
Saturday, August 27, 2022

How 'Bout THESE Meloni?


Friends, this woman, Giorgia Meloni, is poised to become Italy's next Prime Minister, and the talking heads are all agape.  That's because she's "extreme", "far-right", "right-wing", "Eurosceptic", and "fascist".  In other words, she's my kinda gal!  Study up on her, because she could be the first wave of a bunch of new conservative, nationalist rulers who come to power in the midst of Europe's Ukraine-induced recession -- and the latest wave of illegal immigrants.  I'm cautiously optimistic.


In other news, you guessed it: you can either vote for Democrats in 2022, or you can vote to replace our democracy with blood-spattered "semi-fascism".  Gee, where have I heard that before?  It almost seems like everything we hold dear hangs by a thread in EVERY election, doesn't it?  It's enough to make you break out in cold sweats.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Before today I had not heard of Meloni. She appears to be one who could bring common sense to this difficultly governed country. It may be that a united Italy was not a good idea. Its regional differences, some historical, may have made the reunification of the peninsula as inadvisable as was the creation of counterintuitive entities in Africa and the Middle East by presumptuous European powers. This may account for Italian instability: I mean it almost went commie after WW II. That might well have brought on WWIII or something very close to it. Imagine: a Commie fortress sitting astride the Mediterranean! But the big difference is that modern united Italy was created by Italians;
    that unity is now political fact and would be best stewarded by those who hate and fear the far left for its proven sociopathic and culture destroying intent!!

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack : The US today may well be riven by politically centripetal forces which are always the main objective of the far left since they open the gate for ever far left sociopathic totalitarian rule.And the "american" left might thereby derive inspiration from a Meloni defeat. So, this election has much meaning for us. Has the left proven the certainty of tyranny should they rule - finally?! Why , without doubt!!

  3. Yes, Jack -- the American right would indeed derive comfort from Meloni's (prospective) triumph, although whether she would, or could, "deliver the goods" is unknowable at this stage. Her coalition would be broad, rather like the GOP, and, like the GOP, it might agree on little except the desire to take power. Also quite possible is a scenario in which, because of a Meloni victory, the rest of Europe would inflict a debt crisis on Italy and then a severe recession. The Eurocrats don't appreciate dissent, as you know!

  4. Good Gad! Have ancient European antipathies still yet to resolve their atavistic grievances!?

  5. Oh, I don't think the Eurocrats have anything against Italians...but they are constantly refighting WWII against their preferred enemies, the fascists, much like our own progressives are constantly refighting the battle for civil rights against THEIR preferred enemies, the KKK (that's you and me, needless to say). And so it goes.
