
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Who Am I, and What Am I Doing Here?


Friends, you'll want to tune in to this week's Newsmaker Show, because Brian and I peel away all those layers of obfuscation and reveal where things ACTUALLY stand in the race for the presidency.  For example, RFK, Jr.'s declining support has him contemplating an alliance with, and an endorsement of, Donald Trump.  Could it happen?  Would it, in fact, boost Trump's chances?  All will be revealed!  In addition, Brian and I discuss the decline in fertility and parenthood in the light of women's prioritization of career over family, the issue of election integrity in 2024, the lengths to which Democrats might go to prevent DJT from winning (or serving) a second term, the abject humiliation of Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention, the chances that the Democrats will be able to sustain artificial enthusiasm for Kamala Harris and avoid media scrutiny indefinitely, and the possible return of campus protests in the Fall.

When we turn to This Day in History, we recall the frightening days of the anti-Gorbachev coup of August 1991, and I point out that no one should ever root for instability in the leadership of a nuclear superpower like Russia, regardless of how much we may hate the man at the top, Vladimir Putin.


It's a doozy of a show, and I should know, since I'm a doozy of a guy!




Here's an analysis of Kennedy's current impact on the race for the White House, especially in the key states: 

If you read between the lines here, it sure looks like Kennedy's campaign might soon be over, and Trump will be the one to win his backing (if not necessarily all of his voters).


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Yeah but who would want RFK Jr. in their administration? He'd be liable to fly off in some fantastic direction. Address the nation? Wouldn't think many would watch.

    If he would have stayed active, we perhaps could not have been sure who he would have benefitted. Without Biden as a deterrent to customary Dem voters , of what attraction would an RFK Jr. alternative be? Probably best is that he endorse Trump and let his (I believe) liberal running mate campaign for DJT, concentrating on why she has counterintuitively turned to Trump. Being a woman she could present a counter to the Dem man haters and their pusillanimous virtue signaling geldings,who together dominate the Dem convention, by actually supporting two very unapologetic men (as do myriad unapologetic women).

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I listened to a barely bareable smidgen of the Dem convention on the road today.CNN was back in its erstwhile leftist biased form. Much contempt was expressed for "older angry rural white males" and how Walz will put them in their place (he of similar disdained origin). Now perish the thought that such dismissiveness would, should the Dems win , be incorporated in policy! But gee, if you vent such spleen in a setting in which you are trying to film flam voters into thinking you are not, despite all indications, soldiers for the antiamerican left , you pretty well prove bad intent toward those you freely castigate. And believe an older, angry rural white male like me, Holz's expected schoolmarm scolding will find no purchase with us.

  3. bearable , should have spelled. Jack

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: in rereading your Aug. 15 remarks I see you have gainsaid some of my opinion expressed here on RFK Jr. and you have done so creditably. He certainly could be consequential yet with the right funding.

  5. Jack, I am coming around to your POV that Kennedy can best serve Trump's interests by dropping out and endorsing him. Kennedy ought to appeal at least as much to Dems as to Republicans, but it isn't working out that way, because the Dems think what the MSM tells them to think, and they hate whomever they are told to hate. Kennedy is only respected by Republicans and conservatives and libertarians, at this stage, and they need to get on the Trump train if he's to win.

    Now, if I were Trump, I wouldn't balk at putting RFK, Jr. in my administration. I would make him Free Speech Czar, but you could make him virtually anything and then fire him if he stepped out of line. The key is to win this election, at almost any cost. The rest is trivia.

    Bless those Dems for wearing on their sleeves their contempt for men, country-dwellers, old people, et al. Their beastliness makes our job so much easier!

    Yes, I wouldn't discount the possibility that ANY of our third party candidates could be the key to victory or defeat for Trump or Harris. Remember last time when three swing states were decided by 20,000 votes or less? That's peanuts, and even Cornel West has some peanuts to toss around...
