
Monday, August 26, 2024

Full Circle


Friends, former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard completed (almost) her political transformation today by endorsing Donald Trump.  The only conservative milestone she hasn't yet reached is joining the GOP.  In a way, though, it's just as well if she doesn't, because right now DJT is starting to look like the "unity candidate", i.e. the guy who can appeal to centrists, which doesn't appear to be a high priority for Karmala Marx-ala.  I say: bravo, Tulsi!  I sincerely hope that Trump will make much of RFK, Jr.'s support as well as Tulsi's.  They're both incredibly accomplished and well-spoken and would make wonderful surrogates, not to mention future advisers/cabinet officials.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: This is wonderful news. I hope she campaigns for him. An admirable woman who denounced tyrannical Dem wokeness and backed it up by renouncing them can be a very powerful counter to Kamala, her manhaters and their geldings. It was brilliant to have her announce her endorsement at a National Guard event. I would dare the Dems to try to upstage that by having Harris drive a tank, as did feckless Dukakis in wrecking his campaign against a WWII hero.

    Tulsi is an hombre through and through; the MSM ruination machine mIght be loath to take her on.

    MIght she be a Secretary of Defense prospect?

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The American public cannot be expected to know much about Ukrainian and Russian geography and history but those areas are critical to an informed understanding of the present conflict and its extreme seriousness for us. It is natural that most people would tend to sympathize with a small country which is being attacked by a larger one.

    The conflict is both far more complex than that but at the same time boils down to a simple truth: presenting a country as brutal and nuclear armed as Russia with what to them is understandably an unendurable affront and threat to their national security should be undertaken for only the gravest of reasons. But that justification did not obtain when we recklessly encouraged Ukrainian interest in Nato membership. Nato was already more than ready to meet a Russian assault and it was ever more so for having brought the former Warsaw Pact nations into its fold in an advance which sorely tried Russian patience. Ukraine in Nato?! Russia will never tolerate that!

    Tulsi Gabbard's outspoken criticism of American overcommitment of our military and our military equipment no doubt includes well founded great concern about our support for Ukraine. That is where the threat to us of nuclear war, about which she warned , is present. The late Dr. Stephen Cohen of Princeton and NYU, a Russia expert, long ago held that we risk a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse if we present Russia with such an ill conceived offense.

    Now DJT has on his team two very effective spokespersons for promoting full public awareness of the gravity of this situation and the absolute necessity for remedial action on our part. Together with his stated determination to enter into serious negotiations with both parties over our present reckless policy, this situation may be finally brought home to America in all its transcendent importance The administration of which Harris is a part is incapable of the perhaps painful concessions this may involve for us. What?! Is she going to say as she has about the border, with complete disingenuousness, that she will "fix" it. That's powerful humbug!

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Ever since the Vietnam war, the word warmonger in reference to America has raised my hackles. That is because it was used by antiamerican leftists (only 20 years after WWII for the luvva. . . ) to hobble our justified effort to keep communism from spreading and to viciously excoriate our military; the latter attitude became reflexive and fundamental for the America haters and persists to the present day with them.Eg. Hillary saw the militaryas a captured vast laboratory for radical social change both within and without the defense establishment. Her vicious disdain for our forces was symbolized by her contemptuous intent to use Marine officers as White House waiters and her employment of staffers who delighted in insulting military members. Her draft dodging husband exemplified his expressed "loathing for the military". Obama and Biden have extended the imposition of woke imposition on our service people which has worked serious cynicism and ungrateful damaged morale on them. Their actions confirm their approval of the now close to 60 years far leftist accusation of American "warmongering" .

    Some of the greatest Americans - Washington, Grant, Pershing, Eisenhower - whose duty included killing our country's enemies, expressed hatred of war and maintained that it was a terrible necessity in a cruel and amoral world.

    BUT: the present use of the word warmongering, by you, Dr. Waddy and by such as Tulsi Gabbard is highly creditable. I know it to be objective
    , constructive and free of any detestable far leftist slander against America and our military.

  4. " . . . imposition of wokeness. . . " rather. Jack

  5. DJT has appointed RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition teram and Tulsi is drilling him on debating Kamala (which she did in the 2020 primaries I believe). This is good stuff!

    I don't know how many disaffected Dems have resolved " my party has left me" but now they have good reason to vote for a DJT about whom they have compunctions.

    Your thought that DJT is developing a "unity" campaign is looking more and more plausible. He's got to hit them hard on the coincident issues of crime, lawfare and the border because it cannot be but that for myriad Americans these are key issues. The Dems are exceptionally vulnerable on them.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Just as Bush I hammered Dukakis for his touching compassion for unfortunately imprisoned murderous savages , DJT should run a blizzard of ads depicting the most egregious recent examples of crime and unpunishment and then simply stating "And Harris equals ever more of this!" And of course he should assert that mollycoddling of border criminality is a BIG factor. Our homegrown thugs take great encouragement from it.

  7. Jack, I should think so! Tulsi would make a fine SecDef. Of course, it might be even better to put her somewhere where she would help to craft foreign policy.

    Jack, it's beginning to seem that electing Trump in 2024 would mean a far greater sea change in foreign affairs and the international order than electing him in 2016 did. Of course, that may also mean that the powers-that-be will exert themselves far more than they did then to head him off at the pass.

    Oh, quite, Jack! The current warmongers are not military men (or women) themselves, in the vast majority of cases. They didn't serve, and many scarcely know anyone who did. Their commitment to military adventurism is of a "purer" form than that. They are the modern equivalent of "desk killers" like Eichmann -- and they deserve just as much condemnation.

    Hmm. What are the key issues for the voters, I wonder? I get the sense that crime and the border have receded, at least from MSM coverage, as has perhaps lawfare. Where does that leave us? Could the economy be the key? Or does it come down to a popularity contest -- in which case Harris is winning, for now.
