
Monday, July 11, 2022

From Bad to Worse


Friends, the comparisons between the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden keep coming, although arguably all such analogies are grossly Jimmy Carter.  But I digress.  Contrary to Dem/lefty expectations that they could turn around bleak public perceptions with a little misdirection, courtesy of the January 6th committee, some conveniently-timed mass shootings, and 170 million plaintive wombs crying out for more abortions, the truth is that the polling numbers for Biden and the Democrats just keep getting worse.  This New York Times article predicts doom for Team Blue, at least in 2022 if not necessarily in 2024.  Public pessmism, in fact, is literally off the charts, historically speaking.  With additional evidence pointing to the onset of a recession, and energy markets buckling, it's hard to see how the Left can alter the script in time to make a difference, although we all know that they'll leave no stone unturned...


Under these circumstances, what are the chances that every Democrat's favorite Republican, Liz Cheney, could win a Republican primary in deep red Wyoming?  Not good!!! 

Finally, while the West pursues its archaic grudges against Russia, China looms large as a potential future adversary, and India rises inexorably and barely attracts our notice.  I had no idea that India was poised to surpass China in terms of population.  Sad to say, but Russia, China, and India are probably all closer to one another than any of them are to us.  That's probably because our foreign policy is designed by corrupt ignoramuses!


  1. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Well, when the left was pushing the most disgraceful couple ever to pollute our White House ( fumigation needed Madame Pelosi?) in 1992, their haughty jibe was: "its the economy, stupid". It is well to remind them of that now! I am utterly stupid when it comes to economics but I can read the price of gas at the station. Gee, everybody needs gas don't they! They may be too busy living positive, constructive lives to pay close attention to the details of politics but they are reminded of this everyday and they know who was in charge when it started and they know he is anti gasoline and fully prepared to take it away, like it or not. He already has begun this fanatic effort!That alone ought to make dems swallow their gum. Predictions of GOP victory might induce complacency in the real America but with this daily reminder of PINO Biden's incompetence and surrender to the radical left, with its reminder also of his other far leftist obsequys, (eg. an open border, contrary to the federal immigration Law he "swore" to enforce)our batteries receive very timely recharge! Too, the predictions are so ominous that they may drive the left to reckless despair!

  2. Dr.Waddy from Jack:The day of the noodle spined RINO is over! President Trump mobilized those stung to the quick by disingenuous RINO betrayal. We now know there are viable, electable alternatives ready to closely engage the American left ,rather than pusillanimously assuming its good will! That left's purpose ever, is to destroy America and replace it with a totalitarian secular state. People like Liz think this "icky". Sancta Simplicitas.

  3. Dr.Waddy from Jack: The day of the di sdainful RINO is over. We in the real America thought we had no other choice. Bu t President Trump showed us: we can advance viable and electable candidates ready to stick thumbs in the American leftist eye. Liz cannot but trust the utterly disproven good will of the left.

  4. Jack, you're right about the salience of the price of gas. It's a key metric in deciding the fate of the party in power, historically. Whoever came up with those stickers of Biden pointing at the price at the pump and saying "I did that!" was a genius!

    I can't wait to see what Liz does AFTER she loses the Republican primary. I'm guessing she has a master plan. Whatever it is, it better not rely on the good will of the people of Wyoming!

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But maybe it would not be a bad thing if Russia, China and India drew closer together(?). In his books The Revenge of Geography andThe Return of Marco Polo's World, well informed Robert D. Kaplan suggests that China is building a new Silk Road and that this COULD result in a landbased China, India, Russia, middle East inward looking economic commonwealth. This could assure China of its oil free of fear of interference from the Pacific Island crescent, anchored by Taiwan and the US Navy. That could motivate China to put eventual reacquisition of Taiwan on a back burner of which the Chinese are well suited due to their long range view of history. It might also mitigate Chinese fear of the growing powerful Indian navy interdicting their vital trade with West Africa and of border tensions with India.What a joyous development it would be if these two giants could work to an ever increasing mutual benefit. Such a perhaps well conceived commonwealth might yield civil and international peace promoting lasting prosperity . It need not necessarily threaten us.Economic competition; we can take that and an inward looking China should be perceived as less of a military threat.

    ed not

  6. Correction fromJack: just plain Africa ,not just West or East Africa.

  7. Hmmm. Is it possible that China and India as bosom buddies might pose no threat to anyone? I guess so. But if they're going to be so agreeable, I'd prefer they do it...separately! Just in case, you know?
