
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democracy For Me, But Not For Thee


Friends, that prince among men, that latter-day Karl Marx (the highest compliment I can bestow!), Cornel West, has been denied access to the presidential ballot in the state of Pennsylvania.  It was a "Republican" judge who made the decision, but don't be fooled: this act has the fingerprints of the Deep State all over it.  Surely, in a democracy, no matter how kooky a candidate may be, it should be relatively easy to get him on the ballot, no?  And it should be relatively easy for voters to vote for him, too.  I mean, that's what democracy is all about: giving people choices and letting them make those choices as they see fit.  Of course, it's exactly this feature of democracy -- the democratic part -- that Democrats find so irksome.  My advice: enjoy democratic pluralism while it lasts, because at this rate it won't be long.


In other news, the Secret Service has wasted in no time in terminating (pun intended!) RFK, Jr.'s protection detail, now that he's suspended his campaign.  Note that suspending a campaign doesn't definitively end it, and in any case Kennedy is still very much in danger, given his public profile and given the blistering contempt that half the country (at least) feels for him.  I believe it's outrageous, albeit entirely in character, for the Secret Service to make this decision.  As for Trump, I continue to advise him to supplement his security whenever he can privately -- especially if and when he wins the election.  I suspect he'll be in very grave danger between November and January, because that would be the Deep State's last opporunity to dodge the metaphorical bullet of a Trump presidency. 

Finally, the global establishment really, really hates social media apps that make it hard for them to deplatform and silence those they don't like.  Witness the recent arrest of the Telegram CEO in France.  Make no mistake -- Elon Musk may be the richest man alive, but he and his beloved X are by no means safe.  Can you imagine a world in which both DJT and Elon are behind bars?  I can!


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack : We can assume that Dem failure to take to the barricades at this ( whatever "ist" they will) denial of West's request indicates that they are pleased by the decision. But don't they think that justice for historical wrongs MUST be served, no matter the consequences? Apparently when their ox is being gored they recoil from being disadvantaged by some ancillary effects of their profound justice. But they excoriate others who do so without their express license (eg. those wronged by "affirmative action").

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: The term "Democrat party" has taken on an absurdity increasingly analogous to "People's Republic of. . . ." That that once loyal American entity is captured by antiamerican incipient totalitarians is once again, ad infinitum, made abundantly clear. Your caution about the tenuousness of our true democracy is well taken. These people will do ANYTHING they please to acquire full , irreversible arbitrary and incidental power over America.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DJT's "sentencing " for his NYC "conviction" is, I believe, scheduled for mid September. What if NY State insists that he report to prison, where his safety would be threatened.? My my, this could generate a very nasty "contretemps", yes?NY Gov. Hochul would of course obey the orders of those who run the Dem machine, whose only consideration would be the effect on this election . They would, as they do ever more openly these days, go on the principle that anything they decree is by definition unassailably just. And in doing so they might confirm in the minds of a decisive portion of the electorate that they are profoundly lacking in respect for democracy.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Its blatantly obvious that this administration would never remove Secret Service protection from a demloyal campaigning Kennedy. This may be much more than a juvenile vindictive snub. Perhaps they hope to intimidate him into lying low or they hope . . . .!? Apostates, especially those who support an already condemned and more than hated blasphemous heretic are often the object of a special form of savagery from those powers which , for tactical and emotional reasons, cannot abide contradiction.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Gov. Abbott has declared if the Federal gov't will not protect his border, HE WILL! Good for him , good for Texas, good for America.

  6. Jack, it never ceases to amaze me how people can twist words until they "mean", in effect, the opposite of what they started out meaning. Likewise, it never ceases to amaze me how people can be guilty of the very same outrages that they try to pin on others. The human mind is a subtle organ!

    Jack, I am not so sure that the incarceration of Trump would have the effect you predict. The American people's reaction is hard to forecast. Well, in one sense, it's easy to forecast: one half of the country will be happy, and one half will be sad. An interesting question: would it be easier to harder to kill Trump in prison???

    Very true, Jack: the Left cannot afford to allow anyone to depart its ranks and prosper on the right. They must prove, over and over, that to leave the fold is to court disaster. RFK, Musk, Tulsi, et al. will learn this lesson, if they haven't already.

  7. Dr. Waddy from Jack: DJT would probably be put in Protective Custody, certainly away from General Population. That's safer but its still accessible to some inmates. I suppose that could even be outside the confines of a state prison. But gee, 37 convictions I think; in order to be scrupulously fair to all similarly judged convicts, that may well call for Attica or the equivalent. "Well after all, fairness you know!" If he is incarcerated, half the country would be hopping mad and more motivated to vote for him, I think. It depends entirely on how the Dem "Central Committee" sizes up the election consequences.It will make the call for Madame Hochul.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Remember how when we were kids someone would call you something unfavorable and you would reply : "I know you are but what am I?" These politicians are equally reflexive and shameless about preempting. Whatever works; that's all they care about.

  9. Jack, I'm not too worried that a fellow convict will "off" Trump in prison on his own initiative. I'm more worried that the Secret Service and the Deep State would have him cornered, such that it would be easier for them to arrange his demise...and blame the vicissitudes of prison life. Plausible deniability may be all they need.
