
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Party Poopers


Friends, it may not be immediately apparent, but the whole thrust of lawfare isn't really the law -- it's P.R.  It's about sticking it to your enemies and making them squirm, publicly and often.  Sometimes the lefties take this to a comical extreme, as with their Gestapo raid on Rudy Giuliani's 80th birthday party to serve him his Arizona indictment for election interference.  Talk about petty!  And the glee on the faces of mainstream media commentators says it all: this isn't about "justice". It's about payback!  The only question is...who will get the last laugh?  So far this blistering campaign of lawfare has generated a lot of headlines and made liberal reporters incandescent, but it hasn't moved the political dial much, now has it?  Maybe, just maybe, the vast majority of Americans tuned out this nonsense long ago... 

In other news, the President and Foreign Minister of Iran are missing, after their helicopter mysteriously crashed.  Suspicious???  Oh yes!  I won't pretend to know the story behind it, but I bet it's a good one!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I can't find words strong enough to describe this outrage against one of the greatest of Americans adequately.Infamous, unthinkably vindictive and vicious, fully characteristic of an antiamerican left fanatically determined to savage all opposition , fully predictive of their tyrannical intent if they achieve RULE; it all falls short. How terribly degraded our FBI has become. Let this abomination yet more foster in America grim resolve to take America back in November.


    The Left is ALREADY ruling the U.S. This is present tense, not future tense. It is a FACT. The Left is ruling NOW!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your opinion that this is "payback" time is well taken. My question for the antiamerican left (rhetorical only) is WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PAYING GUILIANI BACK FOR!!?? What: using common sense to turn your playground for counterintuitive social meddling into a LIVEABLE CITY; really?? Are you that perverted? But we know the answer to that already, you have made it abundantly clear over the last four years and you keep turning up the heat in this manner. For those who have declined to pay attention to this onerous reality you are making it more and more difficult to ignore. When Paris was delivered from the Nazi maw, an American expatriate who chose to remain during the war remarked "oh we thought that when it came to oppression, we had seen the worst of it in the US. After that, we thought we could endure the Nazis well enough. But the Nazis refused to let you endure; if they perceived you were getting comfortable with them they made you very uncomfortable." The antiamerican left , with its constantly intensifying assault on America, promises to do the same unless, in accepting this certainty, we resolve to marginalize them. They are vicious and vindictive perfectionists,as their detestable invasion of Mayor Guiliani's celebration bespeaks to all who take care to hear.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I see today that in commenting on Marjorie Taylor Greene's shocking. . . shocking inconsiderateness in addressing a dem member of Congress, a columnist reprised MIchelle Obama's pronunciamento "When they low, we go high". Oh yeh!? So when are the Dems, who embraced the most obscene man and his vicious consort ever to disgrace our White House, going to read the America disdaining "squad" out of their caucus and advise Schumer and Pelosi to lay off on their consistent lip curling and sneering at any person or idea they find unworthy. I'm not holding my breath; best to just run them out of office and then fumigate (right Madame Nancy?).

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Some of these dems; they can dish out vicious derogation but they can't take it. They have but little integrity. Hooray for Marjorie Taylor Greene; I hope she keeps giving them the business and showing them up for what they are. They are so shifty they could hide behind a corkscrew

  6. Jack, I agree: what Arizona did to Giuliani is beneath contempt. Charging him in the first place was bad enough. This adds insult to injury, as indeed it is meant to!

    Ray is (mostly) right: the leftist dystopia is already here. Jack is right, though, that it can and will get worse unless we turn the tide in '24. And even if we win in '24 it may get worse regardless.

    Jack, I'd say there's very little danger that either side will "go high", unless we're referring to pot usage, in which case it's going to be very hard to compete with the Dems.

    I have no strong feelings about MTG -- I've got better things to do -- but it's not at all apparent to me that her antics actually help the right to win elections, and that is rather the name of the game, no?
