
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Once More Unto the Breach?


Friends, we've had a mighty long hiatus from Kennedys in the White House, although Barack Obama was something of an honorary Kennedy, or a mocha Kennedy, if you will.  Well!  Now it appears that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the son of the RFK who ran for president in 1968 and whose life was cut short before he could clinch the nomination, is himself running for president in 2024.  Most insiders and analysts would tell you that he doesn't stand much of a chance.  I would be one of them.  For one thing, the Kennedy mystique is old news, to the say least.  More importantly, though, RFK, Jr. has a nasty tendency to think for himself, and to think way outside the box of leftist orthodoxy.  For instance, he has been very skeptical of vaccines, in general, and the COVID vaccines, in particular.  Now, that just isn't allowed on the Left, is it?  So, he's a long shot, but on the other hand the Dems may find themselves grasping at straws in 2024, if Sleepy Joe runs and then does a political face plant due to our economic woes, some spectacular policy failure, or perhaps an episode of dementia or physical frailty that's simply too obvious to conceal.  In short, there has to be a Democratic alternative to Joe Biden in 2024, and, if all else fails, I guess RFK, Jr. could be it.


You've heard a lot about the depressing election returns for Democratic centrists and Republicans this week, but there are some signs of hope, too, which it doesn't hurt to share here: 



    Come what may, I want to wish both of you a Happy Easter.

  2. Ray from Jack: Same to you Ray.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That's good news from Wisconsin, coming at a good time too. That may be an interesting dialectic between the legislature and their newly subverted Supreme Commissariat. Perhaps by 11 / 2024 the Wisconsin voters will have had demonstrated to them the consequences of empowering a faction which embraces a very counterintuitive view of law and justice and makes unseemly haste to force it on its "jurisdiction".

  4. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Oh Gawd! The Kennedy's again.What overrought hooey "Camelot" was. Jackie was the noble in the family.

    1. RAY TO JACK

      Some Baptist pastor who didn't like JFK, called him a serial fornicator and adulterer. Ha! So much for JFK. But you know, my understanding (and I could be wrong), is that compared to today's so called "Democrats," JFK was a conservative. Still too bad he was assassinated. I'm sure you will agree that does not speak well for our country. It will be interesting to see just who else will run against Biden. I did hear that RFK, jR. is another climate change fanatic. I wonder what some of these climate change promotors would say about the 17th Century when there were recorded radical climate changes and natural disasters all over the world? Never occurs to them that mankind may be the victims of nature.

  5. Ray from Jack: JFK was an hombre; he proved that in WWII and during the Cuban Missile Crisis.But he led a reckless personal life, the knowledge of which may have helped the personally conservative earthy Khrushchev to size him up as a silly voluptuary weakling swell.That perception may have led Kr to try Kennedy's resolve and almost get us all "nuked"( even if we were not vaporized our lives would have been nuked); the Russ had detonated a 50 megatonner in, I think, 1961. The ridiculous aura of Kennedy as the"antidote"to the dour but great Eisenhower was powerful nonsense. Oh yes, RFK Jr. is quite the busy bee in empowering leftist environmentalism and bigotry. Any historical evidence contradicting the radical climate hue and cry is surely of no moment to him since any disagreement is held by the left to be automatically dismissable and by definition reprehensible. If his name was McGillicudy, RFK Jr. would be a cipher. Too, his serious drug possession conviction (while Ass't AG no less)would be for anyone not sporting his tiresomely exalted family name a big problem. After all, he's not running for DC mayor.

  6. Ray, come what may, they can't take Easter away from us, can they? Not really...although they probably are readying some kind of neo-Marxist horror bunny for rapid deployment.

    Jack, what the mercurial voters of Wisconsin will do in 2024 is anybody's guess! I sure as heck don't know the answer.

    I wonder if the Supreme Court will restrain the power of state Supreme Courts in any way, shape, or form... For instance, there's an argument that the Constitution gives power over elections to state LEGISLATURES, explicitly. Ergo, state courts should not be redrawing district boundaries, for instance. Of course, any such federal ruling would be a double-edged sword, as, for instance, a state court ruling is what allowed us to pick up four House seats in NY in 2022.

    Camelot "hooey"? You'll get no argument from me. Monarchy is 90% hooey, and democracy isn't far behind. Sometimes a good helping of hooey is all we've got to grab onto...

    Ray, I'm not a big Kennedy fan either, but there's no question that he was ideologically conservative compared to the neo-Marxists who predominate in his party today. In fact, on that basis, I'll take Kennedy over Johnson all day long!

    True, RFK, Jr. is an eco-nut. He ought to reflect on the fact that, even though he's a liberal 80% of the time, that's not anywhere close to enough to appease most progressives. They demand total, abject submission to their creed, or else!

    Good point that Khrushchev's low opinion of Kennedy almost killed us all, but that opinion was based more on their first meeting than it was on Kennedy's reputation for womanizing, surely.

    RFK, Jr. was an Assistant D.A. when convicted of drug possession, not Assistant Attorney General, not that it matters much. I'd say that's the least of his problems!

  7. Dr.Waddy from Jack: I stand corrected on AG. Still, DAs can cause much injustice: eg Alvin Bragg.
