
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Walls Work!


Friends, this week's Newsmaker Show reflects on President Reagan's bold speech in Berlin in June 1987, when he challenged the Soviet leader to "tear down" the Berlin Wall.  Such a suggestion seemed far-fetched at the time, but just two years later -- presto!  Down the Wall came!  Maybe Reagan was clairvoyant.  Maybe he was a great statesman.  Maybe he was just plain lucky.  Be all that as it may, he said what he said, and the Russkies did what they did, and the rest is history.  Speaking of which, Brian and I also reflect on the recent anniversary of the D-Day landings, and the fact that so few WWII veterans are left to partake in these remembrances.  We also look back on the presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush.


When we turn to current events, Brian and I ponder the political impact (or lack thereof) of the Trump and Hunter Biden guilty verdicts, whether a Trump victory in November would unleash an almighty "bloodbath" and a campaign of vengeance, the fallout from the recent E.U. elections, and the travails of Nigel Farage and his Reform Party in the U.K.  It's a milkshake a minute in British politics!  Never a dull moment.

Please do listen in when you get a chance.  You won't be disappointed!




In other news, while Joe Biden has publicly ruled out pardoning his son Hunter, a commutation of his sentence might still allow Daddy's boy to escape meaningful consequences for his actions.  It would be a miracle if Hunter ever went to prison, believe me!  Even aside from the fact that Sleepy Joe obviously loves his son, he needs to stay on his good side, as the Bidens can most easily escape justice for any crimes related to their influence peddling if they stick together. 

North Dakota has passed a law applying age limits to its federal representatives, i.e. its Senators and its member of the House of Representatives.  Such a law is very unlikely to be upheld by the federal courts, however, so get used to octogenarians telling you what to do!


Finally, the post-verdict polls continue to pile up, and there's just no evidence that everyone's favorite "convicted felon" has taken a tumble.  Quite the contrary -- Trump remains in the driver's seat. 


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I think age limits for legislators is not a good idea. Even in a state governor, let alone a legislator at any level, potential dottieness usually does not present a national security risk. I'd suggest that only in the Presidency or Vice Presidency does it become a concern. Lots of sharp, experienced and time tested 80+ year olds around though that verity will be sorely tested when my boomers become , incredibly, octogenarian in 2 years. For a generation far too many of whom thought their youth exalted them, this is, like, a real "downer" man!

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Lawfare may be beginning to crumble around the edges and the antiamerican left may already be considering other antidemocratic tactics in order to save their listing ship.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Re your Newsmaker broadcast this week: An emphatic yes to your opinion that the best thing DJT can do to work deserved retribution on the antiamerican left which has done its vicious best to destroy him: WIN!

    Being his age , with a temporally limited future ahead I would think it unlikely he would in renewed office, waste time on petty revenge. He did the radical left incalculable damage with his empowerment,against truly savage personal attacks on his nominees from desperate leftists who had theretofore arrogated Scotus as their shill, of a lawful Scotus. He could do more of such good in a second term by putting it beyond their reach for the foreseeable future with more appointments. That, plus the shattering haymaker he can land on them if he wins - those accomplishments alone - may afford him considerable satisfaction for the travail done him by an antiamerican left which has ,thereby , recklessly laid bare its totalitarian intent. These people are ineluctably determined to impose their will on an unenlightened America by any means necessary, however shocking and unprecedented. Their lawfare is but the latest example of this onerous reality.

    I agree, he might encounter gross insubordination from DOJ in an effort I'm convinced he will make to disempower those who have cuckooed our legal system to such shameful misuse. But couldn't he appoint a Special Counsel or Prosecutor? Alan Dershowitz or Mayor Guiliani would serve superbly. And what about Congressional investigation and initiation of prosecution? He'd have only four years and I think it likely he'll be grimly determined this time to make it count as much as to deal this domestic far leftist threat to America itself a staggering repulse.

    He can and I think would set the tone by summarily closing the southern border, using the military to full advantage in restoring the rule of law. What the antiamerican left dismisses in its terribly destructive enablement of an invasion of illegal immigrants is that the process of establishing the Immigration Law for which they have such contempt featured extended consideration of the "compassionate" factors they think their exclusive province. The legislative process necessarily resulted in compromise, which is anathema to totalitarians because it is the antithesis of the disorder from which they seek to secure permanent, unassailable, arbitrary and incidental power. DJT could order forceful confrontation of their presumptuous and dissembling imposition on the border, his first day restored to office. If he does, he could well stop this game upon which the antiamerican left, through our factotum President , has set so much of their dreamy hope.


    I am seriously interested in what the two of you think about the upcoming elections and conventions. I believe the Republican Convention is in July, and the Democrat Convention in August 2024.
    I'm hearing the usual talk (gossip is probably a better word) that President Biden will drop out and Michelle Obama will step in. Been speculation on that for quite some time now. Ridiculous?

    So, what would happen to Harris? Can't see her stepping down, can you two? Other than that, looks like Trump is the obvious nominee. Can't see what can happen there, unless he is in prison, perish the thought! Are the elections going to be fair? Lots of political anxiety (if you want to call it that) for a lot of Americans.

    Anyway, tell me what you think, in general. Only a bit over four months to go. The whole business seems more like theater and casino.
    Thanks Dr. Waddy and Jack

  5. Ray and Dr. Waddy from Jack: If Biden is deposed, I think Hillary would be the dems' nominee. A vengeful rematch would be terribly motivating for her still outraged acolytes. The onerous curse of the Clintons in our public life still looms. Should Harris become President by default anon it might well be of unbearable political incorrectness for the doctrinally intimidated dems to deny her the nomination. Given the intense exposure she would experience in a campaign I would expect her to make a rare old hash of it.In debate DJT would handle her badly. Geography would probably rule out her selection of Gov. Hirsute to her consort,which would otherwise thereby put him in prime position for 2028, win or lose. Michelle Obama? I dunno but it would be hard for anyone to turn down a chance to be President. She and her husband are probably running things anyway now and would continue to do so if pore ol' Joe persists. My guess is that they plan to brazen it out with their factotum. May he prosper in the debates. Because Virginia is so electorally important, it may be that Gov. Youngkin will be DJT's VP nominee.Could be a smart pick. I think DJT would have a good chance to be elected from jail but with appeals and all, I would guess it unlikely he would be directed to report prior to the election. This year is perhaps unprecedented for its already realized counterintuitive drama and its astonishing potential. 1860 is brought to mind , perhaps even more so than 1968.

  6. Jack, it's true that only the President is Commander-in-Chief and can put servicemen in harm's way, but lots of cabinet officials and senior Senators and Congressmen have consequential roles in matters of war and peace. One could argue that any age limit should apply to them as well. In my view, though, no age limit is likely to happen, given how hard it is to amend the Constitution, and nor should it, given how hard it is to define at what age good judgement expires...

    Jack, if you'll recall, DJT did appoint a Special Counsel to investigate those who concocted the Trump-Russia hoax, and, if you'll further recall, that Special Counsel sat on his hands and issued a meaningless report. That doesn't mean such a strategy can't work, but Trump better have real patriots whispering in his ear this time around, rather than establishment hacks...

    Ray, in my humble opinion, it's highly unlikely that anyone other than Trump and Biden will be the major party nominees. Yes, there's an outside chance that Trump will be sent to prison, but it's also very likely he would be released pending his appeals, so I doubt he'll rot behind bars. The GOP hasn't batted an eyelash at his convictions, so I don't think it would care about a little time in the clink either. As for Biden, as my latest article opined, if he really screws the pooch during the first debate he could be on thin ice, but that's unlikely, and basically the party has resigned itself (and I choose those words carefully) to his candidacy. He's a stubborn old goat and I don't see him riding into the sunset.

    Jack, that's an intriguing thought that Youngkin could be the V.P. It would be a smart play for what seems to be becoming a swing state again, but I doubt that Trump would make it, because Youngkin has kept his distance from Trump, and I don't think The Donald can abide ambivalence. He requires adulation!

    I really don't think it's likely that Hillary would be drafted by the Dems. She's old, she's wider than ever, and she has the lingering stink of failure on her. Can you imagine turfing out an 81 year old in favor of a 76 year old? The voters would guffaw.

  7. Ray and Dr. Waddy et Al from Jack: I am absolutely confident that this election will be conducted with appallingly extensive unfairness and illegality by the amoral and totalitarianly inspired radical left. Their present lawfare onslaught heralds far worse outrage.

  8. Dr. Waddy, Ray et al from Jack: What wonderful dialogue here as we witness history this year: Some acquaintance with history makes this a time of high drama but I hope it does not turn to lamentation. DJT is a happy warrior and yes, as such, feeds on adulation. But I don't think that the fulfillment of that desire is sufficient to bolster a man of his age to endure the travail he has braved when he could have been taking it easy. Only, I think, grim determination can sustain one through such an ordeal and on to the disempowerment of those who violently despise both him and the America he champions.

    Nixon seemed to have been permanently denied any chance of ascension to the Presidency but he was the counterintuitive product of the "68 maelstrom. I do not doubt that Hillary fully retains the terribly vindictive yen for power and its summary practice which has sustained her through the public humiliation imposed on her by her presumptuous and caddish "husband" and their disgusting mockery of the institution of marriage and her shattering failure when she seemed finally to be on the cusp of realizing her just due. I would predict of her a (forgive my hyperbole) an astonishing Napoleonic return to contention should the opportunity arise. The prospect of her final redemption would be a stirring and motivating one for those myriad who have always countenanced or even embraced her hate for men and America as it is. She is also exemplary of the radical faction of the boomers who know their last hurrah is here; their last chance to savage the country which afforded them such unprecedented well being growing up. How hilariously mirthful it is to see that those who put such ignorant and ungrateful stock in their youth are now captured by AGE! I'm glad some of a Greatest Generation tragically wronged by these brats is still here to see it and I hope they are not gainsaid by a return of Clintonesque national degradation my gut (corroded as it is by 65 years of watching politics) tells me is possible.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: As a 77 year old I thank you for your endorsement of the well honed judgement of us seniors . Accordingly, I commend to you the certain wisdom of the Flat Earth crowd.

  10. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Thanx for reminding me of the disappointing results achieved by the Special Counsel empowered to investigate the Russia hoax. Still, I think among all but those whose minds are consumed by insane antipathy to DJT , the hoax is now seen as just that: a crude calumny. Also I think it likely that a DJT older, tested and tempered by his harsh experiences since 2016, would make far wiser use of Special Counsels this time. He has set his temporally advanced "life upon a cast" and demonstrates resolve to "stand the hazard of the die". I do not however, wish for him the misfortune which befell Richard III after this stirring exclamation.

  11. Jack, the question is less whether the election will be "fair" than whether it will be "fair enough" that Trump has a legitimate opportunity to win it.

    So Trump is older and wiser? His campaign would suggest as much, but the way he contested the 2020 election did not inspire confidence. I'm prepared to defer judgement and hope for the best.
