
Monday, August 5, 2024

Killing It (And By "It", We Mean Democracy)


Friends, Kamala Harris may not be willing to speak to a single journalist or answer a single challenging question, but that hasn't prevented her from taking the lead in national polls.  And why wouldn't she be in the lead?  She benefits from widespread TDS, and she isn't burdened by the need to be specific about her policy positions, or to explain how she "evolved" from Biden's understudy to the Democratic Party's standard-bearer overnight.  Simply put, the media lets her get away with...anything and everything.  This can't last, we assume, but for now the canonization of Kam-Kam seems to be going swimmingly.  If I were the GOP, I'd be working overtime to define Harris (negatively), and how! 

In other, and possibly highly related, news, the stock market tanked today amid market jitters centering on the health of the U.S. economy.  One day doesn't make a trend, but the Harris people have to be nervous, because anything that heightens Americans' dissatisfaction with the status quo works to her disadvantage -- to the extent that Harris is associated with any political positions whatsoever.  So far, we don't know much in that regard, except that she disavows all her previous views, doesn't necessarily wish to be associated with the Biden-Harris administration, and loves America (at least the good parts)...


Finally, kudos to the federal judge who has found that Google's search engine is, in practice, a monopoly, and that Google has been illegally buttressing that monopoly with anti-competitive chicanery.  I couldn't agree more, and anything that serves to break up the Big Tech monopolies is, in the long run, good not only for consumers but for democracy itself.  We cannot allow the woke techies to dictate the terms of public discourse.  We need, therefore, pluralism in social media and search engines, in order to ensure that the American people have access to a broad range of perspectives, and to information that the lefties would rather got swept under the rug. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Your views on the dangers of woke domination of ever burgeoning , Promethean (my opinion) technology are convincing. The thought of the far left so enabled is appalling!

    I remember how the left cynically advanced legal demands for "equal time" when the public spurned leftist talk radio. They would have had us believe that the intent of "equal time regs " was to ensure that it was actually fulfilled and that demand or lack thereof be a nonfactor. It would of course have been contrived and artificial and no doubt would have been imposed with as much arbitrary force as the left could muster.

    Yet, you have well expressed good reasons as to why incipient woke totalitarian misuse of new technology must be thwarted. Our freedom and democracy are certainly at stake. We can fully expect the far left to preempt such measures just as they did with "equal time" and we will have of necessity to presume healthy cynicism about any disingenuous ploys on their part.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: So far the stock market has appeared to rebound in part. If economic instability and consequent anxiety persist they may well harm Harris's chances. They should; far leftists are no friends of free enterprise or even of prosperity ( due of course to its lack of strict "equity" ,compelled or no). I wonder if her ascension to viability had something to do with the "crash". Perhaps her perceived snub of Gov. Shapiro reassured some people today that she is no shoo in. We should all be from Missouri on that one.

    It is to be fully expected that both she and Gov. Walz will vigorously deny their obvious far left bonafides and will excoriate and attempt to discredit any insolent enough to hold them nonetheless extensively demonstrated to be devoted so. Anything to get get elected yes? Plenty of time after that to get back to the business of dissembling.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: That the Dems do not drop a ton of bricks on anyone, let alone people understandably seen to be of uneasy necessity their supporters, who even hints at support of Hamas and the murderous Jew hatred it manifests, condemns them. Sorry Dems but there is good reason to be highly suspicious that you rejected a Gov. Shapiro who might have delivered vital PA to you ,because he is Jewish. Sure don't want to offend them demonstrators, the vicious lowlifes that they are, now do ya! Besides, your party is dominated by the far left and from Marx and beyond, that "faction" has shown no love for Jews has it? You really aren't too exercised by their detestable evil are you? Maybe you even sympathize with it, hmmm? Aw no, surely not you of unassailable compassion and justice. But well, Gov. Shapiro just didn't work for you and he's a stalwart, yes?

  4. The article outlining the faults in the Harris campaign's strategy so far was well taken. These people most certainly CAN be had.

    I expect their convention to be a far left love feast. How can it be otherwise? With the far left now openly Jew hating horde encamped outside their gates , ready at any moment to enact mayhem at any hint of heresy, their ability to sell their "why we're just common sense middle of the road Americans" lie will be very much hobbled . People who back Hamas are not to be trifled with ehh?

  5. Jack, what amazes me is that the Left ALREADY dominates the internet and effectively filters what appears in searches, what can be said on social media, etc...AND YET conservatism and Trumpism abide. Clearly, the web is not as easy to corral as our overlords would like.

    Yes, I expect that Harris and Walz would do and say almost anything to win in November. Above all, they will run AGAINST Orange Man Bad, and who can blame them? The alternative is to run on their records and on substantive issues, and what fun is that?

    Jack, that is the great wild card of the Dem convention: the degree to which anti-Israel forces can mobilize inside and outside the hall... My guess is that the DNC will stage-manage things quite effectively. My guess is also that it hardly matters, since no one watches conventions anymore except the talking heads and the true believers.
