
Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Friends, Donald Trump and Nikki Haley have a long way to go before they could be called allies, but Haley's announcement today that she will be voting for Trump is highly significant nonetheless.  It begins the process by which anti-Trump Republicans, and Trump skeptics, may be reconciled to the prospect of voting -- one more time -- for the Donald.  It was always inevitable that the vast majority of Republicans would return to the fold.  It isn't inevitable, however, that enough Republicans will vote for Trump to seal his victory and propel him back into the White House.  Haley's rhetorical approach today could be the key.  She didn't praise Trump at all.  Instead she excoriated Biden.  And all Trump needs to do to win in November, after all, is capitalize on the huge number of Americans -- red, blue, and purple -- who are against Sleepy Joe.  Bottom line: anyone who's rooting for Trump should be very heartened by these developments.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Haley's submission probably can't hurt, at least not now. Surely she does have her eyes on '28 and who can say what will have transpired by then? What she has done is dutiful and realistic. The dems must be defeated or America will be SUBJECTED to a vindictive tidal wave of reinvigorated and frantic antiamerican leftist presumption and dictation.

  2. Jack, I note that Trump has said Haley would be "on his team", and I sincerely hope he means it. It would be very wise to neutralize her as a potential fifth columnist...and I suppose her talents could come in handy, too.
