
Friday, June 21, 2024

Redder Than Red


Friends, when you hear someone say "Biden is a red", you naturally think of his neo-Marxist ideology, but it turns out that that isn't necessarily the kind of "red" he has in mind.  Above all, Biden is drenching the country in red ink, as our fiscal predicament goes from bad to worse.  He certainly isn't the first president to try to spend his way to reelection -- at the cost of drowning the next generation in public debt -- but his borrowing is at levels that are, from any perspective, eye-popping.  The sad part is that Congress doesn't care, neither party cares, and seemingly the American people don't care either.  And young people -- those who will be stuck with the bill -- apparently care less than anyone.  I blame the media for ignoring what amounts to a national financial "red alert".  Yes, this is a rich country, and we can probably afford to be profligate for a long, long time...but not forever!  Bear this in mind when you go to the polls in November.


  1. Dr. Waddy from Jack: A very intelligent and well educated person told me that government spending is not potentially disastrous
    , even if unimaginably excessive, because government can simply raise taxes. High taxes, though exceedingly objectionable, are not catastrophic in this view.

    Though I loath presumptuous government preemption of our earnings, this may be regretably objectively plausible. But what if it isn't? Economic colllapse is to the neomarxists an opportunity to take totalitarian control. A relative hint of the antiamerican left's slavering desire for disorder as a means for seizure of power is to be found in its authoritarian power grab during the pandemic. It was reflexively eager to exercise summary and arbitrary imposition of controversial measures such as restrictions on public gatherings (convenient that). In doing so it garnered valuable experience in how to subordinate a free country and it took some measure of our willingness to be so reduced.

    A far more comprehensive ,perhaps decisive chance for final takeover inheres for the far left in prospective economic chaos resulting from reckless overspending. They can win two ways: use our mandated remission to government of prolific funding to enable their unrelenting subversive onslaught on our civilization (eg, the reduction of our American academy and public education to marxist boot camps; a foreign invasion meant to make of the often pitiable incomers a massive permanent cadre unwittingly obligated to them and easily suppressed once it is no longer useful; and a permanent establishment of government funded lawfare against all opposition. . . OR. . . complete anarchy inviting their long intended and thought out takeover.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Should the Dems win and , fortune forbid, take Congress, we must expect a veritable vindictive tidal wave of reinvigorated antiamerican far left presumption on their power, in, among many other onerous forms, completely unrestrained government spending.

    The antiamerican far left knows they will have to identify a new obsequious factotum in the Oval Office for translating into disingenuous policy of measures they know cannot be openly advocated successfully ( eg. complete enfranchisement of illegal immigrants replete with "protected class" status). He/She/It may be hard to find. Biden's usefulness in this regard would come to an end and Kamalafornia might actually display a will of her own ; never can tell. Anyway, they may well see an urgent need to strike for assured permanent domination of America in the coming term. This Trumpian Maga phenomenon has shaken them to their core, perhaps even calling into emotionally debilitating doubt their standard Marxist presumption of the unassailable justice and consequent inevitability of their eventual ascension to totalitarian dictatorship. If they win they will bustle!

  3. Jack, to your second point, I suspect the Left would be very happy with Kam-Kam as president, because she would be weak, and thus controllable, and for the same reason Biden is, and has been, from their perspective, entirely satisfactory.

    You make an excellent point about overspending: from the Left's viewpoint, it either buys them acquiescence from the public, or it drives the economy into ruin, and the public will demand that government rescue them from said ruin -- ergo, Big Government will be the only true winner in such a situation. There is basically one constant in the last, oh, thousand years, and that is government expansion. In that sense, you'd be crazy to bet against the Left, no?

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But then, big government taken to the extreme of totalitarianism took a staggering rebuff in the mid and late 20th century.
    Feudalism unalloyed by the gradual rise of a middle class certainly imposed very intrusive and possessive local and sometimes central government on most people but was eventually disempowered. As to the probability of comprehensive leftist sway, I'd agree we may well be nonetheless well on the way to it.

  5. Totalitarianism was rebuffed in the 20th century, yes -- but Big Government was almost universally embraced, and only got bigger and bigger. Hegel may have been right about the thesis, antithesis, synthesis business. In some ways, we only beat the Reds by becoming more like them.
