
Monday, August 12, 2024

Life Finds a Way


Friends, one of the most basic and fundamental questions humans have ever asked is: "Are we alone?"  That is, is man, homo sapiens, the only intelligent form of life in the galaxy, or is our stellar neighborhood crowded with life, even thinking beings?  We are a little closer to the answer today, because scientists believe they have found evidence of liquid water on Mars.  We've known for a while that ice exists there, and liquid water once flowed on the surface, but the presence of liquid water on (or rather underneath) Mars nowadays means it is therefore extremely possible, even likely, that organic life can be found there and studied.  This means, in turn, that the appearance and evolution of life on Earth is not a flash in the pan -- it's a reasonably common phenomenon, galactically speaking.  After all, if not one but two planets in our solar system play host to life, then, well, life just ain't that special, and beings that can compose symphonies and split atoms probably aren't either.  Now, whether we will ever bump into intelligent life beyond Earth is another matter -- that may be difficult, given the vast distances involved -- but we may soon be in a position to answer, for all time, that searching question: "Are we alone?"  No, we are not!


In other news of intergalatic importance, Donald Trump will appear on X tonight, and he will be interviewed by none other than Elon Musk.  It will be fascinating to see how these two one-time rivals will interact, and whether they will manage to form a lasting and profitable (to mankind) partnership. 

Finally, check out my most recent article, which explores the millions of dollars federal, state, and local governments are pouring into giant hosptial systems.  "But everyone loves health care!" you may be thinking...  Well, sure, but there are fiscal limits, after all, and we are butting up against them!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: A theory which has gained increasing attention recently (I think it is termed the "rare earth " theory) , holds that an almost incalculably unlikely combination of physical factors combined to produce intelligent life on our planet . In an apparently creditably article in Science magazine, employing some mathematical analysis, which I read several years ago, it suggests that we may well be the only intelligent life for many, many eons of light years. Crude life, it says, is much more probable.

    I believe it was Enrico Fermi, who had a mind which , almost incredibly, could actually perceive , if maybe only for moments, how the universe actually works ,who once said "if they are out there well, where are they?!" or words close to that effect.

    I witnessed the dawn of space exploration with boyish fascination in the late '50s and early '60s . It has already revealed perhaps enough to
    revel at the transcendent wonder of the view one could have from the Voyager spacecrafts now beyond the Solar System. What unimaginable loneliness and distance human technology has achieved in them ! So much more , in addition to the counterintuitive, astonishing things our explorations have already revealed is no doubt in store but among them also , we may find , may come reminder of the unimaginable distances involved in the observable universe. Columbus thought he had traveled to Asia and it took some while to disabuse that perception. Perhaps much further exploration may reveal just how perhaps terribly alone humanity is.


    If Comrade Harris is elected as Chief Commissar of The United Socialist States of America in November, we will need lots of hospitals (mental institutions), so the millions of Americans who are not already Marxists can be nursed back to political health and become Marxists. Those who do not show signs of improvement. will be given prefrontal
    lobotomies, all expenses paid by the People's Glorious Revolutionary Health System. Long Live Comrade Harris! Our beloved Leader.

  3. Dr. Waddy, Ray, et al from Jack: We know the immeasurably catastrophic takeovers of Russia and China were enabled by prolonged commie dissolution of doomed regimes and by apparent objective reaction to foreign threats (eg. the 1917 Leninist surrender to soon to be shattered Wilhelmine Germany and the Maoists', yes, courageous opposition to the murderous Japanese).

    Their resolute domestic campaign since '72, of resident mortal rot in the moral, cultural, legal and political foundations of America ,may be nearing similarly full fruition ,at the very least in the unfettered intent of the america hating left. No doubt they take much encouragement from the eventual totalitarian successes of their historical idols, while at the same time ignoring the consequent evil so manifested and dismissing it as simply "mistaken" or "misguided". How convenient that! And since their minds are completely captured by dreams of a perfect future, they blithely dismiss any inconvenient reality short of that ideal.

    Our immediate solution? Defeat her in Nov.! No matter the absurd origins of her rise; defeat it now by main political force unlimlted by compunctions against use of winning tactics , some proven even by our erstwhile totalitarian task masters!

    1. RAY TO JACK

      My previous comment about the results of a Harris presidency are clearly an exaggeration of what could happen. Looking at the "silver lining", this country has never had a dictatorship as such, so there is no reason to believe that type of dilemma could happen, although we are not exempt from it. Also we have bright red states, or at least enough to hold back such a wave. But as you say, Trump has to win, or this country will be in more serious trouble.

    2. RAY TO JACK
      In my search for reliable news (in addition to Dr. Waddy's site), I'm becoming a "fan" of Bill O'Reilly. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. I watch him on my computer online every week, when he opens his "No Spin News" to the public. Otherwise, you have to be a paying member, which may turn some people off, although I am not.

      When I watch/listen to O'Reilly I don't feel I am being lied to or manipulated, which of course is the way Bill wants me to feel. Ha! Takes the place of watching the news channels on TV, which suits me fine. I'm not into the big TV in the kitchen or other rooms where lots of people get their news.

      Anyway, just thought I would run this past you in case you are interested. In fact you may be watching O'Reilly already for all I know.

      O'Reilly in his message for today said that every politician (including Trump) tells people what they are going to do if elected, but not one of them ever says how they are going to do it.

  4. Excellent points, Jack. Yes, the close proximity of intelligent life is way, way less likely than the close proximity of primitive life. And, if we ever discover intelligent life, or the traces of it, we may well be too far away from it for there to be any hope of a face-to-tentacle encounter.

    Ray, I might welcome a lobotomy, should the socialist paradise materialize in the manner you describe. Ignorance is bliss! Of course, a steady intake of liquor will achieve similar results.

    Ray, you are right that we have never had a dictatorship in America. I'm not sure that I follow your logic, however, that that which has never been cannot be. There's always a first time! But I take your point that those who equate a Harris win with instant totalitarianism are engaging in pretty wild speculation.

    Ray, I always liked O'Reilly and thought he was poorly treated by Fox. Come to think of it, seems like everyone is poorly treated by Fox, sooner or later. I always thought O'Reilly would make a comeback on a major network. No such luck, as yet.


      O'Reilly did make a comeback. He now has his own small network with honest major news. The man is better than ever!

  5. Ray and Dr. Waddy from Jack: I remember that Hillary's proposed "Health Security" included Soviet style DICTATION from such as her to health care professionals as to what they would be allowed to specialize in and where. Those people are often strong and creditable idealists who are motivated in part by recognition of their voluntary willingness to endure much travail (eg. med school residency, nursing school , practice in harrowing settings) but who might well resent
    being commanded how to do so. And of course, vindictive levellers would haste to ensure that "underserved" areas be overstaffed and previously "privileged "areas be punished.Oh yes, compensation for Dr.s at least and maybe nurses would be strictly controlled according to strict standards for "equity".

    Also, Hillary , at Congressional hearings on her plan to take over 1/7th of the economy (as no doubt, Secretary of Health) , she who had no experience of private enterprise, casually waved off concern about "undercapitalized companies" , confirming a hostility to anything other than health care completely controlled by government and all its organs of "persuasion, which would be reprised now by Hillary style commissars. Yes, alleviation of health care prices is a worthy goal but must not be surrendered to leftist radicals; I do not for a moment suggest you advocate that but the present possibility of leftist dominance does provide yet another compelling reason to rock it back on its rump in NOV.

  6. Dr. Waddy and Ray from Jack: I agree that a Harris victory would probably not result in immediate totalitarian control . But it would continue the reign of the antiamerican left in the Executive Branch and they would be cathartically relieved of the appalling threat of DJT. Thus unemcumbered they would hasten, through another factotum,(I mean, if Kamala were actually to attempt to originate policy, she would be summarily brought short) to ENSURE the impossibility of any further roadblocks like the Trumpian heresy. Oh they have been "patient" so far; they've kept their eyes on the prize. But in the next four years they would go all out to bring things to the long sought tipping point where their imminent triumph is assured. They have won a smashing victory in the border invasion of the last four years and their radical introduction of lawfare may yet succeed and prosper; they would be sure to follow up on these advances. That is what motivates lots of aging radicals now; just that assured end would commend them to the ages..

  7. Ray from Jack: I like OReilly too. He was unseated by the "me too" hue and cry which , like it's medieval exemplar , employed a very wide and indiscriminate broom. How typical this is of radical solutions to social problems; all it does is produce cynicism and counter-reformation.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: An afterthought: Stephen Hawking , another person who had an intellect so powerful that he could begin to grasp fundamental physical truth in this universe and perhaps beyond, cautioned us against seeking contact with other civilizations, perhaps technologically far beyond our own. He cited the execrable human record of initial contact between theretofore unacquainted civilizations, sometimes some of tragic inferiority in defense to others of murderously exploitative intent , technical means and self perceived moral justification. His concerns are very plausible; our examination of the universe reveals innumerable physical examples of main force having its way; it is quite possible that this universally observable reality might well be all the "justification" an advanced civilization might need to work its way wherever it is able.

    Might it be inevitable that advanced civilizations would have embraced conceptions analogous to the sympathy and empathy which has sometimes , very painfully and slowly developed in human civilization? Did Christ suffer again or perhaps simultaneously on many worlds? That possibility also is plausible I think.

    Another thought : it is often speculated that the good old earth may become uninhabitable for humans and that we should seek another planet even! My, my. I am reminded of a disgruntled terrorist who took hostages and promised their demise should humans not immediately quit the earth.

    Serious thought is devoted to physical transformation of Mars to a quasi earth. Uhh, why not first if strictly necessary, "terraform" the massive Greenland and Antarctica land masses, if only for practice ,yes? And thoughts of seeking other worlds to "colonize" with spaceships transporting humans preserved for eventual reawakening: uhh, what if all that effort results in contact with beings who do not wish to be "colonized"? Will we incorporate in such vehicles means of approaching worlds gingerly, in order to ascertain the willingness of possible inhabitants to abide our presence and capability to move on should they demur?

    Perhaps Hawking's view, together with the "rare earth theory's " creditable view that nearby intelligent life is exceedingly unlikely, is good news for humanity.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Well of course I know thoughts of cultivating Greenland or Antarctica are anathema to those who seek to impose totalitarian measures to mitigate "certainly human caused " global warming since they might involve plausible ways of living with rising oceans rather than their "infallible" dreamy will ( the which does conveniently pave the way for myriad other unlimited tyrannical dictates).

  10. Ray, yeah, O'Reilly made a comeback, and I give him credit, but, as with Tucker, Fox took away the lion's share of his audience, and he'll probably never get it back. That's a pity.

    Jack, we may not have socialized medicine, yet, in America, but the power of the federal government over health care is vast. After all, the feds already pay about half the aggregate bill, so no health care provider is in a position to deny the government anything it wants. Granted, there's a feedback loop between government, lobbyists, hospitals, doctors, Big Pharma, etc. The one thing they can all agree on is that the next generation can be stuck with an unlimited bill -- no problem!

    Jack, a Kamala victory would be consequential, to be sure, but I'm not sure it would be decisive. She could be a weak and unpopular president. She could be hamstrung by SCOTUS, and maybe a Republican-controlled House and Senate. She might be defeated in 2028 by a Republican, like Vance or DeSantis, who had many of Trump's pluses and few of his minuses. All that is possible. Again, I come back to: if SCOTUS remains "conservative" and possessed of judicial review, hope is not yet lost.

    Jack, excellent point! We should always be careful what we wish for, and encountering another intelligent form of life could go very badly indeed. For now, since we don't have the means to travel great distances ourselves, the only way we will come face-to-snout with an intelligent alien is if he/she/ze comes to us. And he/she/ze might not be "friendly", in the conventional sense... No, in many ways the best case scenario is that we will find, on other worlds, life of a primitive sort that we can add to our salads without ever having to worry that it will lay waste to our cities.

    Jack, I will be happy to move to Greenland, just as soon as the first palm tree takes root there.

  11. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your comments on the possibilities which might develop out of a Harris win are very plausible. Also, didn't we discuss in this blog a resultant consequent resolve of red states to use all of their executive power to resist a Federal gov't openly set against them? I believe Lee introduced the idea. The Red states showed a hopeful sign of willingness to circle the wagons and work together when they publicly supported Gov. Abbott's border measures. Perhaps Texas can again lead us, in a limited defacto semiautonomy. Of course a very much
    relieved antiamerican left dominated Executive branch would hasten to impose lawfare sanctions but united we might give them pause. If she is elected, the cold civil war would intensify , well I wot!

  12. True, Jack. An intriguing scenario: the Dems win the presidency and the Congress and pass a law to pack the court. SCOTUS declares said law unconstitutional...and we end up with, in effect, two courts, both claiming to be the real Supreme Court. What would red states do???

  13. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That's a perceptive question. Here is a thought from me: " An unexpected majority in Congress rams through a Scotus packing statute and summarily confirms 6 new radical leftist Harris selections. A tsunami of test cases designed to enable by judicial fiat sweeping radical leftist laws which have no possibility of legislative passage, summarily commences. The antiamerican left frantically seizes thereby on a perceived opportunity to finally force a totalitarian leftist regime on America.

    25 blue state Governors meet in Austin , TX and pledge "The Austin Compact". Its essentials are these: 1. The change to Scotus is obviously of partisan political motivation and not for any creditable administrative reasons. 2. We will not tolerate it. 3. We pledge to abjure in our individual states, any Scotus decision, which by our individual state democratic processes we judge inimical to the well being of our states. 4 Each state will protect and/or indemnify any state citizen against prosecution or harassment of any kind by the Federal gov't for complying with its state's actions having this compact's stated intent. 5. We stand ready to cooperate in defense against any use of force, legal or otherwise , by the Federal gov't . 6.We call on the Harris administration to immediately restore the lawfully seated Scotus which immediately preceded this unjustifiable change. 7. This compact is formed for the stated purpose only and will remain in force until Scotus is restored as above."

  14. SORRY! Red state Governors fur the luvva. . . Jack

  15. Dr. Waddy from Jack: "8.As many of our vital interests, especially those concerning imposition of Federal law which violates our cultural norms or state laws , are common to our states, it is our intent to act in concert whenever possible when this unlawful Scotus necessitates it. "

  16. Dr. Waddy from Jack: OK , maybe the above would be "nullification" all over again? But this time it would be a solid, creditable ,just and fundamental way of American life which is at direct hazard of being destroyed by a domestic opponent which openly disdains it and frankly promises its "fundamental transformation" on an historically proven catastrophic far leftist model.

  17. Jack, some version of the above is exactly what I would expect, and the rubber would then meet the road in finances and military force. Would the states interfere with the flow of funds to DC? Would DC cut off federal support for disobedient states? Would the Feds be willing to use law enforcement or military assets to coerce the states? Would the states be willing to deploy their own armed assets to counter the federal threat? What would ensue, in short, would be a game of chicken. I have no idea who would win it.
