
Monday, August 15, 2022

The Liz Cheney Show: Renewed For Another Season?


Friends, tomorrow, Tuesday, Liz Cheney finally faces Wyoming voters, after having spat in their faces for the past two years, promoting Trump-hatred over the interests of the GOP, the conservative movement, and the nation.  She'll almost certainly lose her seat in Congress, but, as this article persuasively argues, she may remain active in U.S. politics for years to come, with an eye on challenging Trump for the Republican nomination in 2024.  She may not get many votes in that race either, but she'll get a whole lot of media interviews and oodles of campaign cash (note that she's already got a massive wad, most of which she's saving for a rainy day).


In other news, the Dems are pressing hard on "abortion rights" leading up to November.  Is that a sign that they're sure the issue breaks in their favor, or is it merely a factor of their desperation, and their realization that most other "bread and butter" issues are a lost cause for Democrats, given the poor state of the economy, the border, crime, etc.?  Can "social issues" and pure, blinding Trump-hatred save Team Blue?  We shall see.


I know many rank-and-file Republicans like myself would love to see Lisa Murkowski, RINO extraordinaire, ejected from the Senate, but, as this article suggests, she's a wily competitor and might not be easy to beat. 

Finally, the campaign of legal harassment against DJT and his associates continues to escalate.  It turns out the FBI confiscated Trump's passports when they raided his home.  Now they're sheepishly agreeing to return them.  And Rudy Giuliani is the focus of a criminal probe in Georgia regarding the 2020 election.  I have to ask: if a Fulton County prosecutor can target Giuliani over his alleged violations of the law regarding the 2020 election -- a total crock, mind you -- then why can't some Republican prosecutors target all those politicians and elections officials who we know broke the law in their conduct of the same election?  Aren't they every bit as guilty of undermining our democracy and tainting the process?  But of course Democrats and Bidenists who break the law are never held accountable.  What was I thinking? 


  1. Dr.Waddyfrom Jack: A wide spread sense of general malaise obtains in the US after many months of counterintuitive dem misrule. It has generated a resolve to make things right intensified by the close approach of the election season, the very obvious takeover of the dems by radical leftists and the savage and cynical treatment of PresidentTrump. A reckoning iscoming on election day!

  2. Jack, you said it, so it must be true! I hope and pray that is.
