
Friday, August 23, 2024

Unity Ticket


Friends, it's happening!!!  DJT and RFK, Jr. are joining forces.  This is a most intriguing development.  For most of the campaign, Trump did better in a five-way race than he did in a two-way race, but that was against ole Sleepy Joe.  Against Kamala, it's become increasingly apparent that the candidacy of RFK, Jr. is a potential stumbling block.  Just recently, Kennedy apparently offered to throw his support behind Harris.  She and her campaign gave him the finger, as is their wont as Democrats.  Trump embraced him.  And that may be the difference in this race, if we're to be honest.  Of course, it remains to be seen whether all of RFK's supporters will move to Trump, but this development certainly has to be alarming for Team Blue.  My view has always been that it would have been relatively easy for the Dems to neutralize Kennedy, just by treating him with minimal respect.  Well, minimal respect isn't their style, and now they can learn to live with the consequences!


  1. Trump does not only get a chunk of RFK Jr.'s voters, he also gets RFK Jr.'s weirdness. That may end up being a net negative.

    1. Dear Anonymous from Ray,
      Okay, so in your opinion, RFK Jr. is "weird". Lots of people think so, but I rarely hear a RFK Jr. is "weird" BECAUSE statement, or see a list.

      So why don't YOU tell us why you think he is weird, and not just make a statement like "RFK Jr. is weird because I say so". Please clarify.

      I'm not attacking you are trying to start an argument, but I really would like to know your opinions about RFK Jr. and what they are based on in detail, and reasons why you think he is "weird".

      I suspect, there has certainly been a lot of negative propaganda
      about him from his enemies after he wrote "The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy
      and Public Health."


  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I dunno. I think many initially attracted to RFK Jr. were dems who realized that voting for Biden would be absurd, as he could not possibly serve a 2nd term. An alternative who was at least a nominal dem offered an honorable alternative. But most of them should be redeemed by a politically viable Harris .

    I did not know that RFK Jr. was going to campaign for DJT; ok, but I hope he realizes that he must emphasize his bonafides and put a damper on iconoclastic impulses. IF a considerable portion of the electorate wants our involvement in Ukraine to end he could help bring that issue to the fore by asserting this: " the reason I, having a compelling familial, emotional and historical place in the Democrat party nonetheless now choose to oppose its Presidential candidate is that I see in our continuing involvement in Ukraine a terrible risk of a war with Russia which could have been avoided had we not supported an unneeded Ukrainian membership in Nato. There are very honorable bases for beneficial negotiation and I know a restored President Trump will advance them. This is of such importance to our national security that I have nonetheless, with great sadness, deeply offended much of my extended family to take this position."

    If the dems insist on emphasizing portraying RFK Jr.s apparent iconoclastic eccentricity , let us remind America that theirs is the party which embraces Van Jones, Al Sharpton, AOC , violent criminal apologists, including Harris herself and DAs who disdain law abiding America, violent criminals themselves (I know from my experience working in state prisons; the dem party is very popular with thugs, that is why the dems want to give them the vote) and leftist radicals of all imaginative fantasies.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: If he is challenged for his "environmental concerns" , he should say "I do not agree with Donald Trump on everything but for the reasons I have already expressed repeatedly for Americans to be appalled with the Democrat party for its shameful embrace of extremes, I urge America to vote for its defeat".

    Donald Trump Jr.s observation that RFK Jr, could serve in the Trump administration to "blow up" some gov't agencies suggests a role as "Minister without Portfolio" tasked with helping to drain the swamp. He is a gutsy guy. I recall how David Stockman, charged by President Reagan to confront the bloated Federal budget, was castigated. How I'd love to see a Kennedy send the leftist captured , tax payer funded National Endowment Endowment for the Arts and "Public" Broadcasting System packing. I'm sure that "art" of the sort which depicts crucifixes dipped in urine and Santa's elves having sex will be able to attract dissipated elite largesse; be of good cheer limousine liberals!

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: You are certainly right that for the Dems, even minimal respect, or at least courtesy, is too much to ask. Oppose them and you are by definition reprehensible. Succeed in it and you are in for attempted ruin, legal, financial, emotional, personal and who knows? I mean leftists usually do get to the violent stage.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: RFK Jr. will be challenged for his apparently passionate concern for the "environment." He should say: "I do not agree with Donald Trump on everything but the democrat party has embraced extremes to such an extent that I must oppose its Presidential candidate. "

    I hope his former running mate also campaigns saying: "Yes , I am a liberal but the Democrat party has gone far beyond me to the far left which fantasizes about an unproven future which it "feels" it can accurately predict and which it fully intends to force on us if it doesn't work out as they wish."

  6. Anonymous, the only people who think RFK, Jr. is "weird" (certainly the only ones who care) are people who receive their MSM fix intravenously -- and those people were never going to vote for Trump anyway. Think you can insult your way to the White House? I don't. Trump will always be better at hurling invective than you are...but I guess, since you've given up on policy, ad hominem attacks are all you've got left.

    Ray is right that RFK, Jr. has been slandered and maligned, for the simple reason that he thinks outside the box and he's a Kennedy who dares to buck Democratic groupthink. Ray is also right that the Dems are getting lazy -- they don't even bother to back up their childish taunts with evidence. To them, it's always so obvious why they're right and we're wrong. Why bother with facts?

    Jack, for what it's worth, I hear that RFK, Jr.'s speech on Friday was excellent, and he made many of the same points you suggest. He's said that if ALL Trump had to offer was an end to the insane Russia-Ukraine War, that alone would justify voting for him. Good point!

    Jack, I wonder: would Dems dance a merrier jig if DJT or RFK were assassinated? Let's see some polling on this, MSM!

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: RFK Jr. , because of his Kennedyhood, does increase his risk of violent attack by going as public as he has. Takes guts to face that. It may be that DJT's hazard will increase if he is elected. The dems want NO PRES. DJT, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES.

    I saw Kerry Kennedy, who was able to endure marriage to Prince Cuomo for awhile and is RFK Jr.s sister I think, give a lugubrious lamentation that a Kennedy would descend to such an execrable point as to support . . . Trump! She said it has unavoidably estranged her from RFK Jr. Oh my.

    These dems have gone beyond hatred for Trump ; their antipathy for him passes almost beyond imagination. Take heed America, this is what they "feel" (they are light years away from reason) about an America which dares to doubt them, too.

    Alot of dems have become automatons; they have long since forgotten what made them dems in the first place and are oblivious to the party's relentless plunge into the antiamerican left. A good example is to be found in some union members, who still think the dems are for them. The dems see them as brutish worker ants only. Dems are solely devoted to taking from the productive (eg. unionized workers) and giving to the willfully unproductive. The dems do not distinguish between the truly needy and those who choose not to lead positive lives. Actually they laud and court the support of the latter (eg. criminals).

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I am elated about what you quoted RFK Jr. saying about Ukraine.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Some of the most terrible fighting of WWII took place against the Boche in Ukraine: Kiev was virtually levelled. Imagine even hinting to the Russians the possibility of Nato forces including GERMANS !! entering Ukraine should Ukraine somehow make it into Nato. It is absolute madness for the West to risk that. Would Russia accept a guarantee that any Nato aid to Ukraine would not include German forces. No! That would make no tactical sense for Nato and the Russ know it. But it would not be madness for the Russians to recoil from such an onerous, unendurable possibility as the German boot ever again violating them in a Ukraine yet geographically placed in their back yard.

  10. Jack, it is sad beyond belief to see the estrangement between RFK, Jr. and his family. I suppose supporting Democrats has become the "family business", though, and Bobby just ain't good for business. Of course, as you say, being a Democrat didn't used to require so much hatred for those who think differently, but times change...

    Germans in Ukraine? Hard to say how much the Russkies bear a grudge against their erstwhile opponents in WWII. My guess is that the insertion of American, or even Polish, troops might disturb them more. Of course, the likelihood is that all of the above are already present in Ukraine, albeit discreetly.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Now Russia has experienced its first invasion since WWII, from Ukraine. Imagine if the U.S. were invaded from Canada or Mexico (or Russia via Alaska.) For Russia it may well be yet another step closer to the point where restraint can no longer be endured. It must occur to them that a Nato attack could come from Ukraine someday. Then it could be Germans in Russia itself again. CHAOS, (in the mythical sense of that word), would be "come again".
