
Sunday, August 18, 2024

She Who Can Do No Wrong


Friends, there remains an air of artificiality surrounding the (newly-minted) campaign for president of Kamala Harris, but that hasn't prevented it from gaining traction with voters.  Two new polls today indicate that she is narrowly ahead in the national race.  That frankly doesn't surprise me, since she's gotten nothing but love from the mainstream media, and she's avoided almost all scrutiny.  That can't continue, but for now it's having an effect.  Trump and the GOP are playing catch-up.


Apologies for the delay, but today I can finally give you the link for this week's Newsmaker Show.  It may be out of date in some respects, but by and large my wisdom is timeless, so you should still be blessed by the opportunity to listen to my ambrosial argumentation. 

Chicago is gearing up for the Democratic National Convention, and it sure is nice to see that the Dems have been won over, at long last, to the efficacy of walls.  Of course, I jest.  They've always believed in protective barriers when it's a question of protecting them.  They just don't like walls when something as trivial as your safety and well-being is at issue.


Finally, the new Labour government in the U.K. is targeting "misogyny" as a major threat to public order and a "harmful and hateful" belief system.  That's all well and good, but what does the British government believe that  We know they're hazy on what women are, and one assumes that their views on misogyny are equally arcane and self-serving.  Bottom line: shouldn't governments be concerned with preventing criminal acts, not subversive thoughts?  Just sayin'...


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The antiamerican left, it's Dem factotums and their often well intended but unwitting supporters would settle for anyone in order to expunge the unendurable Trumpian heresy. So far, Kamala will do; they could give a tinker's damn about what kind of President she might be. She'd do what she's told by the grimly real radicals and smile all the while.

    When Hillary was insolently denied her due in 2016 , she cried foul. But gee, her campaign had to have been aware of the venerable electoral college, yes? But surely Trump's campaign is long, long since fully aware of the complete leftist bias of the MSM and has no doubt resolved to counter it.

    Oh yes, she will smile and shake her locks in presumptuous victory mien and the vindictive Dem convention would eat it up. And an "apparent" dem tsunami would be predicted. All this is to be as expected as is the MSM's passionate predictions of DJT's shipwreck. When they appear to be ahead, they get over confident, as is to be expected from the leftist journalism school automatons they are.

    But now, in September, the traditional start of the true campaign, it will come down to cases and Harris's Kalifornia spaciness will be brought to the fore. Oh we of common sense America are long since convinced but wavering independents must be convinced that a Dem victory would manifest far leftist Executive branch misleadership in its extreme and to their disastrous disadvantage, since the radical left despises all who live positive lives. And should fortune turn against us and enable a Dem Senate, New Yawk snob Schumer would do his best to impose a dictatorial leftist rubber stamp Supreme Court should favorable vacancies happen along. Yes, means of resistance to a far leftist Federal executive branch may well be plentiful but let us resolve to turn out, IN FULL, in the election booths, to prevent that dire necessity. It's absolutely vital this time. I know we activists have said it before but this time it is for absolute sure. Defend the American way, vote, for our survival!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack : Well, as widely and creditably expected, after the Brit elections , the Brit far left has assumed itself free to promote the "revolution" of now counterintuitive but dreamily advanced disingenuous intents ,actually into enablement. Those of common sense should have expected no less. And we should pay full attention to its fully predictable catastrophic consequences (not that we need any confirmation of the essential anarchic consequences of far leftist imposition of its dreams ).

    The UK provides us a creditable model of how it may be for us in America,

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But walls also function to keep people in (eg. prisons). And one thing the left has a spectacular record of success in is this: turning entire nations into prisons. Marx and Lenin wrote the manual and the antiamerican left follows it faithfully.

  4. Jack, one can make a good case that the final disposition of Congress is every bit as important as the presidency, since democracy could survive almost anything except a Dem presidency, House, and Senate, capped by a packed SCOTUS. Americans ought to be bearing that in mind and voting to prevent one party -- especially THAT party -- from capturing total power. Of course, the voters aren't that bright, so we can't rule out the worst case scenario.

    Well said, Jack! Someday the Dems might change their tune about walls, because they're needed to prevent us from escaping their misrule. That would indeed be a lark. Hard to imagine that things could get that bad in the US of A, but lots of unimaginable things come to pass...

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That a faction bent on forcing "fundamental transformation" on an America which does not need or deserve the same, has acquired such power is appalling enough. Worse: it offers a credible prospect of that Marxist horde succeeding. It happened to an entire generation of Russians (imagine living there from 1910 to 1988).
