
Saturday, July 10, 2021

Alaska Can Do Better


Friends, our conservative compatriots in Alaska have a big opportunity in 2022: they have the chance to send Lisa Murkowski, RINO extraordinaire, packing, and they can replace her with a bonafide lover of liberty who more genuinely reflects the values and priorities of the "Last Frontier".  Murkowskism has been an embarrassment to the Senate GOP, frankly.  Lisa Murkowski voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, and for the impeachment of Donald Trump.  What else do you need to know?  It's high time we terminated her employment as a U.S. Senator.


"President" Biden is making some rhetorical moves to rein in Big Tech, but don't take any of it too seriously.  Executive Orders, lest we forget, are mostly for show.  Until Congress passes major anti-trust legislation, or until the courts change their attitudes to social media companies, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube will continue to pose a grevious threat to American freedom and democracy. 

Finally, this poll should come as no surprise: 58% of Americans view the media as "the enemy of the people".  Well, the miracle is that anyone still listens to the nonsense that these charlatans peddle daily.  The sad fact, though, is that the "news", as it's framed by woke journalists, is still consumed by millions of otherwise decent Americans every day.  Thus, winning these unfortunates over to the truth will be no easy task.  They are thoroughly -- and in some cases irredeemably -- brainwashed.


  1. Dr. Nick

    Could not read the entire article, because I did not want to log in and become a rasmussen reader. Sorry. Ha! Anyway, the idea that "millions of otherwise decent Americans" are brainwashed is absolutely correct. I might add that millions more probably don't even watch any news, because they simply do not give a damn anymore. Of course some people really are not very bright, and never watched it anyway. However, many simply quit watching because they know they are being played, or at least sense it. This includes so called "Right-wing" news, or call it conservative. Guys like Tucker make huge bucks mocking The Left, so one has to wonder if money comes first in peddling a certain brand of ideology/propaganda. By and large, Tucker no doubt has a very comfortable life. I have no problem with that, but those huge salaries media stars make, give me pause to question motives. If Cooper were offered bigger bucks by Fox would he work for them? Just musing.

  2. Dr.Waddy et al from Jack: 58% are willing to confirm their belief that the media is the demonstrated, contemptuous opponent of the real America (my interpretation) it purports to exalt! That is big, big news; it made my day! It strongly suggested that myriads who are not acquainted with journalism's traditional standards still recognize that the MSM, through its dismissive assumption of lack of discretion in its perceived audience, has waaay overreached. And it doesn't sit well with them, no! Ray: I do think Fox and Tucker to be partisan but I think they are honestly so, whereas the MSM unctuously claims an objectivity it energetically rejects in practice. In countering this MSM fifth column, plainly allied and fully supportive of and with that left devoted to the "fundamental transformation" ( unwanted, unneeded but vital to their frail dreamy Marxist, murderous psyches ) of America, it is answering the call of very many of us. This is unarmed civil war and they are firmly in our column and leading the charge!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Alaska: I would have thought it impenetrable by the touchy feelys! Can it be that this onerous, presumptuous contagion has invaded even that rugged state? You are right: perhaps Murkowski initially inspired confidence in the majority of Alaskans that she would represent their views. Can it be that she did?! Let us look with optimism to the test of this in 2022. If these human viruses HAVE penetrated our state most proven of positive, constructive values by the challenge of its climate and its magnificently dangerous geography, then we must reconsider our defenses!

  4. Ray, you're right that cable news offers entertainment (and moral support) as much as it offers "news". Tucker is a smart guy and engages in some genuine journalism (rare enough these days), but he also mocks his adversaries in what can be at times childish ways. I've never been a big fan of the ad hominem attack, as you know.

    Jack, there was another recent poll that showed that Americans have less confidence in their media than people in any other Western country. Understandably so! Honestly, Trump and the GOP would have been finished a long time ago if the American people tended to believe most of what the establishment tells them. Americans' skepticism is, in many ways, the right's greatest asset, as things stand now.

    And I agree that right-wing propaganda, while it can be criticized from many purist angles, is necessary to keep conservatives "in the fight".

    Presumably, Murkowskis (father and daughter) did serve the people of Alaska well, once upon a time. They "bring home the bacon", I believe, or have a reputation of doing so. Lisa Murkowski just doesn't belong in today's GOP, though. She could be an independent who caucuses with the GOP, maybe, but she isn't deserving of the support of the Alaka Republican Party.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack : In an existential fight, unity and refrain from relatively minor doctrinal differences must be avoided for the main cause to succeed. Rinos seem not to realize this and what they purpose, I don't know. They seem not to realize or they reject the idea,that the American left is organized, disciplined (to the point of destruction of any who dissent) and utterly willing to use "any means necessary" to ensure its totalitarian triumph. And so many of them cannot comprehend the reality that a triumphant left would hold to its present positions as long as it pleases and no more. Should some new dream be their inspiration, they would embrace it and if you don't like it; well. . . !?. Consider the 20th century!

  6. Quite right, Jack: Mitt Romney, for instance, is implicitly helping the Dems, who purpose (among other things) the effective abolition of the Senate, as we know it -- not to mention the Supreme Court. Let's hope he wakes up sooner rather than later.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I don't not use double negstives as did my doppelganger above. Can't nobody call me a liar!

  8. Dr.Waddy from Jack: Romney and his ilk have no stomach for the bare knuckles fight our politics have become. The Dem/left "whatever it takes" crowd got over that some fifty years ago. "But I refuse to sink to that level, especially when it manifests on our side" bleats the essential RINO. Why don't the RINOs form their own party? Well I guess we need them mathematically just now but when that situation improves in 2022, let them descend wholly into that sand in which they have esconsed their heads of late.Any party they form would be a cipher and they would be wrong to assume Manchin and Sinema would join. Those two HAVE sand!

  9. Jack, slowly but surely the GOP is being cleansed of RINOs. Trump may not have triumphed nationally, but his purge of the Republican Party has been pretty effective. With the departure of Lisa Murkowski from the Senate, we'll be one step closer to making the GOP "grand" again.
