand, I wonder if short tracking, as was worked with Scotus from Florida's courts in the 2000 election, could be requested by DJT. Then again he might benefit from a prolix process.Should he become President I would dare NY state to try to arrest him. What! The NY state police vs the US Marines? Of course the antiamerican left, which despises our armed and police forces, would delight to witness such a windfall of counterintuitive and unredeeming fruit for its pains. Shakespeare's Mark Antony, after delivering his brilliantly counterintuitive praise of those who killed Caesar, mutters ". . . now let it work!". The antiamerican left's amoral lawfare onslaught on DJT is no doubt inspired by similar hopes of unpredictable developments favoring their wounded cause.


    As you already know, the big issue now is: Can Trump still run for president? I'm hearing yes from some news quarters and no from others. If he wins the election, can he run the country from a prison cell? Will people who would ordinarily vote for him hesitate voting for a felon?


    Putting aside the legality of Trump's recent trial in NYC, how moral is Trump? No matter how good he is, how does a connection with a porn actress add up, if morals count for anything?


    I'm not attempting to get self-righteous all of a sudden, with regard to my comments about a Trump connection with a woman. Guess I'm wondering why a porn actress. However, we did have a president over 60 years ago or so, who at least believed in diversity regarding his sex partners. As for Slick Willie, his intern became more famous than he did.

  9. Ray from Jack: I agree: Dershowitz is an especially credible and highly principled commentator. I had always thought him a leftist in political conviction and perhaps he still is but he courageously and authoritatively stands against lawfare. Though I do not frequent their forums, I imagine he has attracted the wrath of the Critical Legal Studies school of presumption and airy dismissal of the painfully evolved and precious cumulative wisdom of British and American law.

  10. Ray from Jack: An unprecedented Constitutional crisis may be at hand. He stands convicted of felony in NY. Should it stand appeal pardon can come only from the Gov. of NY, who is an obsequious leftist factotum. I would think the appeal process, both state and Federal will extend beyond the election and if he wins he will be beyond NY's power to task him further other than perhaps physically attaching his NY property (?). Maga nation and finally repelled independents are not going to give up on DJT. We know this cynical outrage for the insult to America and assault on democracy that it is.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      You are right on target when you say that "We know this cynical outrage for the insult to America and assault on democracy that it is." Your wording is excellent, and insult is exactly what it is and has been since 2016.

      In my opinion, the Clintons are largely responsible for originating the assault against Trump. Did you catch Hillary advertising her new tea mug in celebration of the outcome of the Trump trial? Disgusting!

      Again, my opinion, but I think that the Clinton presidency was the beginning of the deterioration (among other words I could use), and that the U.S. has been going downhill faster beginning in the 1990s, even under Bush, who I believe is a RINO of the first water.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      All in all however, I would be dishonest if I did not tell you that there are times when I wish Biden and Trump would drop out of the presidential race. Doubt that will happen, but the thought of it does not make me sad. Really fed up with nothing but bullshit for the last 8 years, which is really a feud between two really mediocre men, and their toadies.

  11. Ray from Jack: Thing is, I think, this: Slick Willie is a predator in more ways than the obvious one. Southern boys know all about "no 'count" people. Clinton considers everybody " no 'count" compared to him and has no compunctions about conning them. " Sure, just let me go to England for awhile and , sure nuff, I'll enlist when I come back". When he did get back, it was "catch me if ya can". I wonder who served in his place and how he fared. Trump has been a gay blade (to use an archaic term) at times in his life but he is going to the wall for America against the worst threat its ever faced.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      I'm going to vote for Trump anyway, and even if he is not on the ballot I will write his name in. However, even if he wins, it will be four more years of the same thing it was from 2016 to 2020 with The Leftists trying to impeach him and so on, and so on. For the most part, not a whole lot will get done. Just a theory on my part.

    2. RAY TO JACK

      Of course I hope my comparison theory about Trump's first term will become totally false, should he regain the presidency this year. BUT, I have still have bad vibes, I hope go away.

  12. Ray, I'm not sure how Trump could be "disqualified" from running for president? He meets all the qualifications... Even from a jail cell he could (and would) run, I expect. And Biden can't pardon a state crime. Kathy Hochul could...but don't hold your breath!

    Dilan, Ray is right that almost everyone in America has an opinion on this case, and almost no one understands what it is about. It's about, technically speaking, the falsification of business records to conceal illegal campaign contributions. It isn't about sex at all. 34 business records were allegedly "false", so 34 crimes... The problem is that there's no solid proof that Trump knew anything about it, and there's nothing illegal about paying someone for their silence, or contributing to your own why prosecute??? One can of course also argue that Trump would have paid up to protect his reputation whether or not he was running for president, so the payments have nothing to do with politics. But the bottom line is that the lefties want to nail Trump for something, i.e. ANYTHING, and they will twist the law into knots to do it. And half the country will cheer all the way!

    Jack, I wouldn't necessarily assume that higher courts in NYS will uphold everything that happened in Judge Merchan's courtroom. There are A LOT of holes in this judgement, and a million ways it can be attacked, at the state and federal levels. Plus, the NY courts have a history of independent thinking.

    I would not rule out the imprisonment of DJT, based on these charges. The Left has often taken a maximalist view of the law, when it comes to their enemies, so why not go all in? I also would not rule out an ongoing campaign of lawfare AFTER Trump had (hypothetically) won in November and taken office. I wouldn't even rule out an order to incarcerate Trump, as president, that would be considered and upheld by the Supreme Court. Having said all that, my guess would be that lawfare would die down after November, should Trump win, because it would have failed to achieve its essential purpose.

    Ray, Trump can mostly definitely run for president as a "felon". Whether he can win is another matter. Based on the early polling we've seen, post-conviction, the answer is clearly: YES! The numbers were close, and they remain close. Nothing much has changed, and any public outrage over the enormity of Trump's "crimes" will fade, as all forms of outrage do. The incarceration of Trump would alter the dynamics still further, but it wouldn't necessarily scuttle his hopes for victory.

    Ray, Trump has been connected to all sorts of lowlifes, including Michael Cohen, and all in all these associations, and his rhetoric, have created in the minds of a slim majority of Americans the impression that he is an immoral sleazebag and regularly breaks the law. They have believed that for a long time, however, but that has not prevented him from winning before, and it won't prevent him from winning in 2024, either. As weak as Trump may be as a candidate, Biden looks to be weaker still.

    Ray, I agree that the Clintons debased the office of the presidency, and they helped to precipitate the decline of our democratic institutions and our culture. Having said that, it's been a long process, and it began long before the Clintons came on the scene. And, after all, America VOTED for Bill Clinton, so the people bear ultimate responsibility.

    I too wish we could do better than Trump and Biden...although, as I just alluded to, I have a sneaking suspicion that we're getting the leadership that we deserve, as a nation.


    Yes, it has been a long process, and way before the Clinton's for sure. A reasonable guess is that Leftists in general started to do "surgery" on the U.S. during the 1920s. Certainly John Reed did while he could. Eugene V. Debs did his part, and the Beards in revised history contributed their fair share.

  14. Dr. Waddy and Ray et al from Jack: One thing is for sure I'd say: if they lose in November the antiamerican left will go political guerilla, with all the prolonged disorder that manifests. They see any successful opposition to them as, by definition, unjust and warranting "any means necessary" for their redemption. The Clintons are exemplary of the shameful ,reflexively radical faction of the boomers; they brought the insouciant ingratitude, presumptuousness, disdain for the military and police, moral relativism (especially in holding criminals personally responsible for their offenses), contempt for "flyover country" and so much more of theretofore unimaginable degradation to our very White House, counterintuitively empowering far too much of the post WWII tragically naive spawn. Slick Willy is a thoroughly amoral, inveterate con man devoted only to getting high from myriad sources including power and cynically accessed "romantic" adventures.His nervy appearances at our Vietnam Memorial and at DDay celebrations with WWII vets present were obscene. As a "couple" they did consummate disrespect at Pres. Nixon's funeral and in the sainted presence of Mother Teresa. Hillary is a grimly vindictive radical left man hater still hoping for fulfillment of her "entitlement" to ultimate power.Historically,corruption and moral turpitude has polluted our Executive but never, I think, with such conviction of its virtue and never under color of a multitude like what is, (on balance only, excepting the many boomers who chose constructive citizenship) perhaps the most destructive generation ever. Their baleful misuse of our national life may yet result in its collapse. The Clintons are their exemplars.

  15. Ray, I blame Erasmus and John Locke for getting the ball rolling on the Enlightenment, which was the beginning of the end of Western Civilization. As is so often the case, what began as something positive morphed into something destructive. Nowadays, the rationalists and the utopian dreamers are in the driver's seat, and they may end up destroying not just the West, but humanity itself (if they succeed in convincing enough of us not to procreate).

    Hmm. Will the Left "go political guerrilla" if it loses in November? That could mean so many things. In my humble opinion, the Left certainly need not panic if it loses to Trump in the short term. It knows exactly how to knee-cap DJT politically, having done so for four long years before, and it knows how to lose elections and still win the really consequential culture wars regardless. Of course, the Left's reaction to an election loss need not be rational at all. The progressives might fly off the handle and self-destruct...and we can only hope and pray that they will.
