
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mostly Un-Peaceful Protests


Friends, the Left is absolutely consistent: it roundly condemns all illegality and violence...when it's perpetrated by right-wingers.  Such is the case, allegedly, with the riots in the U.K., which have come in response to the killing of three English schoolchildren.  Of course, the BLM riots in the U.S. dwarfed this level of unrest, and the Left barely noticed that there even were riots, and it sought to shield the rioters from prosecution, but these riots are different, by golly!  Now, I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of British populism, but it's fairly clear that resentment has been building for some time about the wave of legal and illegal migration to the U.K., which hit record levels under a Conservative government, and will presumably accelerate under the new Labour regime.  The establishment response has been predictable: anyone who riots is racist scum, and anyone who questions the state's response to those riots, or its immigration policy, is spreading "misinformation" and must be silenced.  What else is new?  Now, we should be clear that Britain is not experiencing a "civil war", and nor is it likely to do so anytime soon, but the public unease about the migration situation will continue to be an albatross around Labour's collective neck, unless and until the number of migrants declines.  If Labour is smart, it will make that happen.


In other news, RFK, Jr.'s presidential campaign is struggling, and frankly it isn't surprising, given the blistering contempt that has been gushing in his direction from the mainstream media ever since, well, he opened his mouth about COVID, let alone decided to run against the annointed one -- who was Joe Biden, but times change, right?   Anyway, it was predictable that, as the stakes rose in the election and it became clear that no third party challenger was viable, support for the also-rans would decline.  It's a shame, because, in a cycle in which vast numbers of voters express displeasure with the candidates of the two major parties, more people ought to be considering the alternatives.  Alas, imagination is not the American voter's strong suit.  Nonetheless, the outcome in November probably will hinge on how many votes RFK, West, Stein, and Oliver can snag.  Even if those numbers aren't huge, they'll be critically important.  For now, Harris is doing a good job of corraling all the lefties and Trump haters.  That's bad news for Trump.


Finally, Kamala Harris has chosen her running mate: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.  It's a selection that isn't causing much angst among Republicans.  Minnesota is unlikely to be in play unless Trump wins handily, and Walz brings little to the table except solid experience and a penchant for earthy denunciations of "weird" ultra MAGA types like DJT and Vance.  In short, he's been telling Democrats what they want to hear, and that's enough to get him the nod.  Overall, it's a safe but uninspired choice by Kam-Kam.  It may even be a sign that she now believes she has the upper hand.  Sad to say, but she could be right.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack : Your comment above that resentment against both legal and illegal immigration into the UK can be expected to accelerate under Labour is very telling. That it is so is because Labour will probably make it so by using its newfound power in encouraging and enabling the invasion and in doing so, subordinating the interests of Brit workers it yet purports to champion.

    Labour may have exceeded the US Dem party in actually deserting a blue collar population crudely ignorant , due to its inexperience of redeeming higher education, of the transcendent justice of a Labour disguised marxist elite. No PM Thatcher in sight right now so its time to "bustle". "If the lower classes can't get with the program, make them get with it!"

    But the protestors do know this: far leftist presumption will, if not stopped ,go very much beyond immigration. It will manifest a full blown assault on hallowed British democracy in a grimly purposeful advance down the road to totalitarianism. Travel warnings for arguably the most civilized country of all? Does that lamentable contradiction chasten Labour at all or are they prepping for a complete takeover?

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I see Kamala the Kalifornian has added "determined" to a now set of prominently displayed automatic endorsements (along with "fearless")which are handy bywords for emotionally dominated dems. "Why of course I'm voting for her, shes's fearless and determined". How so ? "Uhh, that's not a fair question!

    She can't come within a league of DJT's consummate courage and resolve since 2015 and especially against the inhuman calumny directed to him in the last two years. "Nuff said.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Looks like a little "swiftboating' going on against Walz. We'll see if it has substance. Lots of resentments can be built in military service. Walz better hope he has a solid record of service or he'll experience what Kerry did.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: In other news: Ukraine has invaded the Kursk region of Russia; KURSK! But for Stalingrad, the massive battle at Kursk would have been Russia's Gettysburg in the Great Patriotic War and we know how strong Russian sentiment about that is! It was Hitler's last desperate "Battle of the Bulge" in the East. I'm sure Ukraine would not waste effort on it had not Kursk some vital modern importance but . . . wow! And if F16s appear in Russian airspace soon we better fasten our seatbelts. How would we react to Migs over Texas, no matter who was flying them? This is not to commend Russia's invasion but to opine on hard realities in a situation ever that much closer to catastrophe even beyond the terribly reprised WWII travails suffered now in historically savaged Ukraine and in hallowed Russian territory.

    General war between Iran and its jackals against Israel may be imminent and it appears we would be involved; we are moving forces there. What role do nuclear possibilities play in this, with Israel possibly at mortal hazard?

    The combination of these situations makes this a CRITICAL time, with our elections even playing a part in the expectations the combatants may have for which US regime it will empower and the possibility of its indecision beyond Nov.

  5. Jack, I am not as sure as you are that migration numbers will spike under Labour. Labour is smug and socialistic, yes, but it's also keenly aware of how tenuous its grip on power is, and they might just be smart enough, therefore, to diffuse an issue that could, if allowed to fester, undo them.

    Jack, I don't doubt that Kam-Kam is "determined" to pursue her own advancement. That's been her M.O. since day one!

    The purchase that Republicans have gotten by attacking Walz's military record is most interesting. It sounds like Walz left himself wide open to these charges, but on the other hand it's a tad depressing how much our politics revolves around personal attacks, and how little substance seems to matter.

    Jack, my guess is that the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk is a sign of desperation. The war is EVER SO SLOWLY tilting in Russia's favor, and Ukraine must think it can draw away Russian firepower by this sleight of hand, or that it can improve its bargaining position. It may succeed in nothing more than steeling the Russians and enraging them.

    As for Israel and Iran, I'm pretty sure the former isn't "at mortal hazard". Iran and its proxies can make life complicated for Israelis, but they can't threaten the existence of Israel. They might not even be able to repeat their previous pinprick rocket assaults. So, yes, a conflict between Israel and Iran/Hezbollah could get ugly, but there will still be an Israel when it's over. Count on it.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack: It is the antiamerican left which made politics a quasi blood sport and we must get"bloody" to meet it head on. Your reactions to my concerns are creditable and plausible. Sometimes I spread it wide hoping some of it will stick. I'll try to exercise a little more restraint. However: Israel and civilization forever!

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The so generously and self effacingly "clean for Gene crowd" went amok in Chicago in '68 at Humphrey's nomination and it didn't seem to help him in the election. It seemed to affirm a widely dawning and astonishing realization that the dem party had departed mainstream America. Similarly, if the youthful and therefore infallible Hamas lovers bustle in outraged dudgeon at this year's Dem gaggle it will yet again confirm that the Dems have dropped right off the precipice. It may well be that these latter day prophets will be associated in the minds of the public with the party and do it dirt in the election.

  8. Maybe, Jack, but never underestimate the capacity of the MSM to memory hole any development that goes against its approved narrative. There could be bedlam in the streets, and they might choose not to notice...
