
Monday, June 17, 2024



Friends, Russian President Vladimir Putin is about to pay a visit to his best pal Kim Jong Un, the glorious leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (my dream retirement destination).  We here at WaddyIsRight wish him a "Bon voyage!", and, Vlad, don't forget to sample the kimchi...


J.D. Vance topped a recent poll of grassroots conservatives, who were asked who Trump's V.P. should be.  I must admit, I know next to nothing about Vance, and I've never heard him speak, so I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the man. 

Finally, the acerbic nature of political discourse these days is turning off a lot of people, and, shockingly, one of them is Barack Obama!  He admitted recently, while trying to drum up support for Biden, that's he's so turned off by political yammering and negativity that he mainly watches sports nowadays.  Ouch!  Not exactly a ringing endorsement for the geriatric, "Get off my lawn!" style of, err, statesmanship preferred by Sleepy Joe, is it?  Obama is right, though, that many people are sick and tired of the status quo, and they say they don't want to vote for Trump or Biden either, although, as we all know, the majority of Americans will end up doing exactly that.



    Come to think of it, the former Speaker of The House Ryan has come out and stated that he is probably not going to vote for Biden or Trump, and is considering a write it.

    With that said, I already know several people personally that got fed up with Trump in addition to already being fed up with Biden, and who are not going to vote at all.

    I am almost at that no vote point myself, after considerable musing on how many fools does it take to run a country.

  2. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Obama declined to build on the example set by him in his astonishing rise to power and by America in its sincere willingness , confirmed in the privacy of the voting booth, to endorse him. He could have used this to help persuade disaffected black youth that a constructive life, embracing positive values, is worth pursuing. Instead he empowered AG Eric Holder, who persisted in pushing the tired saw that it is "outdated stereotypes" alone which "hold them back". He repeatedly expressed an empathy inappropriate for the ultimate law enforcement officer the President is, for minority members who had been properly invested by police (or at least not yet proven improperly).He appointed by definition bigoted far left Scotus justices chosen mainly for their political correctness. He had our White House bathed in colored light celebrating a very controversial Scotus decision that grievously offended many of traditional American values.The better to "enlighten" them I suppose. He smugly derided rural values as indicative only of frustrated retreat to support for guns, fundamentalist religion and other "outmoded" common manifestations of that life.

    He had a chance to reembody Dr. King's shining example of noble generosity in a setting far more powerful than Dr. King had in his seminal and blessed campaign for true racial conciliation. Instead, he exacerbated differences in his, yes, graceful manner and contributed mightily to the bitter partisan mess he casually laments now.

  3. Dr. Waddy from Jack: What I meant above by "outdated stereotypes" were those Holder maintained are perversely held by majority society and which impose unjust barriers to minority progress.

  4. Dr. Waddy from Jack: I have seen JD Vance speak: his appearance is impressive and in dialogue he is very well spoken. I read his book Hillbilly Elegy several years ago. It appeared to be a serious work and not meant as a political promotion for himself. As I remember it was an unpatronizing view of an existing traditional rural American culture. Perhaps he was inspired by Obama's dismissal of "flyover country" in his infamous "guns and religion" remark.His election to the Senate in populous, central and many faceted Ohio may indicate in him a formidable public presence. He has garnered some reputation as a firm Trump advocate. On the face (as it were) of what I have seen of him he may be a viable eventual heir of the trust Maga America has lodged in DJT. Even if not nominated for VP this time I would guess he will be in contention in 2028.

  5. Dr. Waddy from Jack: An afterthought:did Obama and his supporters actually think America would simply give in to his presumptuous intent to "fundamentally transform" us(whether or not we assent to it)? Naturally he has provoked a vigorous and contentious reaction from us. I would bid him "if you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen"; luxuriate in the perks you have acquired and leave us be or we will continue to insolently oppose your ilk.

  6. Dr. Waddy from Jack:With resounding success we put the quietus to the expansive totalitarian communist contagion after WWII. Now , perhaps, we have , with our badly thought out intervention in Ukraine, hastened the evolution of a mutually cooperative antiAmerica bloc of N. Korea, China, Russia and Iran . The picture you posted hyperbolically but yet tellingly symbolizes the antidemocratic nature of these regimes. Each has had individual motives for hostility to us but they may now have perceived common cause, at least for the time being. The Pax Americana may be at some hazard.

  7. Ray, I respect Paul Ryan's -- and potentially your -- decision and right to cast a vote for someone other than Trump or Biden, or for no one at all. Practically speaking, my vote, your vote, and the votes of anyone reading these words DO NOT MATTER to the outcome of the election. The logic that I must vote for Trump or Biden because otherwise my vote is wasted is...just plain dumb. Your vote and my vote are statistically meaningless, so you might as well cast said ballot for someone who you genuinely respect. Alternatively, have a little fun with it! Vote for Spiro Agnew, or his ghost. He'll sort those nattering nabobs out!

    Jack, you're absolutely correct that Obama's message of "hope and change", and racial reconciliation, was cast to the winds by 2012 for the sake of political expediency. He was NOT a unifying figure!

    Thanks for the intel on Vance. Okay, he's smart, and he's admirably right-wing. Is he charismatic?

    Yes, our enemies/rivals abroad are uniting, at least insofar as they agree on the need to dent our dominance of the global economy and financial system. And that "soft" dominance may be the only variety that we're still capable of manifesting, since, let's face it, we shrink from the direct application of military power, of which we have plenty.

  8. Dr. Waddy from Jack: But, but, we must go all out to win this critical election. One of only two choices will win. We must support the one who would be good for America and not enable by omission the one who would open the floodgates to an intensely relieved and therefore highly motivated antiamerican left. Jefferson Davis had an ongoing problem with state governors who foolishly placed states' rights above vital national needs in an existential struggle. We must keep our eyes firmly on the main chance and after November work to have our man do his best for us. Should the other win, we would be inundated with totalitarian dictate.

  9. Dr. Waddy from Jack: Vance impresses me as being quietly confident and competent. I think any debate opponent of his would need to be very well prepared. Charismatic? I dunno. He is apparently not flamboyant or demonstrative and I think he has no executive record to commend him to popular acclaim. Winning a statewide election in significant Ohio would suggest that he is capable of inspiring considerable support which may lend him credibility as a national candidate. A well done run for VP, win or lose, might establish him as such. But in this showdown this year there can only be one reason to tap him or anyone: is he the one most likely to bring us redemption now?

  10. Dr. Waddy and Ray:Ryan: its unpleasant and superfluous to note but in his recent appearance he looked to me as always like a pathetic "deer in the headlights" definitive rino. Nice guy but no fighter, I think and luckily not persuasive.

  11. Jack, I remain unconvinced that electing Trump would win the right anything more than a stay of execution...but, when you're facing execution, a stay sounds mighty nice!

    Good point: Vance may have legs as a potential successor to Trump, but it's doubtful whether he would add strength to the ticket in the short term. Trump has disgruntled white men in the bag, after all, and Ohio to boot!
