
Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Science of Hypocrisy


Friends, the U.S. Open (the tennis version) is getting underway, and notably absent, as many of you will know, will be Novak Djokovic.  The reason?  He's unvaccinated.  As the article belows lays bare, unvaccinated people will fill the stands at the Open, but Djokovic, because he's a non-citizen, won't even be allowed in the country, and he certainly won't be allowed to compete.  That makes zero sense.  It's simply an expression of the Left's COVID fascism.  They believe, as a matter of principle, that unvaccinated people should be treated like dirt.  Sadly, from their perspective, unvaccinated citizens still have rights, which our courts are inclined to respect (a little).  Unvaccinated non-citizens, however -- foreigners -- have fewer rights, and therefore the government can treat them like dirt all it likes.  And so it does.  And keep in mind that the left-wing bureaucrats and Dem politicians who are making these decisions about discriminating against unvaccinated non-citizens are, in many cases, the same people who advocate giving welfare and free medical care, via Medicaid, to non-citizens, and indeed to illegal aliens.  They also increasingly favor giving VOTING RIGHTS to non-citizens, and some deep blue municipalities have already done so.  But denying unvaccinated non-citizens the ability to enter the country and/or play tennis?  Oh, that's a no-brainer.  Figure that one out.  Already this year Russian nationals were denied the opportunity to play at Wimbledon.  Now one of the best players in the world is being excluded from the U.S. Open for equally arbitrary and asinine reasons.  This is cancel culture run amok, if you ask me.  For shame!


  1. Dr. Waddy from once again erased, problems embtaced by the left by the the left, Jack: it must to be convenient to be declared unchallengeably discredited by the thoroughly bigoted igntght

  2. Dr. Waddy trom Jack: Instead . . . by those of fanatic view who present summarily conclusive leftist convenient conclusions as absolute truth.

  3. Dr . Waddy from Jack:To continue: this is the end of debate and it confirms the fundamental totaltarianism of the "american" left. Marx bade them close their minds and willingly did they so!!

  4. It's curious, isn't it? You'd think people who had "truth" and "goodness" on their side would want to FOSTER conversation and debate. I mean, in the long term, their opponents would surely come to see the error of their ways, right? Any verity based on the silencing of all dissent isn't much of a verity, if you ask me.

  5. Verity.

    An excellent word when the use and definition of the word "truth" has been watered down by dictionaries and our culture.

    When science does not pursue "a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance" and instead adopts a standard of a "belief that is accepted" their hypocrisy should be more easily exposed.

    Let's hope that examples like this are being noticed by a broader cross section of the voting public.

  6. Oh, I think you might get your wish, Richie. People are more and more cynical every day. That works to our advantage, in a sense, because the establishment and the experts are now overwhelmingly leftist. On the other hand, belief in the powers-that-be hasn't been replaced by belief in anything else, as far as I can tell. That leaves the American people wide open to manipulation based mainly on emotions, since, once "truth" and "goodness" become relative, what else is left?
