
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Mushy Peas


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show covers much ground, as is always the case.  First, Brian and I consider the upcoming British general election, scheduled for July, which, alas, the Conservatives are very unlikely to win.  They jettisoned a populist conservative, Boris Johnson, in favor of a wishy-washy moderate, Rishi Sunak, and they're about to pay the price.  Chances of another Maggie Thatcher premiership are looking very dim.  Less than one-in-five, I would guess!  Brian and I also cover developments in the Trump trial in NYC, the state of the economy, Democratic doubts about Joe Biden, the ease with which "misinformation" can be replaced with...equally wrong but more politically palatable information, the criminalization of falsehoods, the ICC case against Netanyahu and the global scrutiny of Israel's operations in Gaza, and the running mate dilemma for Trump.

When we get to This Day in History, we look at the fascinating character that was Heinrich Himmler, and the role he played in the Nazy hierarchy.

From Trump to Himmler -- the lefties would say that our coverage of the news and history this week sticks to a pretty narrow range, but you and I know better!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re the Newsmaker broadcast: More ominous than the prospect of Conservative failure in the UK is the thought of the Labor gov't which will be enabled by it. Labor tried after WWII to use wartime powers, the astounding defeat of the greatest Conservative of all and the apparent willingness of Britain to accept radical change after terrible travail, to force socialism. But Churchill was in opposition. In the "70s Labor attempted to ride marxist unions to dominance. But formidable PM Dame Thatcher put them down. Will this Labor gov't go for the permanent subjection of the UK to marxist incipient totalitarianism, using "global warming "as an undeniable rationale? I'd certainly bet on it. Churchill resolved twice to save British civilization; in 1940 and post war and he would have seen the necessity at hand now. But no Conservative leader like him or Thatcher appears available. Its a very bad prospect for the exemplary democracy of the world.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Himmler: he was the rat he looked like. But his avatars in intent and conviction swarm on many of our campuses today. They deserve this comparison; surely, had they his power they would do to Jews what he did. When they look in a moral mirror they should see his chinless visage.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Misuse of the laws against conspiracy and fraud for political gain is: present and fully manifested totalitarian oppression, no less. Its HERE and NOW! If we don't stop it there will be infinitely more of its presumptuous injustice invading every aspect of our public and "private lives with ever increasing antiamerican leftist resolve.

  4. Jack, I view the prospect of a Labour government with equanimity. When one considers how much Labour has moved to the center since the 40s-80s, and how much the Conservatives have abandoned real conservatism, I see no reason to suppose that it would change the country appreciably to led by the likes of Keir Starmer. Wokeness might experience a bit of a fillip, but it seems to be thriving pretty well under Sunak anyway.

    Ouch! Heinrich's face was the least of his problems, if you ask me. And I don't think many of the snowflakes currently throwing a fit on various college greens bear much of a resemblance to Himmler and the SS, except in the sense that they all possess(ed) limitless reserves of self-righteousness.

    I agree: we need SCOTUS to definitively and permanently shut down the pursuit of RICO cases against those who have done nothing more than speak their minds and pursue political objectives by democratic, legal means. The Justices should invoke the 1st Amendment to nip all these prosecutions in the bud.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Its appalling and almost unthinkable to imagine that totalitarianism could take over our country. But we must face it! It has breached our borders like other invaders admitted by Biden and like a malign amoeba it hastens to ingest our country. It intends to finish the job in Nov.Among those bidding it welcome is NY Governor Hochul, who has declared many thousands of enthusiastic commoners in South Bronx (NY that is) to be "clowns" supporting DJT last night. I do hope she pretends to higher office; she has already provided us a convenient "deplorables" moment, as did her shamed predecessor, Prince Cuomo, who "suggested" that NYers who disobeyed his commands were "not New Yorkers and should leave the state". America beware; NY is the antiamerican left's proving ground.Its flyover country next unless we stop them. We can, even in NY, if we WILL.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: True, most of the demonstrators can't do Himmler . . . yet. He was once a naive 20 something too. But given his eventual power I think there are some among those now urging the eradication of Judaism, who would do it. Some of the treasonous '60s radical youngsters are unrelentingly unreformed yet and they would be glad to mentor.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think the "judge" in the NYC trial of DJT is going to strive to use any means possible for a conviction. That is of course the only reason for this tribunal and would be looked upon by the bigoted ( ehh, check the definition of the word ,indignant far leftists )mind of the Manhattan DA and those who apologize for his misuse of his office ,as "justice". The fact of Cohen's eh, doubtful integrity will probably have purchase only with the appellate courts. Judges don't like to be reversed (and that onerous possibility does obtain consequent to the actions of this tribunal) but in today's leftist compromised "legality", far too many trial court judges may see their duty fulfilled only by confirming previously doctrinally dictated results for specific cases, arbitrarily free of attention to established precedent, principle and yes, law.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Somehow I think the International Criminal Court does not loom large in PM Netanyahu's concerns just now. On balance Israel has not fared well with world opinion. The UN certainly declines to cut Israel any slack and instead defers to nations who would casually erase Israel and Israelis. The ICC seemed not to care much about Augusto Pinochet's deliverance of Chile from fully to be expected Marxist murder and ruin under Salvatore Allende; it judged only his methods. "To make an omelet. . . " ? Has the ICC cast a basilisk gaze on the leader(s) of Hamas?

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Possible Himmler wannabes among the Hamas lovers on campus: the callow dreamers of such eventual "redemption" of civilization lack Himmler's organizational skill and, yes, most of them will probably prove to be lacking his hellish resolve . Too, despite Biden's brainless recently overt comparison of DJT to Hitler, such a creature does not yet show in America (?)But, just as older, long deservedly suppressed Stalinists graced the new left with their subversive talents in the '60s, today's campus barbarian ingrates benefit from unmistakeably obvious skilled preplanning and organization courtesy of the antiamerican left. They are getting invaluable experience in dissolution, purposeful anarchy and imposition of counterintuitive demands on public and private administrations yet unconvinced of their totalitarian potential. If they achieve complete control I do not doubt that neoHimmlers would emerge thereby from the inherent atavistic slime of antisemitism.

  10. Jack, I doubt if a Biden victory in November could "finish the job" of eliminating the GOP as a viable opposition, but it would be a big step forward. We'll know it's "GAME OVER" when the Dems either seize control of SCOTUS by packing the Court, or they sideline it by flagrantly defying its rulings. This may come sooner than we think! (Like, November, for example.)

    Jack, the irony is that huge numbers of people have the inborn capacity to kill. Himmler does not appear to have been one of them! No matter. "Desk murderers" are more dangerous anyway.

    Jack, I would be shocked if Judge Merchan does not see nailing Trump for a felony as his mission in life. Thank heavens we have a jury system, because Trump sure wouldn't fare well if the verdict was decided from the bench.

    Jack, I believe the leader of Hamas was indicted for war crimes too. And I'm sure several pieces of him will be presented to the court for a speedy trial, too.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am put in mind though of the infamous picture of an apparently well fed Himmler casually contemplating from outside a fence, a group of emaciated captives of the Nazis, within their immediate view. He may well not have had what it takes to kill unjustly and as you noted, have been able only to muster the cowardly will to command others to do it. No superlative is sufficient to characterize the evil he exemplified.
