
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

China Is Closer Than You Think


Friends, today we learned that Red China's secret police is operating on U.S. soil, in a revelation that will probably surprise precisely no one.  Numerous Chinese nationals face U.S. criminal charges, but will the Chinese government face any adverse consequences?  Ha!  Not if their latest check to "the Big Guy" clears...

In other news, while you may resent the tax bill you recently paid to Uncle Sam, the truth is that spending is outpacing revenues by a large margin.  Much of that spending is fueled by debt, and servicing that debt is bound to become even more costly over time, necessitating -- you guessed it -- massive spending cuts and/or even more taxes.  The bottom line is that the Biden Administration is doubling down on a spendthrift fiscal strategy that maximizes its electoral prospects and rewards its key supporters, but makes a national reckoning inevitable.  I see no sign that the headlong dash to economic armageddon is being reconsidered, either.  The House GOP is making very feeble protests -- nothing more.


This article is quite extraordinary.  It's a scathing account of RFK, Jr.'s presidential ambitions, a love letter to the Biden family, and a shameless attempt to use the Kennedys themselves to destroy one of their own.  Bottom line: if you threaten the interests of the Democratic establishment -- as Bobby does -- they will use every resource at hand to obliterate you, personally, politically, and professionally.  Now, will Alvin Bragg indict RFK, Jr. for...something?  That's the next evolution of the Dems' hate machine, after all...


This is a fascinating article about the political impact of school choice.  It raises some very intriguing points about the institutional underpinnings of the Democratic Party.  Personally, I'm more interested in the cultural impact of school choice.  How can the Left control the worldview of the rising generation if they forfeit their dominance over K-12 education? 

Finally, this is a long and detailed article about a particular manifestation of "pro-natalism" that is appearing among the highly educated.  I agree with their basic point of view -- that smart, successful people need to start having way more kids -- but the eccentric nature of their movement, and its obscurity, guarantee that they will have no meaningful effect on overall fertility.  No one yet has come up with a way to move the fertility dial in a positive direction, with the possible exception of the Nazis, but I don't see many people clamoring for fascism, do you?



    Will the "pro-natalism" people be raptured when Jesus returns?

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Perhaps the left trusts that before a reckoning on government spending is realized they will be in total control and a "reckoning" will be summarily suppressed. Leftist regimes don't have reckonings because reckonings are strictly verboten!


    All these yuppie women need to do is sign up for your Waddy "Lebensborn" program, and get on a waiting list for your "on hands" personalized attention.

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: RFK Jr. was quoted in the article: (in 1968) "my father mounted a major campaign ". . . (to)dislodge the incumbent dem LBJ". That's not how I remember it: Senator Eugene McCarthy got approx.37% of the vote in the New Hampshire primary in which RFK did not run. Shortly after, LBJ said he would not run. Only then did RFK declare, in a move which smacked of entitlement. "Uh, very good, very good Gene; now make way and let me take over". Edward Kennedy, had his name been Eddy Manishevsky, couldn't have run in1980 like he did and in the event he couldn't even beat the incompetent Jimmy Carter(the last dem I ever voted for).

  5. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Frankly, RFK Jr. strikes me as something of a crank! The Kennedy family has suffered a great deal and I think, in general, they are nice enough people. Carolyn Schlossburg in particular seems to have inherited her mother's consummate grace. RFK Jr should spare them this ordeal; if he doesn't it speaks ill of him, I think.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Nah, the Chinese are just getting revenge for 19th century "extraterritoriality" which was practiced by western powers including the US. Shanghai had a luxurious section reserved for the comfortable residences of foreigners; Chinese were generally excluded except in servile capacities. Next we'll have Chinese gunboats plying the Mississippi. Gotta hand it to the Chinese; they do have chutzpah!

  7. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Ever see the home building of the NY state Education Dep't. ? It covers a city block. The site of it( or the sight of it) sure is an education! Its an appropriate setting for such a redundant ,presumptuous and bloated bureaucratic dictatorship. It will, I'm sure, make haste to envelop any school choice establishment in its fief with a suffocating blanket of woke pronunciamentos. Elon Musk, when asked how he was able to cashier so many Twitter workers said words to this effect "I just got rid of those with an ax to grind". The NY State Ed.Dep't. is rife with ax grinders and in that palace have room for plenty more to deal with usurping aggravating critics of public education if necessary to preserve their comfortable sinecure.As a librarian I had unredeeming contact with that bunch.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Too bad about Musk's rocket. At least nobody was hurt and I assume its all coming out of Musk's exemplary ,enterprising pockets, not that the left will afford him any credit for this massive continuing effort. It would seem possible that either Musk or his private competitor(can't remember name) will succeed, while Nasa proceeds on a parallel path, but much encumbered by suffocating and forced political correctness. At some point it may be best to leave this to the private sector, thereby saving the taxpayers billions, though that might face leftist ideological intransigence. Then again, some day they may just "requisition" it along with everything else!

  9. Ray, the Bible commands us to "be fruitful and multiply", so I assume the most fruitful among us will be raptured first and foremost! So, in other words, "get busy" Christian ladies! I stand ready to assist.

    Jack, the Left probably assumes that an economic collapse will render people more susceptible, not less, to dependence on government. They have a point.

    Jack, that's true that RFK, Jr. is sanitizing history. His father was engaging in some first class political opportunism, and we'll never know if it would have panned out. Maybe Dick Nixon would have beaten him, in which case the spell the Kennedys cast over the Democratic Party would have been broken forever!

    The Kennedys="nice people"? Well, if bending a collective knee to Joe Biden is "nice", then they're among the swellest folks around. I say: spray your rhetorical shrapnel all over the place, Bobby, Jr., and cause your fellow leftists as much discomfiture as possible!

    Boy, that NYS Dept. of Ed building really is a palace! I would be self-satisfied too, if I went to work in that thing every day. Anyway, we needn't worry about the school choice fad coming to New York. As the saying goes, "when pigs fly..."

    I applaud Musk's efforts to conquer space, and I note that, despite his ideological apostasy, the media can't entirely bring itself to disown him. He remains a source of hope and inspiration to conservatives and lovers of liberty everywhere, not to mention stargazers.
