
Monday, May 6, 2024

It's All About the Orange Jumpsuit


Friends, it appears that we are inching ever closer to a pre-election incarceration of...the likely winner of the presidential election.  Judge Merchan in NYC keeps holding Trump in contempt -- for saying things that ought to be his right as an American to say -- and keeps suggesting that, if the violations continue, he will throw Trump in the slammer.  Trump, for his part, seems pretty keen on the idea.  He suggests that upholding his constitutional rights, and all our constitutional rights, would be worth some time in jail.  Frankly, he may anticipate that he would benefit politically from a brief stint of incarceration, and he may well be right.  Certainly nothing that has happened as yet in the trial has pierced DJT's popularity in the least.  My sense has always been that the Dems and their creatures in the justice system wouldn't jail Trump for mere "contempt" unless they were really on the ropes, because of the inherent risks in doing so.  Well, maybe they're closer to desperation than I thought!  Or maybe they feel like a brief jail term would serve to accustom the American people to the "new normal" that they've envisioned for us, i.e. a "democracy" in which all dissidents are promptly jailed.  Whatever the case, the next few months sure are going to be interesting!


Speaking of the "new normal", we now have a Republican House Speaker who is more enthusiastically supported by Democrats than he is by Republicans.  Who saw that coming?  I'd say, when a Republican gets the thumbs up from Nancy Pelosi, he's officially a RINO...and maybe even an AMINO -- that's an "American in Name Only", by the way.  Shame on Mike Johnson!  He really has blown up the GOP majority in the House, or rather the tattered remains thereof. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack : Dan Bongino today expressed on the radio a concern you have also considered That is: should the antiamerican left succeed in its "lawfare" experiment now against , chiefly , formidable DJT, without effective contradiction, it would of course make haste to install it as a routine procedure directed at ALL dissenters from its unimpeachable wisdom.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I would disagree from your evaluation of Mike Johnson. Those Dems who "support " him do so only out of cynicism or perhaps even principled refrain from their party's capture by the radical left. He may be playing them, like a trout on a line, for electoral purposes. The election will define all parameters; until then, it is posturing, PROVIDED it does not manifest a House majority able to turn the election against America

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: On the radio today Don Bongivo urged all of good will, of American values and belief, that we can deliver America from the antiamerican curse, by yet abandoning the completely subjugated states of NY, CA and ILL. I agree; let America behold their obsequious subjection as fully and creditably predictive of the forced ends of all American futures should they fold now! These states are politically captured, by far left sympathizers which we there of common sense completely overpowered by lala land NYC , cannot outvote! There is probably no deliverence for us of American values in these terribly corrupted areas but let us not refrain! It is an effort, emanating from many sources, which propels our effort and stands ready to advantage any leftist weakness for its arrogant and presumptuous loopholes.

  4. Ehh, one too many beers last night and my expression above became compromised. Jack

  5. Quite so, Jack! Almost any political enterprise -- like, oh, the GOP -- could be described as a "conspiracy" undergirded by "fraud", so, it seems to me, RICO cases could easily bring democracy to its knees. If Trump loses, the intensification of lawfare is 110% guaranteed, in my view.

    You may be right -- perhaps Mike Johnson is finessing the Dems and remains a true conservative. That's a generous reading of the situation, but, as you say, until 2024 has played itself out, what happens on the floor of the House hardly matters.

    Did Dan Bongino mean to suggest that we who live in CA, NY, or IL should make haste to flee? What would that accomplish, precisely? All of those states are dying a slow death already...but it's a death that can be, and has been, mitigated by constant inflows of federal cash. Turn off the spigot, and a lot of blue states would very soon start to circle the drain.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think Dan meant that for conservative individuals, practical deliverance from the always burgeoning far leftist dictation in those states is to quit the states. It does make sense. I would hold that CA and NY can be redeemed only by selective, direct Federal imposed administration. That of course would be beneficial only if a lawful Federal administration obtains. Federal take over of gun owners' Constitutional rights; of return of state "universities" to intellectually sound freedom of expression and suppression of unrepentant antiamerican leftist domination; of relief for taxpayers of obligation to pay for politically biased institutions like "arts" funding; of mitigation of NYC's stranglehold on state elections; of suppression of "woke" tyranny in public secondary and elementary education: all of this and more, analogous to the Federal control imposed on the educational and justice systems of several southern states in the 60s. Without this, these NY and its imitators will continue on a path to complete pariah status.

  7. Jack, I suspect that we will see, if our lifetimes, a federal takeover of many state functions and the effective end of state sovereignty. I further suspect that we won't like it when we see it!
