
Friday, April 28, 2023

Whither Tucker?


Friends, speculation is rife about what Tucker Carlson will do next, now that his career at Fox is a thing of the past.  Will Fox enforce his contract, just to sideline him for another year and a half?  Or will they put Tucker at liberty, so that he can decide for himself where to go, and what to do?  One possibility is that Fox News's loss will be Newsmax's gain, and Newsmax seems exhilarated by the prospect...


In other news, the 2022 election may not have produced the "Big Red Wave" that we were hoping for, but it did yield some notable successes, including one that I'm just hearing about now: Republicans retook control of the State Supreme Court in North Carolina.  This is a big deal, because it means that Republicans in the legislature get to decide on the shape of state legislative and Congressional districts, and thus GOP control of the North Carolina House and Senate is likely to persist, and Republicans' chances of reacquiring a dominant position in the state's Congressional delegation are looking much brighter.  Of course, for similar reasons the Dems' recent seizure of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is very bad news. 


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack : Any victory against the incipiently totalitarian american left, like that in still real America NC, is encouraging. We are making a fight of it against the presumptuous cultural marxists.

  2. We are! Or are we? The Republican Party's gains are not necessarily the cultural Marxists' losses, since much of the GOP will happily go along with civilizational rot if it can enrich and empower itself in the process. Remember the irony of Trump's win in 2016: it only led the cultural Marxists to become more outspoken, more aggressive, and frankly more successful.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Very good points; still, the denial to Hillary of her birthright and their worst nightmare, the establishment of a lawful Scotus, must be giving them Maalox moments without relief. We control 2 of the 3 branches and lots of heretic states. That it has been done to them by an amateur, a guache and insolent interloper and counterintuitively, a New Yorker into the bargain, must have brought them close to critical mass.Perhaps their present hubris
    bespeaks characteristic leftist overreach. In any war, casualties and defeats are inevitable but we are giving along with taking. The situation is very serious but not nearly hopeless.One of the sides may well manifest a fundamental fault which, when brought to the fore, would do it in. Marxism's historically proven evil may be just that.

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Correction: 1.5 of the branches. Enough to stick in the elitist leftist craw.

  5. Jack: oh, there's no doubt that the Left considers us very dangerous and formidable. To listen to many leftists talk, they seem to think they're living in a Christian fundamentalist, Jim Crow, fascist hell, and the stromtroopers will be knocking down their doors and confiscating their abortion pills and their whips and chains any second. And, as I've said before, the continuing viability of the GOP, despite the intense, sophisticated campaign to harass and discredit it, speaks volumes about how far the Left still has to go to complete its conquest of the American mind. Having said all that, take a good long look at the young, and you'll have few grounds for optimism.
